DailyDirt: Computers Are Getting To Know You, Getting To Know All About You...
from the urls-we-dig-up dept
One of the complaints for artificial intelligence advocates is that the goal posts for strong AI seem to be constantly pushed forward -- so that chess-playing programs are no longer considered a valid demonstration of intelligence and none of the achievements of AI so far are regarded as progress towards a silicon-based analog of human intelligence. But the field of artificial intelligence has made significant progress, and here are just a few examples of some interesting AI projects.- Google is sponsoring an AI project to develop an algorithm for minimizing regret in decision-making. So basically, it'll spit out advice like: "the only way to win is not to play" and "liquor before beer." [url]
- Researchers from New Jersey have a gender-analysis algorithm that tries to determine an author's gender (male/female/neuter) from just 50 words of text he/she writes. And the researchers are preparing to set this algorithm loose on Twitter and Facebook updates. [url]
- DARPA is looking to create a C3PO-like robot to translate various languages for soldiers. It won't actually walk around, but it will be annoying and cowardly... [url]
- To discover more interesting AI-related content, check out what's currently floating around the StumbleUpon universe. [url]
Filed Under: ai, algorithm, c3po, translation
Companies: darpa, google