Copyright Troll Richard Liebowitz Benchslapped And Sanctioned AGAIN In A Massive Filing Detailing Pages Upon Pages Of Him Lying Under Oath

from the who-still-hires-this-guy?!? dept

Do you have a bit of time? I'd suggest, before digging in here, that you get yourself a nice cup of something warm, and maybe a little snack to go with it. Because there's a lot to read here, and you're not going to want to stop. It goes on for quite a while, but it's all worth it. Every bit of it.

We've written a bunch about copyright trolling lawyer Richard Liebowitz and his long history of having judges yell at and issue monetary sanctions on him, and I'd repeat some examples and link back to them (though you can just click on the link above and see all our stories about him) but why go through all that work when Judge Jesse Furman in the Southern District of NY helpfully has done it for us in his latest opinion involving a Richard Liebowitz case. Let me just say, that when a judge's opinion opens this way, it's (1) going to be a fun read (2) except if your Richard Liebowitz (and his clients).

Richard Liebowitz, who passed the bar in 2015, started filing copyright cases in this District in 2017. Since that time, he has filed more cases in this District than any other lawyer: at last count, about 1,280; he has filed approximately the same number in other districts. In that same period, he has earned another dubious distinction: He has become one of the most frequently sanctioned lawyers, if not the most frequently sanctioned lawyer, in the District. Judges in this District and elsewhere have spent untold hours addressing Mr. Liebowitz’s misconduct, which includes repeated violations of court orders and outright dishonesty, sometimes under oath. He has been called “a copyright troll,” McDermott v. Monday Monday, LLC, No. 17-CV-9230 (DLC), 2018 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 184049, at *9-10 (S.D.N.Y. Oct. 26, 2018); “a clear and present danger to the fair and efficient administration of justice,” Mondragon v. Nosrak LLC, No. 19-CV-1437 (CMA) (NRN), 2020 WL 2395641, at *1, *13 (D. Colo. May 11, 2020); a “legal lamprey[],” Ward v. Consequence Holdings, Inc., No. 18-CV-1734 (NJR), 2020 WL 2219070, at *4 (S.D. Ill. May 7, 2020); and an “example of the worst kind of lawyering,” id. at *3. In scores of cases, he has been repeatedly chastised, warned, ordered to complete ethics courses, fined, and even referred to the Grievance Committee. And but for his penchant for voluntarily dismissing cases upon getting into hot water, the list of cases detailing his misconduct — set forth in an Appendix here — would undoubtedly be longer.

Yeah. That opening does not bode well for Liebowitz. And what seems to confuse both me and Judge Furman is why the fuck does Liebowitz continue to do the same damn thing over and over again, pissing off judges. Especially when he's before a judge who has already called him out, you'd think that young Richard would be extra careful. But that does not appear to be within the skill set of Richard Liebowitz.

One might think that a lawyer with this record would tread carefully, particularly before a judge who had recently sanctioned him. See Rice v. NBCUniversal Media, LLC, No. 19-CV-447 (JMF), 2019 WL 3000808, at *4 (S.D.N.Y. July 10, 2019). But — as this case makes clear — not Mr. Liebowitz. In November of last year, Mr. Liebowitz appeared, in the company of a criminal defense lawyer, before another judge on this Court after being held in contempt for repeatedly lying, including under oath, about the date his own grandfather had died to justify his failure to attend a court conference. See Berger v. Imagina Consulting, Inc., No. 18-CV-8956 (CS), ECF No. 62 (S.D.N.Y. Nov. 13, 2019) (“Berger Tr.”). The very next day, he appeared before the undersigned and — despite an explicit warning to be “very, very, very careful about the representations” he made in court — lied about his compliance with a court Order that had required an in-person mediation. See ECF No. 50 (“Initial Conf. Tr.”), at 7. Making matters worse, Mr. Liebowitz then repeated that lie, over and over, and ultimately under oath during an evidentiary hearing. On top of that, he violated at least six court Orders. And to cap it off, defense counsel discovered only after incurring the expenses of litigating the case that the Complaint Mr. Liebowitz prepared and filed contained a false allegation — namely, that the photograph at issue in this case had previously been registered with the Copyright Office — that would have required dismissal of the lawsuit at its inception.

That's the second paragraph of the opinion. As for where all of this is heading, I'll cut to the chase: Judge Furman is sanctioning Liebowitz. And more.

For the reasons stated below, the Court concludes that sanctions are amply justified, indeed all but required, and orders a mix of substantial monetary and non-monetary sanctions against Mr. Liebowitz and his firm. The Court also refers Mr. Liebowitz to the Court’s Grievance Committee to evaluate whether he should be allowed to continue practicing law in this District.

As for the specifics of what went wrong in this specific case, it's yet another example of Liebowitz doing the Liebowitz thing, which is basically not paying attention to any of the details or requirements involved in practicing law in this manner, and misrepresenting a variety of things to both the court and his client. It's... not good. This case, like the others, is a copyright trolling case, on behalf of a photographer, Arthur Usherson, claiming that an artist management firm, Bandshell, had infringed on a Usherson photo of musician Leon Redborne on its website. The court pushed the case into a mediation program to see if a settlement could be reached without having to waste everyone's time and money. The order for mediation was pretty straightforward, and told the parties to conduct a mediation effort before September 26, 2019. Liebowitz was also told to file proof of service of the complaint as well as some details on the licensing of the photograph. Guess how well he did in following these instructions?

Mr. Liebowitz failed to comply with these mandates. First, although the summons and Complaint were served on Bandshell on September 5, 2019, Mr. Liebowitz did not file proof of that service until September 21, 2019. ECF No. 7. Second, he failed to produce the required discovery by September 19, 2019, fourteen days after service was made. When defense counsel followed up about the missing discovery, Mr. Liebowitz responded on September 20, 2019: “My client is still looking but as of now doesn’t look like any licensing for this photo.” ECF No. 16, at 12. Finally, Mr. Liebowitz failed to participate in mediation by September 26, 2019, two weeks before the initial pretrial conference originally scheduled for October 10, 2019. Instead, more than a week after the deadline passed, Mr. Liebowitz filed a letter in which he suggested that the mediation had not taken place because of a failure on the part of the Mediation Office to assign a mediator. See ECF No. 12. In the same letter, Mr. Liebowitz requested leave to hold a telephonic mediation on October 8, 2019, or an extension of the mediation deadline and adjournment of the initial pretrial conference.

Judge Furman, at this point, pointed out that Liebowitz blaming the Mediation Office for his own failures was not a good look, but gave him a chance to make it right. Let's see how that all went:

In an Order dated October 7, 2019, the Court admonished Mr. Liebowitz for unfairly trying to place blame on the Mediation Office for his own failure to meet the mediation deadline.... The Court nevertheless concluded that “early mediation in the normal course (i.e., in person) makes sense.”... Accordingly, the Court adjourned the initial pretrial conference to November 14, 2019, and ordered, in no uncertain terms, that “[t]he parties shall conduct the in-person mediation no later than October 31, 2019.” ... In an email exchange later that day, Bandshell’s counsel, Brad Newberg, asked Mr. Liebowitz “if any of October 11, 16, 28 or 31 work for the [sic] both of you and Mr. Usherson.” ... Mr. Liebowitz responded that “October 31st at 12pm works.” ... The mediator (the “Mediator”) — a member of this Court’s mediation panel, but recruited by Mr. Liebowitz himself to mediate this particular case — approved the date and scheduled the mediation....

