'Law And Order' President Huddles With His Enablers, Considers Enacting Martial Law To Overturn His Election Loss
from the what-a-garbage-human-being dept
Great news, everyone! The outgoing president -- the one who refuses to accept the results of the popular vote or the electoral college vote -- has been horny on main for weeks. The only thing that could keep Trump in office is some sort of civil war, something he appears to be actively encouraging.
A bunch of politicians who've sold their souls for hospitality discounts at Trump properties are claiming the election is illegitimate. Multiple lawsuits have been filed. Most of them have failed. Those on the side of Trump seem to believe they can contest the legitimacy of the election without having any Trump votes nullified. Wild ass claims about voter fraud have yet to be proven.
None of this has worked. There's a new person headed to the Oval Office. But that doesn't mean Trump and his obsequious shitheels can't throw a wrench into the works. The Executive Branch has a bunch of uncontested powers and it appears this Executive Branch is willing to test the extent of those powers rather than hand over the office to its challenger and be forced to clean up the hundreds of fast food wrappers littering the White House floor.
Let's just check in with the "law and order" president -- the one who's respecting both aspects so much he's willing to put boots on the ground… in the US of A.
President Donald Trump convened a heated meeting in the Oval Office on Friday, including lawyer Sidney Powell and her client, former national security adviser Michael Flynn, two people familiar with the matter said, describing a session that began as an impromptu gathering but devolved and eventually broke out into screaming matches at certain points as some of Trump's aides pushed back on Powell and Flynn's more outrageous suggestions about overturning the election.
Flynn had suggested earlier this week that Trump could invoke martial law as part of his efforts to overturn the election that he lost to President-elect Joe Biden -- an idea that arose again during the meeting in the Oval Office, one of the people said.
Nothing says "small government conservatism" or "law and order" like presidential calls for troops roaming the streets rounding up people who won't pledge allegiance to the guy who lost both sets of votes. Thank ye various gods Trump pardoned Flynn, just so Flynn could pitch martial law to the failed autocrat who refuses to recognize a majority of the American voters don't want him in office anymore.
Then there's Sidney Powell -- a so-called lawyer whose batshit lawsuits caused Trump to kick her to the curb in late November. Powell gathered evidence derived from conspiracy theorists and the person behind QAnon (but I repeat myself…) and saw every court she encountered kick her out for wasting their time. To the true believers, this indicated the courts were part of the "deep state." To rational observers, this indicated Powell had spectacularly failed to find evidence of voter fraud.
To those less rational, this was "evidence" of something else. And now these morons are glomming onto a tweet from the equally moronic Dan Scavino, one of Trump's advisors. It's Trump looking at a portrait of Abraham Lincoln. And it's supposedly an endorsement of martial law, something Lincoln declared during the midst of an actual CIVIL FUCKING WAR. And it was ruled unconstitutional by the courts.
Forget 4-D chess. This is a whole new era of CalvinBall. Every failure is a victory. Every judicial benchslap is an argument for the forcible subjugation of citizens unwilling to view an election loser as an election winner.
The White House is on fire. And this time, it's not the Brits engaging in a last-ditch effort to reclaim authority over rebellious colonists. Instead, it's the party that co-opted Boston Tea Party imagery to push back against government overreach. The Tea Party may have had some admirable goals. But they sold them out to become part of Trump's entourage -- people willing to raise Gadsden flags while welcoming the government's attempts to take their rights (guns, voting, speech) away at gunpoint. I sincerely hope the end result of this four-year debacle is the ostracizing of every political opportunist who exchanged their principles for an opportunity to lick Trump's size 6 platforms.
Filed Under: donald trump, election, law and order, michael flynn, sidney powell