It's Move Your Domain Day: Join The AMA, Help Support EFF
from the ask-them-anything dept
As we noted yesterday, today is Move Your Domain Day at Namecheap, long-time supporters of Techdirt and a free and open internet. To kick things off, Namecheap founder and CEO Richard Kirkendall is doing a Reddit AMA starting at 8am PST today. Head on over to check it out and submit your questions — we think you'll agree that they have a great perspective on copyright, free speech, privacy, net neutrality and lots of other topics that we discuss here at Techdirt.
If you want to support the EFF, get yourself a new registrar, or both, then today is the day. Since 2011, Move Your Domain Day has raised nearly $250,000 for EFF, and this year continues the trend. Here's how it works:
- Starting January 27th, you can transfer your .com, .net, .biz, .org or .info domain to Namecheap for only $3.98 (plus $0.18 ICANN fee where applicable), using coupon code NC15MYDD
- When you transfer, they'll add another year to your domain free. Any shared hosting package (Value, Professional or Ultimate) will be 50% off when you use coupon code MYDDHOST15
- For every domain transferred or hosting plan purchased, up to 10,000, Namecheap will donate $0.50 to EFF. The donation amount goes up to $1.00 per domain/hosting plan if they exceed 10,000. And if they exceed 20,000 domains transferred/hosting plans purchased, Namecheap will donate $1.50 for each product purchased.
Visit the website to move your domain and help spread the word.
Filed Under: ama, eff, move your domain day, sponsored post
Companies: namecheap