On October 31, 2019, however, neither Mr. Liebowitz nor Mr. Usherson showed up at the mediation. Instead, Mr. Liebowitz sent two associates — James Freeman and Rebecca Liebowitz (Mr. Liebowitz’s sister)... Neither had entered an appearance in this case. In fact, Mr. Liebowitz did not even tell Mr. Freeman about “the existence of this matter” until “about 8:00 p.m. on October 30, 2019,” the night before the mediation.... Ms. Liebowitz, moreover, was a “newly admitted” lawyer who was attending only “to ‘shadow’ Mr. Freeman and learn from the process.” ... Mr. Freeman and Ms. Liebowitz spoke briefly with Mr. Newberg and Bandshell’s principal, who did attend in person, but no settlement was reached. The Mediator later attributed the failure to reach an agreement in part to “the lack of personal appearance[s]” by Mr. Liebowitz and Mr. Usherson.

Yikes! At that point, Bandshell, reasonably requested sanctions against Liebowitz. Now, if you were a betting person, would you think that Liebowitz apologized and promised to do better? Or that he kept digging. Oh, you guessed it right, didn't you? Because you know where this is going:

In response, Mr. Liebowitz asserted — repeatedly — that he and Mr. Usherson had received approval in advance from the Mediator not to appear at the mediation in person. Mr. Liebowitz made this claim first in a joint letter filed shortly before the initial pretrial conference.... In that letter, Mr. Liebowitz claimed that the Mediator had “indicated that Plaintiff was permitted to appear telephonically under Rule 9F of the mediation program.”... Notably, in the same section of the letter, Bandshell responded that “virtually everything in Plaintiff’s statement is false, and Defendant’s counsel has warned Plaintiff against filing a false statement regarding the scheduled mediation with the Court.”...

Mr. Liebowitz doubled down in his next submission: his initial “response” to the sanctions motion, which took the form of a three-page letter (in violation of Local Rule 7.1, which requires that, with limited exceptions inapplicable here, opposition to a motion must be in the form of a memorandum of law).... To the extent relevant here, Mr. Liebowitz asserted in that letter that “[n]othing in the Court order or mediation rules states that lead counsel needs to attend the mediation.” ... Rule 9(c) of the Mediation Program’s Procedures, however, provides explicitly that “[e]ach represented party must be accompanied at mediation by the lawyer who will be primarily responsible for handling the trial of the matter.” Rule 9(c), Procedures of the S.D.N.Y. Mediation Program (Dec. 26, 2018) (“Mediation Rules”).... More significantly for present purposes, Mr. Liebowitz represented that Mr. Usherson had “obtained permission from the assigned mediator . . . to appear at the scheduled mediation by telephone provided that counsel was present in person.” ... (citing Rule 9(f) of the Mediation Rules, which allows “a party” who resides “more than 100 miles from the Courthouse” to participate in a mediation by telephone with the advance approval of the mediator). He further claimed that he had “told [the Mediator] that an associate of Liebowitz Law Firm with knowledge of the facts of the case would appear in-person, and [the Mediator] consented.”

The Judge then points out that this all happened about the same time that Liebowitz was dealing with a situation in another courtroom in the same court having to do with lying about the death of his grandfather to explain his failings in another case. Right after the judge in that case had dressed down Liebowitz and told him to shape up was when this new hearing happened, and Judge Furman was well aware of the situation:

The very next day, appearing at the initial pretrial conference in this case, Mr. Liebowitz claimed that he had sought permission from the Mediator for Mr. Usherson, who lives in Georgia, to appear telephonically at the October 31, 2019 mediation and that the Mediator had “said yes.” Initial Conf. Tr. 6-7. Aware of the proceedings before Judge Seibel, the Court then stopped Mr. Liebowitz and warned him: “I want to caution you that you’re already in a lot of hot water in this Court, and I think you know that. In that regard, I would be very, very, very careful about the representations you make to me. If you prefer to let Mr. Freeman do the speaking, that is one thing, although they are still representations on your behalf.” Id. at 7. The Court then asked when Mr. Liebowitz had advised the Mediator that Mr. Usherson was not going to appear in person at the mediation, and the following colloquy occurred:

Mr. Liebowitz: I don’t know the exact date, but it was before the mediation, and he said yes.
The Court: [By] what means did you do that?
Mr. Liebowitz: It was telephone.
The Court: And you personally advised him?
Mr. Liebowitz: I personally.
The Court: And he said that was okay?
Mr. Liebowitz: He said that was okay.

It's at this moment that things go from bad to worse. The lawyer for the other side points out that Liebowitz filed the lawsuit... over a photograph that did not appear to be registered before the lawsuit was filed -- something the Supreme Court said you cannot do.

Mr. Newberg advised that, the day before the initial conference, he had “discovered that after this case was filed, Mr. Usherson filed a copyright registration, which . . . seems to be on these photographs, so now it is unclear whether the registration in the complaint actually does cover the photograph or if it is the new copyright registration.” Initial Conf. Tr. 17. Recognizing that the case would have to be dismissed if the Photograph had not been registered before the Complaint was filed, Mr. Newberg requested “discovery purely on those aspects early.” Id. Mr. Liebowitz responded: “I don’t know what defense counsel means about other registrations or other photographs. I will have to see what my office did, but this is the correct registration.” Id. at 17-18. Mr. Liebowitz argued against limited discovery or early summary judgment on the registration issue, stating that “the appropriate thing to do at this stage is to just set discovery, set the dates, and let the parties engage and hopefully during that process the parties could eventually get to a settlement number.”

You'd think, at this point, that any reasonable person would recognize that he was in trouble. But this is Richard Liebowitz we're talking about. And so, he did what he does... and made things worse:

Following the initial pretrial conference, the Court ordered Mr. Liebowitz to file a formal opposition to the motion for sanctions and directed both sides to address “whether the court should hold an evidentiary hearing and, if so, what witnesses should be called and how it should be conducted.” ... Mr. Liebowitz filed a formal opposition, but — disregarding the Court’s Order — he failed to address the evidentiary hearing.... Instead, he doubled down again (quadrupled down, perhaps) on his claim that Mr. Usherson had “obtained permission from the assigned mediator . . . to appear at the scheduled mediation by telephone provided that counsel was present in person” and that the Mediator had “consented to” Mr. Liebowitz’s associate appearing instead of Mr. Liebowitz.... In support of his opposition, Mr. Liebowitz submitted a declaration, in which he stated “under penalty of perjury” that “I sought and received approval from . . . the assigned mediator for Mr. Usherson to attend the mediation via telephone and for my associate James Freeman to appear who had full knowledge of the case. I obtained [the Mediator’s] consent via telephone.”

That paragraph above is foreshadowing. Can you guess where this is heading? Of course you can...

Mr. Newberg took issue with Mr. Liebowitz’s claims that he had secured advance approval from the Mediator for Mr. Usherson not to appear in person at the mediation and Mr. Freeman to attend on Mr. Liebowitz’s behalf, citing emails showing that, “even as late as October 30” — the night before the mediation — the Mediator and Mr. Newberg “were under the impression that Mr. Liebowitz (as lead and only admitted counsel) and Mr. Usherson would be at the mediation in person.”... Mr. Newberg noted that, because he was “concerned at what appeared to be false statements being made to the Court by Mr. Liebowitz,” he called the Mediator on November 19, 2019.... According to Mr. Newberg, the Mediator said that there had been “other mediations where he allowed Mr. Liebowitz’s client to appear by phone, but he stated clearly and pointedly . . . that this was not one of them.” (emphasis in original). The Mediator allegedly also said that, on “the night of October 30,” Mr. Liebowitz had “called and informed him (without asking for approval) that Mr. Liebowitz was out of town and that Mr. Liebowitz’s associate would be at the mediation instead.”... In that call, “no mention was made of Mr. Usherson at all.” ... The Mediator “only found out that Mr. Usherson would not be at the mediation” at the mediation itself.

