Terrorist Appeaser Peter King Blasts NY Times For Supporting 'Terrorist Appeaser' And 'Traitor' Ed Snowden

from the King-officially-out-of-stuff-to-add-to-the-'debate' dept

As we noted here earlier, the New York Times editorial board posted a piece in support of granting clemency to Ed Snowden. No sooner had the print dried than the usual suspects began shouting into the nearest open mic about how evil Snowden is. Rep. Peter King, presumably acting on behalf of his constituents, took to Fox News' airwaves to blast the New York Times for supporting the NSA whistleblower.

“Edward Snowden is either a traitor, or a defector, or both, and The New York Times is an accomplice,” King said in an appearance on Fox News. “They’re a disgrace. Their editors are a disgrace, and I wish they cared more about America than they did about the rights of terrorists’ appeasers.”
Well, if anyone has the background to be considered an expert on appeasing terrorists, it's Peter King. Of course, he delivered these remarks without any intended irony, but his intentions hardly matter given his past.

Here's a refresher.
Peter King worries about terrorists... but only if they're Muslim. He's perfectly fine with white Irish terrorists, seeing as he went on record during the 80s stating his support for the IRA, which notably bombed a shopping center during the Christmas season, killing six and injuring 90. He was very concerned about their civil rights. Those were his kind of terrorists. These ones, not so much.
King doesn't mind appeasing terrorists if they're white and Irish, but woe be unto those that cross his beloved intelligence agencies. King cares so much about America that he's willing to help turn it into a surveillance state. He'll continue to aid and abet the NSA in its overreach, civil liberties be damned. Why? Because the wrong kind of terrorists might otherwise find an opening to attack.

Realistically, the odds of being killed in a terrorist attack in the US are far lower than they are in other nations, even without the NSA compiling mountains of irrelevant data. It's even safer here than it is in the UK where King's favorite terrorists did their damage.

But that's not all King had to say. For seemingly the hundredth time, he repeated lies about the NSA's integrity.
“No one has found any violations [by the NSA} ... no phone calls are being listened to, no emails are being read,” he said, adding that close monitoring only applies to a handful of individuals following an “exhaustive” court process.

Oh, wait. He's serious. I wonder who this "no one" is who found all of these violations. In some cases, "no one" is the agency itself, which admitted to so many violations the "exhaustive" court temporarily yanked its metadata-hoovering privileges. Another "no one" caught analysts tracking love interests and listening in on military members' "pillow talk" during their phone conversations with loved ones back home. Oh, and then there was that one time when a certain "no one" dropped thousands of pages of documents into the hands of journalistic entities that offered proof that the NSA had done everything from scoop up location data (which it previously swore it never did) to intercept hardware in order to install backdoors and exploits. It also helped itself to pre-encryption content by siphoning data from overseas fiber cables, using the "not in the US" excuse to justify grabbing US citizens' data and communications. No abuse here, no sir. Just tons of extra-judicial exploration of the "edges of the box."

The NSA's defenders seem to have reached the limits of their imaginations. Every subsequent revelation makes it that much harder to defend the agency. At this point, many defenders are verging on self-parody. Many others (Michael Hayden, Peter King, Mike Rogers) have long since left that tipping point behind.

Honestly, who truly believes Peter King cares about America more than those who have exposed the treacherous actions of an agency whose oversight has failed to hold it accountable for years? Americans still have ideals, even if their supposed representatives don't. King, who spent years stumping for terrorists when not applying layer after layer of black paint to his prized pot now apparently envies the blackness of his imaginary foes' kettles.

There are many ways to care for America, most of which involve challenging the powers that be. King is one of those "powers," and his love of his country is the most insincere of all. His "love" asks for subservience from its countrymen, rather than accountability from its leaders. These leaders can make our country stronger, but that means they have to stop crippling their constituents and diluting their rights. We need courage, not bombastic flag-waving from a man so blinded by irrational hate he can't even see his own hypocrisy.

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Filed Under: ed snowden, peter king, terrorist appeaser

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 3 Jan 2014 @ 7:09am

    In the words of one King Supporter

    In the words of one King supporter I fought with over at Politico yesterday.

    "This is completely different, there's no comparison between what King did then compared to Snowden, sometimes that kind of terrorist stuff is necessary"

    Yes, some Peter King defenders at politico are actually arguing that terrorism is justified sometimes, as in if the terrorists are the 'right' kind of people (white Christians).

