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About The Mighty Buzzard

Posted on Techdirt - 11 February 2012 @ 12:00pm

Mighty Buzzard's Favorite Techdirt Posts Of The Week

from the short-and-sweet dept

It's been a heck of a busy month or two for copyright. We've had SOPA and PIPA. We've had the organization of a grassroots campaign against them. We had a significant number of serious heavyweights of the Internet join in. And now we have nations around Europe bailing on ACTA over protests of their citizens.

My question is, why? Why do we have to see stories like this:

Over 70 different groups, including many who were central to the January 18th online protests against SOPA, have put together a letter asking Congress to put a halt to any attempts to further expand intellectual property laws.

The movie industry has one main lobby that they can put all their weight behind. So does the recording industry. Why don't we have one?

And why are these yahoos still supporting bills that they know are poison? I thought they were supposed to be realizing that it wasn't Google lobbying that stopped SOPA/PIPA.

Anyway, those aren't necessarily my favorite Techdirt stories of the week but they are the ones that made me think the most. I consider that a bigger win than a good chuckle or a burn on Righthaven.


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