The Judge found this interesting, and asked the Mediator to weigh in directly. You'll never guess what the Mediator said. Oh, what am I talking about? Of course you know what the mediator said. It's why you're still reading this:

The next day, the Mediator submitted a declaration, which stated that, on October 30, 2019, he had “talked to Mr. Liebowitz and was informed that the mediation was on. He did not inform me that he would not personally appear but through an associate. But I have mediated a few prior mediations involving Mr. Liebowitz where on at least one occasion that office appeared by an associate without incident.”... The Mediator further stated: “At no time was I informed that the plaintiff would not personally appear but would be available by telephone. I should say that in a few prior mediations his client appeared by telephone without incident. On this occasion no discussion was had by me as to client appearance.”

So... Liebowitz lied to the court multiple times, after being warned to be careful not to lie to the court. Guess how he responded to being called out on this lie? Did he admit to error? Or did he triple down? Oh, you know. You know.

On December 16, 2019, Mr. Liebowitz filed a letter stating that he “contests certain statements proffered by the Mediator in his declaration.” ... Once again, Mr. Liebowitz asserted that he had “notified the Mediator that Mr. Usherson would be appearing telephonically and that such request was granted.” ... But the December 16th letter also proffered a new line of defense: that the Mediator in this case had a “custom and practice” of granting Mr. Liebowitz’s clients permission to appear telephonically at mediations.... Mr. Liebowitz cited five prior cases in which the Mediator had allegedly granted his clients permission to appear telephonically; in one of these five cases, he maintained, the Mediator also granted Mr. Liebowitz permission to send an associate on his behalf. ... Mr. Liebowitz insisted: “This . . . corroborates Mr. Liebowitz’s testimony and establishes a ‘pattern or practice’ of conduct showing that Mr. Liebowitz harbored a good faith belief that the requisite permissions were granted by the Mediator in this case.”

At this point, the Judge ordered the lawyers and the mediator to show up in his courtroom to discuss this in person. Finally realizing he might possibly be in trouble, Richard Liebowitz tried to do what so many copyright trolls try and do when in this position (though, frankly, Richard seems to realize that the time has come much later than most copyright trolls): he tried to cut and run:

On December 17, 2019, the Court issued an Order scheduling the hearing and directing Mr. Liebowitz, Mr. Newberg, and the Mediator to appear for testimony... Just two days later, Mr. Liebowitz filed a stipulation of voluntary dismissal signed by both parties, providing that the case “should be dismissed with prejudice with each side to bear its own costs and attorney’s fees.”

And, of course, even in that joint stipulation, Liebowitz was misleading, leading the other side's lawyer to feel the need to explain things to the court.

In a letter filed the same day, Mr. Newberg noted that Bandshell had stipulated to Mr. Usherson’s “withdr[awal of] the . . . case with prejudice,” but pointedly noted that he and his client “would not have so stipulated” had his firm “not been representing [Bandshell] pro bono.”

Given that, the judge did dismiss the underlying case, but not the original motion for sanctions from the defendant. That led to a hearing, with both sides and the mediator that went about as well as you would expect for a situation in which Liebowitz has to justify his actions. After first claiming that "it could well be that the mediator simply forgot that he" gave Liebowitz and his client permission to not show up to the mediation, things went even further off the rails:

On the subject of his communications with the Mediator in this case, Mr. Liebowitz claimed that, at about 7:30 to 8:00 p.m. on October 30, 2019, the night before the mediation, he had called the Mediator from Los Angeles, California, and asked for permission for Mr. Usherson to appear by telephone from Georgia and for Mr. Freeman to appear as counsel. ... Mr. Liebowitz testified that the Mediator had approved both requests. ... Mr. Liebowitz acknowledged that he had made no record of the call and, indeed, that there was “[n]othing in writing” at all reflecting that the call had occurred. ... When asked how he suddenly remembered that the telephone call had occurred on October 30th, when he could not remember the relevant date when asked at the November 14, 2019 initial pretrial conference (only two weeks after the events in question), Mr. Liebowitz responded that certain emails had jogged his memory — namely, emails that had been attached to Mr. Newberg’s initial declaration in support of the sanctions motion.... But Mr. Newberg’s initial declaration had been filed before the November 14th conference, and Mr. Liebowitz had actually responded to it in writing. (When pressed on that point, Mr. Liebowitz testified: “I often forget things.” )

I often forget things? That's going to convince the judge... And, of course, his forgetfulness seemed to work to his continuing disadvantage here as well.

More troubling, Mr. Liebowitz’s account is not supported by the email trail. At 6:34 p.m. on October 30, 2019, Mr. Newberg emailed a proposed settlement agreement to the Mediator, and stated that unless Mr. Usherson “sign[ed] the agreement” that night, “we will see Mr. Liebowitz and Mr. Usherson tomorrow . . . at the mediation.”... At 8:15 p.m., the Mediator replied: “Talked to Richard and he has been tied up. He will review tonight and get back to us in the morning. Hopefully we can settle this before need [sic] to go to in person mediation.”... Mr. Newberg responded: “I’m headed to the train station well before 6:00 am. And to be candid, I would have assumed Mr[.] Usherson either flew to NY tonight or is likewise on a very early plane.” ... The Mediator said simply, “I understand.” (email sent at 10:03 p.m.). In addition, at 4:12 a.m. on October 31, 2019, Mr. Liebowitz sent Mr. Newberg an email stating: “Attached please find revisions to the agreement which can be discussed at the mediation.”... Mr. Liebowitz did not mention that he and Mr. Usherson did not plan to attend, let alone that they had the Mediator’s permission not to attend.... At no point, in fact, did Mr. Liebowitz notify opposing counsel that he and Mr. Usherson would not be attending.

Ooops. Could it get worse? Oh, you know it could.

During Mr. Liebowitz’s testimony at the hearing, the Court asked him what he would have done had the Mediator denied his alleged requests on the night of October 30th.... Mr. Liebowitz claimed that he and Mr. Usherson would have attended the mediation the next day in person... But on the night of October 30th, Mr. Liebowitz was in Los Angeles hosting a “networking event” for photographers, and Mr. Usherson was at home in Georgia.... Mr. Liebowitz never booked any flights or checked when the last flight to New York from either location was.... Nevertheless, he claimed that he had been prepared to book flights and fly overnight.... hen pressed about whether he had communicated this alleged plan to Mr. Usherson, Mr. Liebowitz equivocated: “Well, if he — if he — if he didn’t have to appear in person, then — then I would have just called him that day and know that he’s always around.”... It is clear, therefore, that Mr. Liebowitz did not advise Mr. Usherson that he might need to jump on a plane at a moment’s notice and appear in New York. It follows that Mr. Liebowitz had no way of knowing whether Mr. Usherson could have complied if asked to do so.

