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  • Dec 5th, 2011 @ 9:48am

    SOPA/PIPA Sponsors

    That's it... I'm running for congress. It will take a lifetime to make this much working... Why not join the elite and take a bribe!
  • Dec 1st, 2011 @ 10:26am

    Smoking... Tobacco and Adverts

    If this is such an issue for the health of the nation, it should be illegal; but alas, we again enter the Duplicity Zone� Welcome to the DZ where what�s right is often ignored in favor of profit. The country and the world are dying from tobacco smoke, but there are trillions of dollars in revenue and profit for investors, so we�ll let those with the predisposition smoke, and allow others to profit from it. This is not the only room in the DZ... There is Mega Pharma, Chemical Corporations, Power Companies, Farmers, Genetic Engineers, etc. So, where is the cadre� of celebrities with this ax to grind?
  • Nov 28th, 2011 @ 10:37am

    How out of touch?

    How completely out of touch, are these people in DC? They are completely out of touch. This article proves it. It is if they are from another planet, and they are. They are so rich and so completely isolated by their politics, ethics, money, and morals that their world does not resemble ours. They see things that we don�t see and know things not worth our knowing. Yet we expect these extraterrestrials to comprehend our lives in the working world. They have no clue and don�t want one. Even if they did, they couldn�t find one with a flashlight and butterfly net.

    Almost every utterance from these visitors is nonsensical and irrational to our ears, but makes perfect sense to them. They walk a different walk and dance to a different tune. We have very unrealistic expectation for these visitors from another world.

    Sit back and laugh at this foolishness and realize that if they want it, you cannot stop them. Nothing you can change their directions and decisions. If it fits their agenda or program or direction� they get what they want. You and I cannot stop them. So� get some popcorn and a beer and enjoy the show.
  • Nov 22nd, 2011 @ 9:06am

    Free Speach

    TSA originally called Federal Air Transit Airport Security Service � You can work out the acronym � discovered when the jackets were printed that this was too descriptive.

    �People should not fear their government; the government should fear the people�� We live in fear of the government that should work for us, and that we allowed to become our nemesis. There is no longer freedom of speech; political correctness killed it.
  • Nov 22nd, 2011 @ 9:02am

    Freedom of Speach

    TSA originally called Federal Air Transit Airport Security Service � You can work out the acronym � discovered when the jackets were printed that this was too descriptive.
    �People should not fear their government; the government should fear the people�� We live in fear of the government that should work for us, and that we allowed to become our nemesis. There is no longer freedom of speech; political correctness killed it.
  • Nov 21st, 2011 @ 7:55am

    MS Secret Patents

    This is what happens when lawyers run companies, and engineers ride trains rather than drive innovation. 99% or lawyers give the other 1% a really bad name.

    MS � Stick to your core business, Software and Operating Systems are what you do well. Sort of well�
  • Nov 16th, 2011 @ 8:43am

    SOPA Dopa

    There is not a creative thought left I Hollywood nor in most of the so-called halls of creativity. They can�t seem to capitalize on the independents film and music producers, and those that would profit from theft of their precious creative endeavors, if you can call them that. These are the same creative geniuses that give us rehashed comic book hero�s replete with CGI that would knock you to your knees, because there is no story of note. Or, remakes of remakes because their version is Oh So Much better than that 1950�s original, and because no one in these bastions of entertainment genius has had a creative though since their 1960�s acid trip. Whatever happened to a good story, or is it that they can�t find a way to appropriate the story from the author?

    When will they start regulating the recording of personally owned media? Will I need a copy separate copy of the original is I want to play it on iPad, iPod, CD, MP3; where will this end? Will they monitor the number of non-family members at my parties where I choose to play recorded music or a personal (purchased) copy of a movie to entertain my friends? Will I need to pay ASCAP and BMI when I play music on my patio; after all the neighbors may hear it.

    This opens the door to the fat-cats getting fatter for doing absolutely nothing. Oh yea, they pay lawyers. That�s strenuous work! Grow a pair!
  • Nov 15th, 2011 @ 9:15am


    So, this is how it begins, not with cannons roar, but with the sound of crumpling paper and a few signatures. I don�t advocate theft, or piracy, or cloning, or archiving protected information, but I am against the foothold this provides these infiltrators into what will become �Big Brothers� playground. Next is censorship of questionable material (of course the definition is fluid) then questionable content (subjected to the same fluidity) and who knows what�s next. Like television, this will be advertiser�s central (too late) and the vehicle through which we will all be indoctrinated and assimilated.

    Give them what they want, they�ll get it eventually, legally or otherwise.
  • Nov 9th, 2011 @ 10:23am

    Failing Bank Accout

    The only reason for this tirade is a lack of funds. I guess he�s broke and needs money. In his mind the rationalization is that someone stole it somehow. Poor guy needs a hug� And a dose of reality. That�s the bizz cuzz�

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