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    • icon
      That One Guy (profile), 3 Jan 2014 @ 7:22am

      Re: In the words of one King Supporter

      That's some 'interesting' standards and special pleading.

      So setting off bombs in crowded locations, killing and maiming a ton of people is 'good terrorism', while exposing illegal/quasi-legal actions of agencies that have gone completely out of bounds, and routinely lie about it to the people who are supposed to be providing oversight of their actions is 'bad terrorism'?

      Next time something like that comes up, if they're going to claim that Snowden is a 'terrorist', ask them to list the number of deaths caused by Snowden's actions, with verifiable evidence to back it up the 'death toll'. There may be more than a few jobs threatened, a whole bunch of people with egg on their faces after being caught out on their lies, but as far as I know, for how 'terrible' the NSA's defenders paint Snowden's actions as, not a single life has been lost due to them.

      Of course such would be moot really, Snowden isn't a terrorist, he's a whistlblower, the ones who's actions he's exposed are the terrorists, due to constantly trying to keep people afraid and panicked so they can continue on, business as usual.

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      • identicon
        Anonymous Coward, 3 Jan 2014 @ 8:19am

        Re: Re: In the words of one King Supporter

        "Snowden isn't a terrorist, he's a whistlblower, the ones who's actions he's exposed are the terrorists, due to constantly trying to keep people afraid and panicked so they can continue on, business as usual."

        I suppose that would make Peter King a terrorist too, he is constantly trying to make us believe there is some great threat to be fearful of.

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        • icon
          That One Guy (profile), 3 Jan 2014 @ 8:36am

          Re: Re: Re: In the words of one King Supporter

          If the shoe fits...

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        • identicon
          Anonymous Coward, 3 Jan 2014 @ 10:09am

          Re: Re: Re: In the words of one King Supporter

          If it walks like a coward, acts like a coward and speaks like a coward...

          ...Then it's probably Peter King.

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    • identicon
      David, 3 Jan 2014 @ 9:20am

      Re: In the words of one King Supporter

      Yes, some Peter King defenders at politico are actually arguing that terrorism is justified sometimes, as in if the terrorists are the 'right' kind of people (white Christians).

      Uh, that's actually the government doctrine. It is ok to fly drone attacks in Pakistan for killing dark-skinned people of the wrong religion and persuasion, including a generous amount of bystanders. There is no judicial process involved either.

      The attacks are heavily propagandized and called "strikes against international terrorism" or whatever.

      Which is very close to what "regular" terrorists do.

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  • icon
    TheResidentSkeptic (profile), 3 Jan 2014 @ 7:26am

    I wonder

    what color the sky is in his world.

    I marvel at folks who never allow truth or facts to get in the way of their beliefs.

    I remain skeptical that they will ever learn.

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 3 Jan 2014 @ 7:26am

    Peter King is filth

    There's just no other way to put it.

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 3 Jan 2014 @ 7:27am

    Do as I say, not as I do. typical.

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  • icon
    lucidrenegade (profile), 3 Jan 2014 @ 7:52am

    I just sent him an e-mail reminding him of his support of the IRA in the 80s. Not expecting anything from it, except for maybe detainment at the airport the next time I fly.

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 3 Jan 2014 @ 8:46am

    When we do finally elect people to office who will bring all of these traitors to justice to face punishment for their crimes, I am looking forward to watching Peter King hang for treason. I hope they televise it!

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 3 Jan 2014 @ 8:48am

    I wonder if King thinks he's a patriot? He sounds delusional enough to.
    Someone should tell him that loyalty to your country is not the same thing as loyalty to your government. Also, that frothing zealotry and blind faith aren't loyalty.

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    • identicon
      Anonymous Coward, 3 Jan 2014 @ 10:14am


      King has found god. He is being definitive enough to qualify as a true believer. I am not sure what exactly his religion is though. It seems impossible to stay consistent on it...

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  • icon
    Rapnel (profile), 3 Jan 2014 @ 9:21am

    I'm a fan of the last paragraph of the article. I might've ended it with "Representative Peter King is a fucktard." though.