Oh yeah, also, Liebowitz contradicted his own associate, who had shown up to "represent" him in this matter:

Notably, Mr. Liebowitz’s testimony was in tension, if not direct conflict, with the representations of his own associate, Mr. Freeman. For example, Mr. Liebowitz claimed that he had told Mr. Freeman on October 30th that the Mediator had approved Mr. Liebowitz’s requests. ... But at the initial pretrial conference, Mr. Freeman advised the Court that he had not known what “clearances” were given. ... When confronted with this discrepancy, Mr. Liebowitz responded: “[P]eople forget things.” ... Mr. Liebowitz also claimed that he had spoken with Mr. Freeman about the case on “numerous occasions” before October 30th. ... But, as noted, Mr. Freeman repeatedly confirmed that he did not even know about the “existence” of the case before October 30th — a representation that he had reiterated in his sworn declaration, ... which Mr. Liebowitz himself had filed and even cited in Mr. Usherson’s opposition brief... (Despite that, Mr. Liebowitz claimed that he had not read Mr. Freeman’s declaration before filing the brief. ... )

And worse:

Finally, to the extent relevant here, Mr. Liebowitz also took the position that he was never required to attend the mediation, as it was Mr. Freeman who was “the lawyer who will be primarily responsible for handling the trial of this matter.”... But Mr. Liebowitz acknowledged that Mr. Freeman had not even entered an appearance in this case and that he had never advised the Mediator or Mr. Newberg that Mr. Freeman was principal trial counsel. ... Moreover, he was forced to admit that the Court’s Order scheduling the initial pretrial conference had required “principal trial counsel” to attend “all pretrial conferences” and that he — not Mr. Freeman — had appeared on Mr. Usherson’s behalf at the initial pretrial conference. ... Similarly, Mr. Liebowitz claimed that Mr. Usherson was also never required to attend the mediation because, in Mr. Liebowitz’s view, the Court’s Order requiring “in-person” mediation referred only to the attorneys, “[n]ot parties.” ... When asked why, then, he had bothered to confirm that he and Mr. Usherson could be in New York on October 31st, and later asked the Mediator to excuse his and Mr. Usherson’s attendance, Mr. Liebowitz responded that he “wanted to double — double — you know, just cover myself.”

"He wanted to double -- double -- you know, just cover myself."

Remember, all of this is after he'd already been sanctioned multiple times for lying to the court. This is just two months after a different judge in the same courthouse had ordered him to get some professional training and warned him to stop this kind of thing. But he can't seem to help himself.

After that mess, there was still the matter of the bogus filing of the lawsuit over a photograph that didn't have a registered copyright. Of course, when the case was filed, Liebowitz claimed that it was registered, but (and, in case this is not clear, this is really, really bad) he was misrepresenting that to the court and used a registration on another photo -- and that they hadn't actually registered this one. Again, that's really bad. On top of all the other really bad stuff above.

Mr. Newberg revealed that he had just received the Copyright Office’s deposit files for the 046 Registration and confirmed that the Photograph was not in fact registered under that number. In response, Mr. Freeman admitted that it is the regular practice of the Liebowitz Law Firm to file copyright infringement cases without verifying that the works in question are properly registered, because of the “additional expense.”

Holy shit.

Mr. Freeman stated that “[t]he client will say to us, ‘This photograph is on deposit with this registration.’ And we take them for their word.” ... Mr. Freeman stated that, in this case, Mr. Usherson had “represented to us that he” had registered the Photograph.... Mr. Freeman further stated that, prior to filing the Complaint, the firm had checked on the Copyright Office’s website “that Mr. Usherson was the copyright claimant in that particular case.”

I mean, beyond all the other bad lawyering, what's described here is really bad lawyering. So, that left the judge to order both parties to address this issue, and guess how that worked out?

In his letter, Mr. Liebowitz admitted that “Paragraph 9 of the Complaint” was “inaccurate” because the Photograph was not, in fact, registered “as part of the 046 Registration.”... Mr. Liebowitz disclosed that his firm had registered the Photograph under registration number VAu 1-373-272 (the “272 Registration”), but not until August 22, 2019 — more than a month after the Complaint in this case was filed.... Mr. Liebowitz attributed the false statement in the Complaint to “clerical error,” noted that “administrative mistakes or clerical errors do happen in the copyright registration process,” and insisted that, but for dismissal of the case, Mr. Usherson could have cured the problem by amending the Complaint.

Sure, sure, clerical error. Happens all the time. But...

In Bandshell’s response, Mr. Newberg reminded the Court that, at the initial pretrial conference, Mr. Liebowitz had denied any knowledge of “other registrations or other photographs.”

Oh, right.

Mr. Newberg argued that Mr. Liebowitz’s new explanation thus “defie[d] belief.”

It does, but this is Richard Liebowitz we're talking about, so the bar is pretty low.

Mr. Newberg also pointed out that Mr. Liebowitz had incorrectly asserted that “the failure to obtain a registration prior to filing suit provides grounds to amend the complaint,”... , citing this Court’s decision in Malibu Media holding that premature filing necessitates dismissal.

So, the judge wasn't done yet. He then asked Liebowitz, the photographer Usherson, and the associate/Liebowitz's lawyer, to each give their sides of the "administrative mistake" story. And guess how that worked out?

In his declaration, Mr. Freeman admitted that the Photograph was registered by the Liebowitz Law Firm after the Complaint was filed but claimed that he had “no personal knowledge of this administrative mistake until after the January 8, 2020 hearing.” ... Mr. Freeman explained his representations at the close of the January 8th hearing by saying (not altogether convincingly) that he had been speaking based on his “general knowledge of [the Liebowitz Law Firm’s] custom and practices.” ... Mr. Usherson averred that he had “identifi[ed] the 046 Registration” when he “authorized Mr. Liebowitz to file a copyright infringement action.”... But Mr. Usherson also stated that, before the Complaint was filed, he had provided to the Liebowitz Law Firm a CD-ROM containing all of the photographs in the 046 Registration... The Photograph was not among them. Then, “[s]ometime after” the lawsuit was filed, Mr. Usherson provided the firm with a CD-ROM containing thirty additional photographs, including the Photograph, which the firm registered in the 272 Registration.

And last, and very most least, was Liebowitz's turn to try to dig himself out of the ditch he'd just kept digging. And, finally, he seemed to tell the truth and talk about how totally incompetent he was as a lawyer:

Finally, Mr. Liebowitz admitted that he had conducted no investigation into whether the Photograph was properly registered before filing the Complaint, even though he and his firm “had the ability as of June 2019 to double-check whether the Photograph was part of [the] images that were included on a CD-Rom that Mr. Usherson had previously sent.” ... Instead, Mr. Liebowitz relied solely on an entry in the firm’s internal case-tracking system, which noted that the Photograph was “associated with the 046 Registration.”... This entry was made by “a member of [the firm’s] administrative staff, Zachary Cuff.”... Mr. Liebowitz also stated that he had no role in filing the 272 Registration, which was performed by his firm’s “internal staff at the request of Mr. Cuff.” ... Mr. Liebowitz claimed that he did not realize the Photograph was not properly registered — which he described as a “technical pleading deficiency” — until “subsequent to the January 8, 2020 hearing.”

A technical deficiency? Yikes.

At some point this has to end, and it does with the Judge dropping the hammer:

Applying the foregoing standards here, the Court concludes that a range of substantial monetary and non-monetary sanctions against Mr. Liebowitz and his firm, including referral of Mr. Liebowitz to the Grievance Committee, are amply justified. Sanctions are appropriate for (1) Mr. Liebowitz’s repeated violations of the Court’s Orders; (2) Mr. Liebowitz’s repeated lies to the Court, including under oath, about whether the Mediator granted Mr. Usherson permission to participate in the mediation by telephone; and (3) the false allegation in the Complaint regarding registration of the Photograph and the failure to reasonably investigate the issue, both prior to filing suit and when put on notice about the issue during the litigation.

