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  • Feb 28th, 2012 @ 5:16pm

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:

    Poor choice of analogy.......too easy to argue against.

    Yes, I'll give you that you can't use my Mother's car without her permission.
    You're strawman burns down because if you DID decide to do it, it's not then the responsibility of everyone else to just KNOW that you stole her car, is it? It's her responsibility. Isn't it?

    Trol.....I mean, Try harder.

    Just saying.
  • Dec 14th, 2011 @ 6:40am


    why am I not surprised that a lawyer makes a claim that he has a majiktastic solution to just KNOW what's infringing.

    A lawyer who just so happens to make all of his money from IP.

    Just sayin'.
  • Dec 12th, 2011 @ 6:07pm


    No, what he's saying is that the entire site should never be blocked for just one PART of that site.

    Only the infringing part/materiel should be blocked/taken down....something like we already have with the DMCA provisions.

  • Dec 12th, 2011 @ 5:37pm

    Re: Re:

    Didn't think so.
  • Dec 12th, 2011 @ 5:35pm

    Re: Re: Re:

    For the umpteenth time.....these bills will NOT in any way stop copyright infringement.

    Anyone who thinks they will is either looking at the world through the wrong colored glasses or is just patently stupid.

    My 2 cents.
  • Dec 7th, 2011 @ 6:15am

    Re: Response to: Anonymous Coward on Dec 6th, 2011 @ 4:47pm

    But if you read the comment again, nowhere dies is say anything about copies. AC's comment talks about physical media only.

    And you're both right about the whole media companies thing.
  • Dec 2nd, 2011 @ 10:23am

    Re: Re: Re:

    And that first sentence in your comment....in fact your entire comment applies to the recording industry just as much as it applies to anyone else.
  • Nov 22nd, 2011 @ 7:55am

    Re: State by state......

  • Nov 22nd, 2011 @ 7:55am


    Not sure what problems you had.....worked for me first try.

    Oh wait.....NVM. You're a shill trying to get people to think it's not working and or easy to do. Sorry for F-ing that up for you.
  • Nov 22nd, 2011 @ 7:44am

    State by state......

    The names should all be read State by state so all the Senators can see just how many people from each are against the bill.
    Might give them some pause on an individual basis when they find out how many from their state are against this when they're thinking ahead to election time.

    Just a thought.
  • Nov 19th, 2011 @ 5:29pm

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:

    And people buying cars imported FROM Germany (ftfy) and or Japan have WHAT to do exactly with IP/copyright/SOPA/whatever the fuck else you wanna throw out there sparky?

    Just asking what everyone else was thinking after reading that trash you posted.
  • Nov 17th, 2011 @ 11:50am

    (untitled comment)

    Dammit I have to clean coffee of my screen now.....thanks Mike.
  • Nov 17th, 2011 @ 9:12am


    --Let's be honest for a moment. We all know who will be targeted by SOPA accusations. You listing "possible" targets who we all know won't be targeted is pointless.--

    No we don't ALL know who will be targeted SOPA. And listing possible targets who you keep saying won't be targeted is in fact necessary.
    Just because the content folks SAY it'll only be used one way doesn't mean they're telling the truth.
    These are legitimate questions that need to be asked and weren't by legislators (well not all legislators).

    Rights holders have proven over and over again they they can't even tell what's infringing and what isn't. They've also downright lied about what they actually hold the rights over in a DMCA notice. Why the fuck should we believe they won't abuse this.

    I'm sorry the evidence just doesn't stack up in their favor.
  • Nov 17th, 2011 @ 8:58am

    Re: Re: Doing the Math for Etsy, MPAA/RIAA Style

    -The scale of complying isn't as the EFF tries to paint it. Scaremongering is apparently their best service, they do it very well!-
    The scale of loss isn't as the movie and recording industries try to paint it. Scaremongering is apparently their best service, they do it well. There fixed that for you.

    To the rest of your drivel, So you people basically want the rest of us to First give you virtually a never ending copyright (sort of completely goes against what the Framers had in mind), then pay you all for each instance of the content on whatever platform we may use. Then of course pay it over and over again, all the while being told we're criminals (FBI warnings) after we just gave you our fucking money (NOT stealing).
    Then to top it all off you want US to do YOUR work protecting that copyright.

    Oh yeah, that works.
  • Nov 15th, 2011 @ 6:31pm


    Let me get this out there for you chew on.
    Piracy will NOT stop....let me say that again for you, slowly this time, piracy will N O T stop. Or to put it maybe better it won't be stopped by this bill.
    Long before there was the Internet there was the sneakernet. You had something I wanted I came to you or the other way round and I grabbed it from you.
    Another AC ( or maybe you ) You all look and sound alike on here on another post recently replied to a comment about this by saying that doing such would of course happen but that alone would slow down the flow....I call bullshit.
    It's a simple case of networking.
    I rip a film and pass it to all the members of my immediate family call it four people ( I'm the top of the pyramid ).
    Those four people then transfer the file to only four others each and so on down the line. How long do you think it would take that ONE ripped file to spread across the country if all were involved? Probably something like a month tops.

    Now, to your last full paragraph.

