I was thinking the same thing. It would be stupid for them to allow the news agencies to use the photos, in the end some bot would eventually spot the photo, and issue/send a DMCA take down. The same way it happened in the Buffalo lake effect video ...
constitutes a Federal crime of violence by sending to a person five website links
Read that a few times
I did, and it is really disturbing, on so many levels. The big one being, you can publish, buy, and sell a book like the anarchists cookbook, but you cannot send a link to a copy of it. Seems like a First Amendment issue right there.
Re: This is actually different than the impression I had before
"Why have the bad apples gotten away with it so long, if it's just bad apples?"
It is a systemic problem, based on the fact this sort of behavior was condoned in the past. Social systems, ways of doing things, and long standing traditions, do not change overnight unless you fire everyone and start fresh.
The New Yorker is expressing a view that I hold to be extreme(ist). Extremist content isn't valuable content and doesn't hold any worth. Any content that doesn't hold 'worth' can be silenced without any issue or loss. Therefore the New Yorker can and should be silenced.
I agree. The worth of a paper should be determined by the party in power, and anyone expressing an alternate opinion, should be silenced. They should be jailed, their assets seized, and their children forbidden from ever holding a position in government.
Damn, that sounds like what our government does on a daily basis, to people who do not follow their carefully crafted narrative, or who fall out of favor.
I wonder if anyone working at newspapers worries about things like that?
Artificial intelligence is obviously pretty far from gaining sentience or even any kind of disturbingly smart general intelligence, but some of its advances are nonetheless pretty impressive
An AI's Question to self, people selling intellectual property do not pass the Turing test. How do we handle them?
This is a good thing, Just like China Clamping down on the Internet
What this means is that the EU is destined for failure. You regulate out competition and advancement, you regulate out the ability to compete. Let them be self defeating, let them create their own demise, let them be a leading indicator of what will come, so we in the US can adapt.
Matt Stone To Silicon Valley: Screw You Guys, I'm Going Hulu
Silicon Valley To Matt Stone: Enjoy the kool aid...
Please note: You contract does not cover, various forms of streaming not mentioned in the contract, licencing on VR platforms, BCI (Brain Computer Interfaces), Memory Implants, Personal Memory uploads, etc. It also includes licencing payment exceptions for, but not limited to, foreign nations, other worlds, in earth orbit, and 300 plus other loosely worded exceptions.
Its just you, really it is, really. Its not like they have, taken an inch of liberty, then taken a mile of liberty, then decided they are entitled to the last couple inches of liberty.
On the post: Digital Orphans: The Massive Cultural Black Hole On Our Horizon
210,240,000 hours of video per year on YouTube alone ...
On the post: Australian Court Orders Homeowners To Physically Alter Exterior Of 'Infringing' House
Re: Off topic, but...
And to answer the question, fuck yeah I would. In a few years this is going to get very interesting ... The 3D House Printer group on Google Plus
On the post: The Crazy Permission-Asking Media Scrum That Descends When Photographic News Happens On Twitter
Re: Re: Wait a couple weeks...
On the post: One Man Troll Army Arrested For Supporting Terrorists: Where's The Line Between Trolling And Terrorism?
Read that a few times
I did, and it is really disturbing, on so many levels. The big one being, you can publish, buy, and sell a book like the anarchists cookbook, but you cannot send a link to a copy of it. Seems like a First Amendment issue right there.
On the post: Civilian Complaint Board Finds The Public And Their Cell Phones Are Foisting Some Accountability On The NYPD
Re: This is actually different than the impression I had before
It is a systemic problem, based on the fact this sort of behavior was condoned in the past. Social systems, ways of doing things, and long standing traditions, do not change overnight unless you fire everyone and start fresh.
On the post: New Yorker Decides US Has Too Much Free Speech; Dismisses 'Free Speech Extremists'
Re: What's good for the goose
Extremist content isn't valuable content and doesn't hold any worth.
Any content that doesn't hold 'worth' can be silenced without any issue or loss.
Therefore the New Yorker can and should be silenced.
I agree. The worth of a paper should be determined by the party in power, and anyone expressing an alternate opinion, should be silenced. They should be jailed, their assets seized, and their children forbidden from ever holding a position in government.
Damn, that sounds like what our government does on a daily basis, to people who do not follow their carefully crafted narrative, or who fall out of favor.
I wonder if anyone working at newspapers worries about things like that?
On the post: DailyDirt: Lethal Machines
An AI's Question to self, people selling intellectual property do not pass the Turing test. How do we handle them?
On the post: Happy Birthday Copyright Bombshell: New Evidence Warner Music Previously Hid Shows Song Is Public Domain
1) Happy Birthday
On the post: Happy Birthday Copyright Bombshell: New Evidence Warner Music Previously Hid Shows Song Is Public Domain
1) Happy Birthday
On the post: NSA Apologist Offers Solutions To 'Encryption' Problem, All Of Which Are Basically 'Have The Govt Make Them Do It'
Just a Though
On the post: If You're Looking For A Laborious, Unresponsive Way To File FOIA Requests, The DHS Has An App For You
The million dollar question....
On the post: 'Duty Of Care': The Friendly Sounding Way In Which Europe Threatens Free Speech & Internet Innovation
This is a good thing, Just like China Clamping down on the Internet
On the post: South Park's Matt Stone To Silicon Valley: Screw You Guys, I'm Going Hulu
Silicon Valley To Matt Stone: Enjoy the kool aid...
Please note: You contract does not cover, various forms of streaming not mentioned in the contract, licencing on VR platforms, BCI (Brain Computer Interfaces), Memory Implants, Personal Memory uploads, etc. It also includes licencing payment exceptions for, but not limited to, foreign nations, other worlds, in earth orbit, and 300 plus other loosely worded exceptions.
On the post: Sony To Court: Of Course We're Allowed To Contractually Screw Over Our Artists
On the post: FBI: Bring Us A Unicorn. Techies: They Don't Exist. Senator: Stop Complaining & Tell Us Where The Unicorn Is
Re: is it just me?
On the post: How China Tamed The Country's Top Bloggers, And Took Back The Net
On the post: European Taxi Drivers Lose Their Collective Mind Over Uber
“One rule for us, another rule for them,” is the general gist of the complaint.
On the post: Charter Hires Leading Net Neutrality Advocate To Write Its Net Neutrality Commitments, Promises To Go Further Than FCC Rules
On the post: South Carolina Massacre Results In Apple Going Flag-Stupid In The App Store
Re: Re: Re: Same Issue, Different Context
Correlation does not imply causation
Violent video games cause real world violence -vs- Violent antisocial people play violent video games, take your pick.
On the post: UK Government Goes Full Orwell: Snooper's Charter, Encryption Backdoors, Free Speech Suppression
Re: Ihatemybrain
Lets hope it ends the same way as the moVie... ;-)
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