He then goes on to catalog, one by one, all of the things Liebowitz did which no lawyer should ever do. Friends, it goes on for 19 pages. There are three and a half pages detailing his "repeated violations of the court's orders." The court counts six such failures to follow court orders in this case alone. There are then eight and a half pages talking about Liebowitz's lies to the court. In the midst of discussing all of those, the judge notes that when called out on his lies in other cases, like this one, Liebowitz tries to cut and run:

In both cases, he tried — without success — to make his problems go away by voluntarily dismissing the case before sanctions were imposed. And in both cases, he ultimately sought to excuse his misconduct by invoking his relative youth and inexperience, his hefty caseload, and poor case management practices.

The Judge ain't buying it:

... while Mr. Liebowitz’s failures to obey court orders can arguably be explained (though not justified) by his relative inexperience, heavy caseload, and inadequate case management practices, the same cannot be said for his dishonesty.

And then we get this realization that Liebowitz seems to have a problem. And that problem is that he regularly lies under oath.

The simple fact is that Mr. Liebowitz has a problem: He does not feel constrained by the truth and, when cornered, has no compunction about lying, even under oath. It follows that sanctions should be, and are, imposed.

And then seven more pages, just about one particular lie: that the photograph was registered at the Copyright Office before the lawsuit was filed. Here, the judge notes that Liebowitz had gotten in trouble on this very issue before:

Finally, the evidence clearly and convincingly shows that Mr. Liebowitz brought — and maintained — this case in bad faith by willfully disregarding the fact that the case was fatally flawed from its inception. As noted, under Section 411(a) of the Copyright Act, an infringement action may not be filed “until . . . registration of the copyright claim has been made.” 17 U.S.C. § 411(a); see Rudkowski v. MIC Network, Inc., No. 17-CV-3647 (DAB), 2018 WL 1801307, at *3 (S.D.N.Y. Mar. 23, 2018) (warning Mr. Liebowitz that “possession of a registration certificate is a condition precedent to filing a copyright claim”). Paragraph 9 of the Complaint in this case did allege that the Photograph was registered as part of the 046 Registration. But in the face of irrefutable evidence to the contrary, Mr. Liebowitz now concedes — as he must — that that allegation was false and that the Photograph was not registered until August 22, 2019, almost a month and a half after the lawsuit was filed. Mr. Liebowitz has two responses to this extraordinary revelation. First, he seeks to trivialize it by calling it a “technical pleading deficiency” and suggesting that, but for the voluntary dismissal, he could have cured the problem by amending the Complaint.... Second, throwing his own client and a member of his administrative staff under the proverbial bus, he claims that he did not know about the untimely registration.... Neither response is persuasive

No. Neither response is persuasive at all. The Judge explains why the claim that this could be cured with an amended complaint is wrong, and notes that this wrongness was not just a mistake by Liebowitz but again part of the pattern you may have already noticed:

Notably, there is a strong argument that Mr. Liebowitz’s suggestion that he could have cured the defect through amendment is itself made in bad faith. First, it is hard to believe that he would be unaware of the recent law on that issue. His practice is devoted to copyright infringement cases; in little more than four years, he has filed approximately 2,500 such cases and, at the time of the mediation in this case, his firm had more than 400 such cases pending in federal court. ... But assuming for the sake of argument that Mr. Liebowitz does not keep up on developments in copyright law (which would be inexcusable, but is nevertheless all too plausible), he was explicitly put on notice of the fact that an untimely registration is not curable at the initial pretrial conference in this case, when Mr. Newberg first raised the issue and noted that dismissal would be required if the Photograph was registered after the Complaint was filed, citing Fourth Estate and this Court’s holding in Malibu Media that a premature filing “is a non-curable error.” ... Making matters even worse, Mr. Liebowitz persisted in pressing the point even after Mr. Newberg, in his post-hearing letter, explicitly noted that the suggestion was “incorrect,” citing Malibu Media and other precedent. ... These facts support an inference of bad faith

The court also does not look kindly on Liebowitz trying to blame others for this:

Mr. Liebowitz’s efforts to distance himself from responsibility for the untimely registration and the false allegation in the Complaint, and his attempt to pin blame on either his client or an administrative assistant at his firm, are similarly unavailing. For one thing, the evidence clearly and convincingly shows that Mr. Liebowitz did know about the untimely registration, at least as of August 22, 2019, when his firm registered the Photograph under the 272 Registration, if not earlier. Indeed, as Mr. Freeman explained at the January 8th hearing, the firm increasingly files copyright registration applications itself “[s]o we know for sure it’s on deposit.” And that is what happened here: Sometime after July 10, 2019, when the Complaint in this case was filed, Mr. Usherson sent the firm a CD-ROM containing all of the photographs that he had not yet registered — including the Photograph — and Mr. Liebowitz’s firm proceeded to register them.... The firm thus had knowledge that the Photograph had not been registered prior to the filing of the Complaint. And it is hard to believe that Mr. Liebowitz, as “lead counsel for Plaintiff” and the “founding member of Liebowitz Law Firm,”... was unaware of the fact himself. It is far more plausible — indeed likely — that, upon receiving the Photograph from Mr. Usherson, Mr. Liebowitz realized that it had not yet been registered and sought to quietly take care of the problem, hoping that Bandshell and the Court would be none the wiser and he would escape dismissal.

Indeed, the Judge points out that it's reasonable to infer that Liebowitz tried to get out of the case before all of this came to light:

It is no answer to say, as Mr. Liebowitz does, that he relied on his administrative assistant; Mr. Liebowitz is the lawyer who signed the Complaint containing the affirmatively false allegation. Making matters worse, Mr. Liebowitz and his firm received a second CD-ROM, which would have revealed that the Photograph was not among those registered as part of the 046 Registration, and the firm then registered the Photograph itself. And to top it off, at the initial pretrial conference in November 2019, Mr. Newberg specifically addressed the 272 Registration and raised doubts about whether the Photograph had been timely registered — putting Mr. Liebowitz on notice of what turns out to have been a fatal defect in the Complaint.... Under these circumstances, it was Mr. Liebowitz’s obligation to investigate whether the Photograph was properly registered.

Nevertheless, Mr. Liebowitz and his firm conducted no investigation until after the January 8, 2020 hearing and, even then, did so only because the Court ordered them to file a letter addressing the issue and, when that did not clear things up, declarations.... In fact, Mr. Liebowitz actively stonewalled Mr. Newberg’s request for discovery on the issue at the initial pretrial conference, stating: “I don’t know what defense counsel means about other registrations or other photographs. I will have to see what my office did, but this is the correct registration.”... It is hard to avoid the conclusion that Mr. Liebowitz hoped to settle the case before the truth came to light

It goes on. And on. And on. And the Judge points out that all of these mistakes have also shown up in other Liebowitz cases, so it's not like it's the first time he's been told about this stuff.

Finally, after 45 pages detailing what a terrible lawyer Liebowitz is, the Judge tries to figure out what sanctions are warranted. And he notes, that this is a special case:

If specific deterrence — that is, deterring Mr. Liebowitz from repeating his misconduct — were the sole consideration, it is not clear that any sanction (short of, perhaps, disbarment) would suffice. After all, his first lie in this case occurred only one day after he was dressed down by Judge Seibel for repeatedly lying about his grandfather’s death, and despite a warning from the Court to be “very, very, very careful” about what he said... And thereafter, as in the case before Judge Seibel, he dug his hole even deeper, repeating his lies over and over, including under oath. (In fact, he arguably expanded upon his lies, concocting, after the fact, his “custom and practice” excuse.) Even more troubling, as the discussion above makes clear, Mr. Liebowitz’s misconduct in this case is part of a larger pattern that has led judges on this court — and, as his practice has expanded to other districts, judges on other courts — to chastise him, impose sanctions on him, and require his clients to post bonds to cover future adverse awards of attorney’s fees and costs resulting from his misbehavior. The list of such cases is too long to cite here and, thus, is attached as an Appendix to this Opinion and Order. And even that list is likely not exhaustive. For one thing, there may well be orders imposing sanctions or requiring a bond that are not easily searchable on Westlaw or Lexis. For another, as this case, the case before Judge Seibel, and this Court’s prior decision imposing sanctions in Rice make clear, Mr. Liebowitz frequently drops his cases when the going gets tough and sanctions are on the horizon. ... Undoubtedly there are cases in which that tactic succeeded and Mr. Liebowitz was never held to account. Thus, there may be no sanction short of disbarment that would stop Mr. Liebowitz from further misconduct.