    -Nobody is breaking the internet, nobody is making impossible for someone to access your website, your content. It is however going to be harder for you to get people's attention when you cannot use pirated content to attract users, hoping they might see your product. Your product has to make it on it's own, using all these nice new modern tools of distribution, but it has to work without using someone else's content as a lure. If the models are good, they will win the day, and they will drive the dinosaurs out of business. But if the model only works by using piracy as a lure, it's very likely to fail.-

    Forgetting the fact that the Copyright comp.....Sorry "content" companies (damn I keep making that mistake) have repeatedly gone after people/companies for content that they had no rights over in the first place.
    If these studios actually USED the net the way it can be used they could be making money off of all this content and under write the alleged "pirate" sites couldn't they.
    Think about it this way. You release a film to theaters and charge an arm and a leg for it to be seen there (have to save the theater owners don't we), make tons of $$ of the box office slips.....wait.....then release the film on DVD and BluRay for the other arm and leg....wait about a year....and release it all over again but add some bullshit extras that could have been sold with the first run. DON'T put stupid FBI warnings and shit on the DVDs, I've payed for the fucking film I didn't pirate it. You're also going to charge twice as much for the DVD than I payed for the ticket in the first place. Why?

    Why aren't the content "makers" thinking about monetizing the net? They bitch and moan about others doing at their expense but don't even try to put forth a solid effort to do it themselves. Oh yeah some have tried but they were trash compared to the third party ones that have shown the studios how to do it (Netflix of course comes to mind) then go and try to punish them.

    I'm done, done giving MY hard earned money to you asshats. I have my network and it is ever expanding. It's a two way street out here in reality (everyplace that isn't Hollywood).

    No 2 cents for you.
    Sorry your not even worth that much.
  • Nov 14th, 2011 @ 2:38pm

    Re: Re: Re:

    -Copyright is actually a pretty nature state of affairs, where we as a people have come to a system that allows our artists, musicians, and such to actually do that sort of work, and allow the people to provide small payments that become meaningful when combined - basically paying the artists to keep being artists.

    The only other system tried in the last 1000 years or so of human history was the patronage system, where wealthy people directed the great artists of the day to amuse them. That was a great period where the masses didn't get much in the way of benefit at all.-

    Seeing as you just have to keep saying artists in your post I'll bite.

    The problem with your comment isn't in what it's saying (completely) but whom exactly your talking about in it.
    You keep mentioning artists but the true benefactor in all this(if it even works, which is in itself highly questionable that it will....wait...no, it won't) will be the Labels, the Studios, the RIAA, the MPAA et al, NOT the artists as you and your ilk keep claiming.

    Shown very clearly over and over that the artists are getting screwed over and over by the ACTUAL holders of rights. Again on that note you keep saying artists and rights holders like they are in fact the same, they're not and you know it yet still keep throwing this lie out there probably hoping that just one uneducated soul is out here reading your tripe.

    Sorry, I'm educated and have read and looked at both sides in this debate with objectivity, and found that you're wrong.
    People don't want to pay $50 plus to take the family out to the movies, not when they could go see the biggest thing out there in the 80's for less than $2 per person at the matinee.

    My 2 cents.
  • Nov 11th, 2011 @ 2:38pm

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: *pops champagne*

    I would interpret the agile bit of that statement to mean the ability to move from one avenue of thought to another easily to accomplish the intended goal.
    Tech folks have been doing it for years to work around and or downright fix problems with the internet for years.

    On the other hand.....big content has only used the one method for getting what they want.....the courts and or the government, tow of the LEAST agile thinking venues on the planet.

    just sayin'
  • Nov 11th, 2011 @ 2:25pm

    Re: Re:

    I'm sorry to all for the triple post here folks. Not sure what happened.
  • Nov 11th, 2011 @ 12:47pm


    Coward, not exactly sure who pays your salary telling you to comment on Mike's blog but I'm happy to tell you that you are spewing the same trash as all the other Corp shills.

    -You may be aware that ICE has seized several dot coms for just such behavior.-

    Which are questionable at best. My question is why the hell are the Immigration and Customs folk getting involved in this when it's clearly not and immigration or customs issue?

    The foreign websites thing will last about a week, just long enough for the content industry to say -See we told you it would just be the foreign sites-.

    All the shills here keep saying the same thing over and over.....It's the law.....and there have never in the history of this country been absolute shit laws written right?

    I'm all for paying. If the price is reasonable for the content I'm getting....sure I'll pay, no problem. When I'm told that I can't get HBO go so I can watch the two shows I want to watch that they offer because I don't subscribe through a pay TV service that's just stupid...they have someone who's willing to PAY for their content directly and won't do it....that's a business model problem, full stop.

    Just because it's the law does not ever meant it's a good one.

    2 pennies for you.....nah never mind I'm done giving you people my money.
  • Nov 11th, 2011 @ 12:46pm


    Coward, not exactly sure who pays your salary telling you to comment on Mike's blog but I'm happy to tell you that you are spewing the same trash as all the other Corp shills.

    -You may be aware that ICE has seized several dot coms for just such behavior.-

    Which are questionable at best. My question is why the hell are the Immigration and Customs folk getting involved in this when it's clearly not and immigration or customs issue?

    The foreign websites thing will last about a week, just long enough for the content industry to say -See we told you it would just be the foreign sites-.

    All the shills here keep saying the same thing over and over.....It's the law.....and there have never in the history of this country been absolute shit laws written right?

    I'm all for paying. If the price is reasonable for the content I'm getting....sure I'll pay, no problem. When I'm told that I can't get HBO go so I can watch the two shows I want to watch that they offer because I don't subscribe through a pay TV service that's just stupid...they have someone who's willing to PAY for their content directly and won't do it....that's a business model problem, full stop.

    Just because it's the law does not ever meant it's a good one.

    2 pennies for you.....nah never mind I'm done giving you people my money.

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