    "There are many ways to care for America, most of which involve challenging the powers that be. King is one of those "powers," and his love of his country is the most insincere of all. His "love" asks for subservience from its countrymen, rather than accountability from its leaders. These leaders can make our country stronger, but that means they have to stop crippling their constituents and diluting their rights. We need courage, not bombastic flag-waving from a man so blinded by irrational hate he can't even see his own hypocrisy. Representative Peter King is a fucktard."

    Yeah, that looks better... even if it doesn't.

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    • icon
      That One Guy (profile), 3 Jan 2014 @ 9:28am


      Isn't that pretty much what it already said?

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      • icon
        Rapnel (profile), 3 Jan 2014 @ 10:35am

        Re: Re:

        Yeah, between the lines, sure. I just figured it was worthy of its own print AND I get to type "fuck". Win/win. There's too much "between the lines" as it is.. Give it to me straight man.. "We are the NSA and we collect fucking everything.". Surely that rips away any willfully ambiguous bullshit, no?

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 3 Jan 2014 @ 10:10am

    The similarities between this guy and Baghdad Bob are striking.

    PK �Edward Snowden is either a traitor, or a defector, or both, and The New York Times is an accomplice,�
    BB "I blame Al-Jazeera - they are marketing for the Americans!"

    PK �They�re a disgrace. Their editors are a disgrace, and I wish they cared more about America than they did about the rights of terrorists� appeasers.�
    BB "Just look carefully, I only want you to look carefully. Do not repeat the lies of liars. Do not become like them. Once again, I blame Al-Jazeera before it ascertains what takes place. Please, make sure of what you say and do not play such a role."

    PK �No one has found any violations [by the NSA} ... no phone calls are being listened to, no emails are being read,�
    BB "There are no American infidels in Baghdad. Never!"

    I don't have a direct quote, but for all the people clamoring for Snowden to be brought to justice...
    BB "W. Bush, this man is a war criminal, and we will see that he is brought to trial"

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    • identicon
      Anonymous Coward, 3 Jan 2014 @ 10:34am


      Bob was entertaining tho, King is just sad. Suppose it depends where you looking in from

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  • icon
    JubJub (profile), 3 Jan 2014 @ 12:21pm

    IF No one has found any violations [by the NSA}

    Then what exactly has Snowden done wrong?

    He worked for the NSA, in the NSA, and releasing all those documents isn't a violation?

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 3 Jan 2014 @ 1:40pm

    If lying in public were a crime, politicians would be the first to go to jail.

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  • identicon
    John McInnis, 3 Jan 2014 @ 4:20pm

    Terrorist Appeaser Peter King Blasts NY Times

    The people vote for and are represented by the Congress

    Mr.Clapper lied to Congress.

    There are penalties for lieing to Congress.

    Congress has not laid charges.


    President Obama left a liar in control of the Government spy agency, that Mr Clapper is either breaking Constitutional law, or is so close, to breaking the Constitution, that Mr Clappers actions will be debated for decades, in the Courts, as new revelations on their actions come to the surface. Afterall they are good at keeping secrects, from the people, but not for ever.

    Mr. King is in support of what it appears as a bunch of liars.

    Charge Clapper and ignore KIng, and prey for the President to support the Constitution of the United States of America.

    It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first. President Ronald Reagan

    Therfore I ask the question

    Has our Democracy truly been prostituted for the benefit of the likes of the US Fed and the elected officials that owe more to their masters than to the masses that elected them.

    If our Democracy has been Prostituted, than we truly do not have a Democracy but a meer shadow of a Dream Unfullfilled

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    • identicon
      Anonymous Coward, 4 Jan 2014 @ 11:05pm

      Re: Terrorist Appeaser Peter King Blasts NY Times

      For the current President, "prey" is the correct spelling for his support of the Constitution of the United States of America. The same Constitution that grants him Presidential powers. When the Constitution is so trampled as to no longer valid neither will any Federal authority be valid. Then they are just armed thugs.

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  • identicon
    Androgynous Cowherd, 3 Jan 2014 @ 4:28pm

    In some cases, "no one" is the agency itself, which admitted to so many violations the "exhaustive" court temporarily yanked its metadata-hoovering privileges.

    Is that hoovering as in vacuuming, or hoovering as in J. Edgar?

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 4 Jan 2014 @ 11:11pm

    "No Such Agency" AKA "no one"

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 7 Jan 2014 @ 5:43am

    It is evident that rep King is depressed. Can somebody take alcohol away from him?

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