However, the Judge sadly notes, the court cannot disbar a lawyer. It can only send the issue to the Grievance Committee (which the judge absolutely does). So, now we get to the sanctions, which may not sound like much after all that: but he has to pay $103,517.49. This is basically the attorneys' fees and costs from the other side, plus an additional $20,000 (for the filing with the wrong registration). That's a decent amount of money, but not a staggering amount. As the court notes, though, when issuing sanctions they must be "no more severe than reasonably necessary to deter repetition... or comparable conduct by similarly situation persons." And, in theory, such a sanction might deter "similarly situation persons."

But, the real problems for Liebowitz are in the non-monetary arena. Beyond the fact that the court is sending this on to the Grievance Committee, which could lead to Liebowitz being disbarred, there are a few more things he needs to do:

Within thirty days of the date of this Opinion and Order, Mr. Liebowitz and his firm shall serve a copy of this Opinion and Order, either by email or by overnight courier, on every one of the firm’s current clients and Mr. Liebowitz shall file a declaration attesting to such service on ECF

And also:

By the same date, Mr. Liebowitz and his firm shall file a copy of this Opinion and Order on the docket of any currently pending case that was brought by Mr. Liebowitz or his firm and Mr. Liebowitz shall file a declaration attesting to the same on ECF;

And not just current cases, but every case he files in the next year:

In any action that is filed within one year of the date of this Opinion and Order by Mr. Liebowitz or his firm, Mr. Liebowitz and his firm shall file a copy of this Opinion and Order on the docket of the case within two days of filing the complaint or otherwise initiating the case; and

In any action that is filed within one year of the date of this Opinion and Order by Mr. Liebowitz or his firm that involves allegations or claims of copyright infringement, the complaint shall include as an attached exhibit a copy of the deposit files maintained by the U.S. Copyright Office reflecting prior registration of the relevant copyrighted work or works at issue.

Oh, and then after all of that, the Judge includes a lovely appendix detailing 40 other cases in which judges sanctioned or otherwise benchslapped Liebowitz. FORTY CASES. Each one includes a quote of the benchslap in question. It's like a "greatest hits" of benchslaps, but they're all for Richard Liebowitz. It includes some amazing ones I hadn't seen before (hey, there are only so many hours in a day), including:

In re Richard P. Liebowitz, No. 19-MC-80228 (JD), ECF No. 17, at 1-2 (N.D. Cal. June 12, 2020) (finding that Mr. Liebowitz “has falsely held himself out as a member of this Court’s bar on multiple occasions,” even though he “never has been a member”; noting that his “unprofessional and blameworthy conduct” is “consistent with the extensive public record of discipline he has amassed in courts across the United States”; and concluding that there are “good grounds for doubting that Liebowitz should be permitted to practice in this District even on a pro hac vice basis”).

Oof. And this coming right after it:

Geerds v. San Francisco Bay View Inc., No. 19-CV-6465 (JST), ECF No. 29 (N.D. Cal. June 10, 2020) (denying Mr. Liebowitz’s motion for admission pro hac vice in a case he filed in the Northern District on October 8, 2019, one day after he was disbarred in In re Richard P. Liebowitz, No. 19-MC-80228 (JD), ECF No. 3 (N.D. Cal. Oct. 7, 2019)).


Alvarado v. Mother Jones, LLC, No. 19-CV-6417 (JST), ECF No. 25, at 2-4 (N.D. Cal. May 14, 2020) (denying Mr. Liebowitz’s motion to appear pro hac vice after finding that Mr. Liebowitz continues to “regularly” file and litigate cases in the Northern District of California following his order of disbarment in In re Richard P. Liebowitz).


Mondragon v. Nosrak LLC, No. 19-CV-1437 (CMA) (NRN), 2020 WL 2395641, at *1, *14 (D. Colo. May 11, 2020) (concluding that “Mr. Liebowitz’s continued practice of law represents a clear and present danger to the fair and efficient administration of justice, and steps should be taken promptly by appropriate disciplinary authorities to suspend his ability to file new cases unless and until he has demonstrated he has appropriate systems in place to assure regular compliance with court rules and rules of professional conduct,” and requiring that Mr. Liebowitz associate with a Colorado-based attorney with at least five years of experience, who must co-sign any filings in the case, and that Mr. Liebowitz file a copy of the sanctions order in all other cases he has filed in the District of Colorado or files in the following sixth months)

And on and on and on.

I've asked in the past why anyone who can do a basic Google search would hire Richard Liebowitz after being repeatedly sanctioned (again and again and again) over these issues. There are other copyright lawyers out there. There are even other trollish copyright lawyers who will take on most of these cases. But none of them seem to run into these issues so consistently and to so regularly demonstrate their own incompetence at practicing law as Richard Liebowitz.

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Filed Under: benchslapp, copyright, copyright troll, jesse furman, lying under oath, richard liebowitz, sanctions, sdny

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  • icon
    That One Guy (profile), 30 Jun 2020 @ 2:09pm

    Really doing the legal profession proud

    Anyone who hires Liebowitz at this point deserves everything they get when he inevitably faceplants, as they have either done literally zero research into his history or don't see anything wrong with the actions of someone who is repeatedly sanctioned by multiple courts.

    As for why he continues to act this way it's almost because he keeps getting away with it. Sure he has to toss some cases and run away, and perhaps he has to pay sanctions occasionally when he can't run away fast enough, but given how insanely lucrative copyright cases can be and how most people are likely to fold as soon as they see a threat amount with multiple zeros even if they are innocent the gains almost certainly far outweigh the costs.

    At this point it's very clear that the only thing that will stop him from continuing to weaponize and abuse the legal system is if he's stripped of his legal license entirely, barred from ever acting as a lawyer again, because it's pretty obvious at this point that anything short of that is just shrugged aside as the cost of doing business.

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    • icon
      Mike Masnick (profile), 30 Jun 2020 @ 3:17pm

      Re: Really doing the legal profession proud

      He hasn't filed a single case since this ruling has come down on Friday, by far his longest break between new suits this year.

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      • identicon
        Anonymous Coward, 30 Jun 2020 @ 7:03pm

        Re: Re: Really doing the legal profession proud

        "He hasn't filed a single case since this ruling has come down on Friday"

        Let's hope this doesn't deter him. The entertainment value is too great. In fact, I think I am going to create the "Liebowitz Popcorn Company".

        Tag line..."It'll blow up on your face!"

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  • icon
    Norahc (profile), 30 Jun 2020 @ 3:59pm

    Liebowitz has dug himself a hole so deep one is forced to wonder if he can smell feet.

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 30 Jun 2020 @ 4:28pm

    Time for the right to be forgotten!

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  • identicon
    Whoever, 30 Jun 2020 @ 4:55pm

    Criminal complaint?

    Why doesn't the judge refer him to the DA for criminal prosecution?

