I just need to find a way to script the downloading of the images and then I'll put them up somewhere else with explicit CC0. If these guys are too stupid to realize it is not my fault, issue or concern.
It gets slightly better. This is probably the worst possible time to have done exactly that - being caught red handed right as the judge is wising up to the BS that they've been pulling. While FISC may be a rubber stamp in general, I have a feeling they are not toothless.
Our US judicial system is mostly clueless. They think google is evil and show little to zero technical aptitude or understanding of what is happening.
How many judiciaries have actually understood the technology at large for 2014? This can probably be counted with both hands, even if we're including the part of scotus that vaguely understands technology.
Indeed, one could surmise that the author of the article is perhaps leaning people *towards* infringing streams, or inciting copyright infringement perhaps?
The best part is, they moderate their blog so heavily as to not allow a single negative or contradicting statement to be approved.
Everything is "YAY! BLACKBERRY RULES THE WORLD!" type responses that are completely written by blackberry employees or people so delusional there is no measure.
Not a single apposing viewpoint has been allowed to be posted to the blog.
What impresses me the most about this is that you can replace NSA with almost anything here and there's no way it doesn't sound like a complete and total unsubstantiated waste. In addition to being completely intangible regarding something that shouldn't be 100% intangible - security in any form is not nebulous.
I get the point of the post here, and I agree that it's stupid of a company to do (gamestop potentially) - but I don't know if I would say that the ad was banned as it implies different things as opposed to the advertising company who banned it.
My first thought when I read this was that some random obscure US law was being used to prevent political games or equivalent, based on the title.
Re: Ya ever heard of shareware? Same idea. Not new.
This is hilarious. Shareware is not like torrenting your own software. Failed argument from the initial statement.
I'm not going to refute the rest, I'm just going to point out you are 100% wrong from the start and not even read the rest. Why should it be worth my time if you're willing to misconstrue basic facts?
They were clearly talking about Techdirt, obviously. As in, how can we continue to be jackasses and provide doublespeak with that damn internet still existing!
Who is this crazy guy? Oh, the son of Richard Posner? I guess bad apples don't fall far from the tree, so to speak. Why he got his son into law is anyone's guess, but clearly not the right decision.
How much does this guy pay to clean up his wikipedia profile? It seems like a lot of money, given how magically non-controversial it is (in comparison to his claims). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eric_Posner
On the post: Metropolitan Museum Of Art Claims Copyright Over Massive Trove Of Public Domain Works
give me a week or two
On the post: Commander Hadfield's Amazing Cover Of David Bowie's Space Oddity Disappears Today, Thanks To Copyright
Re: Download Hadfield's Major Tom
On the post: New NSA Boss' Understatement Of The Year: NSA 'Has Lost A Measure Of Trust' From The Public
Well, he's right
On the post: DOJ Apologizes For Misleading FISC Concerning Evidence; Hints Strongly That It Used Opportunity To Destroy Evidence
Re: Question of law
On the post: Exasperation Shines Through As Google Angrily Responds To Contempt Motion Over Innocence Of Muslims
How many judiciaries have actually understood the technology at large for 2014? This can probably be counted with both hands, even if we're including the part of scotus that vaguely understands technology.
On the post: Nancy Pelosi Admits That Congress Is Scared Of The CIA
On the post: Judge Kozinski Refuses To Even Consider That His Ruling To Censor 'Innocence Of Muslims' On Copyright Grounds May Go Too Far
On the post: AT&T Exec Claims EFF's Mocking NSA Logo Creates A 'Chilling Effect'
Re: Re:
Guess who didn't? AT&T.
On the post: AT&T Exec Claims EFF's Mocking NSA Logo Creates A 'Chilling Effect'
Ah, I know what this is
The "help help we're being oppressed" with AT&T attempting to be portrayed as the victim.
On the post: If You Do A Search Almost No One Does, Google Might Point You To Unauthorized Version Of House Of Cards
Re: Re:
/riaa logic
On the post: Blackberry CEO 'Outraged,' Scolds T-Mobile Like A Child For Simple Sales Pitch To Blackberry Users
you missed the best part
Everything is "YAY! BLACKBERRY RULES THE WORLD!" type responses that are completely written by blackberry employees or people so delusional there is no measure.
Not a single apposing viewpoint has been allowed to be posted to the blog.
On the post: Baybrook Remodelers, Still In The Midst Of Suing People For Negative Reviews, Deploys A Disastrous SEO Hitman
Re: Hah
That would be entertaining for them to beg us to remove the links.
On the post: Surprise: Republican Party Says NSA Surveillance Programs Are Unconstitutional And Must End
huh? this isnt' a surprise
introduce something knowingly flawed, then deny any association with it, then later bitch about it when it falls apart as a terrible thing.
On the post: NSA Goes From Saying Bulk Metadata Collection 'Saves Lives' To 'Prevented 54 Attacks' To 'Well, It's A Nice Insurance Policy'
Way to go NSA, way to go.
On the post: Non-Political Ad For Political Game Banned For Being Political
My first thought when I read this was that some random obscure US law was being used to prevent political games or equivalent, based on the title.
On the post: Pixel Piracy Makers Offer Pirates Pirated Pirate Game
Re: Ya ever heard of shareware? Same idea. Not new.
I'm not going to refute the rest, I'm just going to point out you are 100% wrong from the start and not even read the rest. Why should it be worth my time if you're willing to misconstrue basic facts?
On the post: Lobbyist Insists His Meeting About 'TPP IP Issues' Wasn't About TPP IP Issues
Please - they weren't talking about IP
On the post: Study Of 11K Children: Video Games Probably Don't Alter Behavior
The behavior issue is not the parents, it's the politicians.
On the post: Chicago Law Professor Claims No Privacy In Your Emails, As Long As The Content Isn't Used To Detain Or Harass You
2 posner's
How much does this guy pay to clean up his wikipedia profile? It seems like a lot of money, given how magically non-controversial it is (in comparison to his claims). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eric_Posner
On the post: Hacktivist Jeremy Hammond Gets 10 Years In Prison; Explains How FBI Gave Him The Targets To Hack
Re: Hammond lying again
Anarchist is codeword for "I have no idea what I'm talking about".
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