    Lying under oath with knowledge and the intent to affect the outcome of a case is called "perjury" and is a criminal offence in most jurisdictions.

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    • icon
      That One Guy (profile), 30 Jun 2020 @ 5:16pm

      Re: Criminal complaint?

      That... is a very good question actually. I would hope that the reason is because that's not actually how it works, because as bad as that would be it would still be better than judges giving him a pass on blatant perjury because he's a lawyer.

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      • identicon
        Anonymous Coward, 30 Jun 2020 @ 7:09pm

        Re: Re: Criminal complaint?

        Just as it probably doesn't work this way, but the courts should be able to sanction any bar association not disbarring Liebowitz all the way to the moon.

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      • identicon
        Anonymous Coward, 30 Jun 2020 @ 7:12pm

        Re: Re: Criminal complaint?

        It may yet happen. How much popcorn flew through the air before Prenda wrapped up? The bar may very well offer his ass up for charges.

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    • icon
      Scary Devil Monastery (profile), 7 Jul 2020 @ 12:12am

      Re: Criminal complaint?

      "Lying under oath with knowledge and the intent to affect the outcome of a case is called "perjury"..."

      Only that counsel is rarely under oath - hence no perjury. Yes, a lawyer can, in the US, often lie in court until his pants combust with the only provision that the judge may, if he catches him in it, choose to slap a contempt of court charge on him/her.

      ...which is basically what Liebowitz keeps abusing. He keeps pulling fast ones in the apparently mistaken assumption that every judge will fail to thoroughly fact-check the bullshit he keeps peddling to the courts.

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  • identicon
    Bobvious, 30 Jun 2020 @ 5:08pm

    Richard Liebowitz, Ladies and Gentlemen!

    The only "lawyer" who can make Lionel Hutz look like Solomon.

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  • identicon
    Lie-bowitz, 30 Jun 2020 @ 5:16pm

    This court case was the real life inspiration for the movie "Liar Liar" starring Jim Carey (1997).

    True Story.

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  • identicon
    Zonker, 30 Jun 2020 @ 5:39pm

    Richard Liebowitz for Attorney General of New York


    “a copyright troll,” McDermott v. Monday Monday, LLC

    “a clear and present danger to the fair and efficient administration of justice,” Mondragon v. Nosrak LLC

    “legal lamprey[],” Ward v. Consequence Holdings, Inc.

    “example of the worst kind of lawyering,” Ward v. Consequence Holdings, Inc.

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    • identicon
      Anonymous Coward, 30 Jun 2020 @ 7:14pm

      Re: Richard Liebowitz for Attorney General of New York

      An audio book recording of this opinion would be a bestseller with those on the poster.

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    Anonymous Coward, 30 Jun 2020 @ 5:58pm

    Where is Poochie?

    Copyright enforcement certainly knows how to pick them, huh? Wonder how Hamilton's going to spin this one.

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  • identicon
    Bruce C., 30 Jun 2020 @ 5:58pm

    I have to wonder...

    Given Mr. Liebowitz's penchant for playing games with the courts (to put it charitably), I have to wonder if he found some way to game the bar exam, too. He certainly doesn't seem to be applying any level of legal and procedural knowledge in his practice beyond that of a typical pro se litigant.

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    • identicon
      stine, 1 Jul 2020 @ 11:43am

      Re: I have to wonder...

      I would think that, at this point, it would have been a good idea to print the name of the law school from which Mr. Liebowitz claims to have graduated.

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      • identicon
        stine, 1 Jul 2020 @ 11:47am

        Re: Re: I have to wonder...

        I looked it up. Mr. Liebowitz claims to have graduated from Hofstra University, which is ranked at #100 (out of 204+) in the list of law schools in the U.S.

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  • identicon
    Crafty Coyote, 30 Jun 2020 @ 6:12pm

    There's a lot about copyright that is difficult, if not impossible to understand. But there's one thing we know for certain- if the opposing attorney is the incompetent Richard Leibowitz, it's an automatic victory whether you're guilty or not.

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  • identicon
    fish, 30 Jun 2020 @ 6:30pm

    The mind boggles. I'm trying to think of another field where someone could get away with this for so long and not be blackballed (or murdered, depending on the industry).

    I mean, in most jobs getting caught in one material lie is good enough to get you fired, depending. Do that repeatedly and you're at least going to have to take that show to another city.

    If this guy's lucky, he has a substance abuse problem. People can quit that. And if that's not the problem, well, it can probably be played for sympathy, good for one more throw at the craps table...

    Thanks for the writeup, Mike.

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    • icon
      Stephen T. Stone (profile), 30 Jun 2020 @ 7:27pm

      I'm trying to think of another field where someone could get away with this for so long and not be blackballed (or murdered, depending on the industry).


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    • identicon
      Kaahrl, 1 Jul 2020 @ 2:58am



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      • identicon
        Peter, 1 Jul 2020 @ 7:09am

        Re: Re:

        I can see how the use of that word might be offensive, so how about using "listed" instead of "balled"?

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        • icon
          bhull242 (profile), 1 Jul 2020 @ 2:46pm

          Re: Re: Re:

          It’s a historical term from when votes for removal were done by putting a white or black ball into a container.

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          • icon
            Scary Devil Monastery (profile), 7 Jul 2020 @ 12:14am

            Re: Re: Re: Re:

            also known as a "ballot" and may be the origin of that word. The old roman way of anonymous yes-no voting.

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  • identicon
    anymouse, 30 Jun 2020 @ 7:26pm

    Are we sure he isn't Trump's secret twin?

    His behavior, continually getting in trouble, then lying about it, then causing bigger trouble to distract from the first issue, then lying about the second issue, seems to be a page right out of The Donald's playbook.

    Perhaps he wasn't mean to be a lowly lawyer, but he's destined for the Oval Office... nah, he's even worse than that...

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    • icon
      SpammersAreScum (profile), 12 Jul 2020 @ 4:11pm

      Re: Are we sure he isn't Trump's secret twin?

      While reading this lovely history I came to the conclusion that Liebowitz HAS to be a pathological liar; I can see no other explanation. And, yes, that did remind me of you-know-who.

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  • icon
    Rico R. (profile), 30 Jun 2020 @ 7:38pm

    Insanity, thy name is Liebowitz

    If the dictionary ever decides to define "insanity" as the often-cited "Doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results," perhaps they should include a photo of Richard Liebowitz on the same page!

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  • icon
    Toom1275 (profile), 30 Jun 2020 @ 10:20pm

    Functionally incapable of telling the truth, and fails to understand not just the law, but also appears to have no sort of sensory apparatus known to man? Sounds like Spamiltard's sane(r) twin.

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    • icon
      Thad (profile), 1 Jul 2020 @ 9:38am


      Can we not with the "-tard" insults, though?

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      • icon
        Toom1275 (profile), 1 Jul 2020 @ 9:55am

        Re: Re:

        While it isn't an inaccurate one, I'd accept a replacement if you have any suggestions that accurately describe a reality-allergic deranged spambot as succintly.

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        • icon
          That One Guy (profile), 1 Jul 2020 @ 1:27pm

          Re: Re: Re:

          'Woody' comes to mind, both as a way to call them out on being a dick and for the 'You are a sad, strange little man' reference.

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          • icon
            Toom1275 (profile), 1 Jul 2020 @ 1:51pm

            Re: Re: Re: Re:

            Sounds perfect.

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            • icon
              Toom1275 (profile), 1 Jul 2020 @ 2:14pm

              Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:

              Or how about Pinnochio:

              • has a problem with lying
              • has no conscience of his own, relies on outside influence
              • not a real boy
              • a puppet
              • wooden
              • deficiencies take a miracle to fix

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              • icon
                That One Guy (profile), 1 Jul 2020 @ 4:01pm

                Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:

                Eh, I mean some of the traits match up but Pinnochio actually wanted to get better after a certain point, whereas the individual in question here quite clearly revels in being a reprehensible loser.

                To be fair Woody(the character) has the same problems if you dig more than surface deep, as while he had his flaws he was still a decent enough person, but so long as the name is only in reference to them being a dick and their sad little life obsessing over TD I'd say it would still fit better.

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  • icon
    techflaws (profile), 30 Jun 2020 @ 11:14pm

    It's actually quite depressing he has been able to keep this up for so long.

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    • identicon
      David, 1 Jul 2020 @ 11:28am


      Getting sanctioned does as much for him as getting impeached does for others for which your statement equally holds.

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 30 Jun 2020 @ 11:34pm

    Fart In A Windstorm

    The judge and most of you don’t get it. A $100K sanction is a fart in a windstorm to him. He makes serious money. His clients love him because the gets them paid. So he gets sanctioned, a lot. But he files more cases than any copyright attorney ever. You know what he is if he fails on one in 25 cases? A rich man than is loved by his clients. Sure it is fun to watch him fail... it was fun to watch Michael Jordan fail too when he missed shots. Of course, if RL gets disbarred, that changes the analysis.

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    • identicon
      Anonymous Coward, 30 Jun 2020 @ 11:53pm

      Re: Fart In A Windstorm

      A $100K sanction is a fart in a windstorm to him. He makes serious money. His clients love him because the gets them paid. So he gets sanctioned, a lot. But he files more cases than any copyright attorney ever.

      Yeah, that really worked out well for John Steele and Paul Hansmeier, didn't it?

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      • identicon
        Anonymous Coward, 1 Jul 2020 @ 12:33am

        Re: Re: Fart In A Windstorm

        Prenda's case is a little different from Liebowitz's - unlike Steele and Hansmeier, there isn't sufficient suspicion that Liebowitz is up to the same sort of antics Prenda's trio did, such as masquerading as their own clients and threatening an Alan Cooper equivalent. Liebowitz's only offenses so far are being a shitty lawyer, and lying shittily about him being a shitty lawyer.

        More to the point though, even the most prolific and profitable copyright trolls go through a consistent cycle. They make money, make the news, then make mistakes. Eventually they make enough of the latter to ruin their reputations completely no matter how rich they were at one point - that's what happened to the RIAA, Prenda and Malibu Media. At the rate Liebowitz is going that might be sooner rather than later.

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        • identicon
          Anonymous Coward, 1 Jul 2020 @ 4:34am

          Re: Re: Re: Fart In A Windstorm

          He lied under oath, though. That's a crime: perjury.

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          • identicon
            Anonymous Coward, 1 Jul 2020 @ 8:52am

            Re: Re: Re: Re: Fart In A Windstorm

            I agree. The monetary sanctions are not a deterrent. Considering he has about 10 employees in upstate New York, his overhead is very low compared to what I am guessing he is pulling in by filing 500 cases a year. Most of those cases settle between 10K and 25K. He will whiff on a few and get nothing, but he will hit 6 figures on a few too. My guess is his revenue is around $5,000,0000 with overhead of less than $700,000, So even if he gets a long suspension (disbarment is very uncommon , he will have stock piled about $15,000,000 in his first few years of law practice.

            I haven’t run the numbers, but if he has filed about 3,000 cases and been sanctioned 30 times, his average is probably not an outlier. He just seems to fail in a more flamboyant fashion at times.

            His success at attracting clients tells you all you need to know about how his clients feel about him. They see him as the only one who will fight for them and get them good results. There is a reason he has a lot of clients, including some impressive photographers like Bob Gruen, they believe he fights of them and gets good results. I give the guy some credit for that.

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            • identicon
              Anonymous Coward, 1 Jul 2020 @ 6:11pm

              Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Fart In A Windstorm

              You know... Paul Pilcher also felt that Prenda Law was bringing in the money for him. How'd that turn out again?

              Oh wait...

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          • icon
            Scary Devil Monastery (profile), 7 Jul 2020 @ 12:16am

            Re: Re: Re: Re: Fart In A Windstorm

            "He lied under oath, though. That's a crime: perjury."

            If he was under oath. Generally speaking only witnesses are culpable when it comes to perjury. As counsel he can lie his pants off, and I'm not sure about the rules if he's the actual defendant.

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    • icon
      bhull242 (profile), 1 Jul 2020 @ 2:51pm

      Re: Fart In A Windstorm

      There are limits to how much monetary costs can be imposed in a court-ordered civil sanction, as noted in the order itself. Even criminal sanctions are limited, and those are very, very rarely imposed on lawyers. They also require a number of additional procedural hoops before due process is satisfied, including a trial by jury.

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  • icon
    RyanNerd (profile), 1 Jul 2020 @ 3:52am

    A "greatest hits" of benchslaps

    What an enjoyable read. I laughed so hard at the line

    It's like a "greatest hits" of benchslaps, but they're all for Richard Liebowitz.

    that I spat my drink down my shirt.

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  • identicon
    Bobvious, 1 Jul 2020 @ 5:21am

    With apologies to a radioactive spider

    Liebowitz, Liebowitz,
    That schlemiel's an amoretz?
    Does he schlepp? He's not hep.
    Now the judge will make him kvetch
    Here comes the Moyshe kapoyer.

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 1 Jul 2020 @ 8:42am

    Richard Liebowitz, a walking, talking advertisement for any law school besides Hofstra University.

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    • identicon
      stine, 1 Jul 2020 @ 11:50am

      Re: Hofstra

      You're assuming that he actually graduated, from the law school, from Hofstra.

      also: I made the same type of statement above, but not before, yours.

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  • icon
    timlash (profile), 1 Jul 2020 @ 10:55am

    Record Post?

    Does this 8300 word entry set the bar for longest Techdirt post?

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  • icon
    bhull242 (profile), 1 Jul 2020 @ 2:12pm

    I used to bookmark all the Liebowitz articles. Now I removed those bookmarks and just bookmarked the tag to save space.

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  • icon
    Tanner Andrews (profile), 2 Jul 2020 @ 5:53am

    A Little Math

    little more than four years, he has filed approximately 2,500 such cases

    OK, four years, 250 work days per year, that makes about a thousand work days. Take 2500 cases, divide, hmmm, [takes shoes off for extra digits and checks math], that looks like over two cases per day.

    That seems like incredibly good productivity. Of course I am assuming that he is spending full time meeting the clients, opening the files, drafting the complaints, and having them verified by the clients. If he were actually to spend time litigating the cases instead of just preparing them, it would probably mean he works a lot of 27-hour days.

    Sure, there are a few ``foreclosure mills'' which might get that sort of productivity. But it seems unlikely that a lawyer could do the work of preparing two copyright cases a day, much less litigating them or flying out to Los Angeles.

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  • icon
    Scary Devil Monastery (profile), 7 Jul 2020 @ 12:19am

    "That seems like incredibly good productivity. Of course I am assuming that he is spending full time meeting the clients, opening the files, drafting the complaints, and having them verified by the clients."

    Two words. "Copyright lawyer".

    Meaning most of his cases is simply fishing client, possibly through telemarketing tactics, using a hasty "yes whatever, now go away" as his cue to fill in a few blanks in boilerplate templates to spam the court with.

    I mean it's pretty obvious the only time he actually spends drafting time is when he's trying to fend off an irate judge...

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