According to Romine himself, he was too poor to afford a lawyer. I haven't checked his website in the last couple weeks, but last time I was there he was asking for a pro-bono lawyer to represent him in suing Valve directly.
Masnick, I thought you should know that you have misspelled Phoenix a lot, you keep spelling it Phoneix in your post. Once in the title, and three times in the second paragraph.
It's not Steam they're suing, they're suing users who use Steam. They simply subpoena'd Valve for the real identities of Steam users. A nice little point by point on the merits of the lawsuit, but you've got the wrong defendant which makes a real difference.
That's not really true. There is a very high cost involved in just setting up an ISP, higher than most other types of business, and tends to result in a natural monopoly that. It's just too high of a barrier for most who might have been interested.
A better solution would be to set up a government controlled fiber network, then allow any company to connect to the network to act as an ISP. Lower the barrier for entry and let new ISP's form. It would be a costly endeavor, but nothing stops the US Govt from being one of these ISP's, or even charging a small rent to ISP's using their network, allowing them to recoup their costs, and even providing a new revenue stream in lieu of taxes. It'll never happen, because every ISP would have a temper tantrum, but it would do the job nicely.
As some one who has beaten it with 100% completion, I will say it's a great game. A lot of people have suggested Nintendo sent the DMCA, then later a C&D to the dev's personal email, due to being embarrassed by the work this guy did. While I doubt that, I can see why people would think that. It's an extremely well designed game with out even really any noticeable bugs since the 1.1 patch.
Re: PR firm propaganda, paid for by Big Pharma $$$
You should check the blog's history a bit. It's come out against Big Pharma companies quite often, and is unafraid to call out unethical behavior of any type of company. If this whole site were to be paid for by Big Pharma $$$, the posts wouldn't criticize those same companies so frequently.
Basically, until a decision is made on the counterclaim, the case stays in court. This prevents Malibu Media from deciding to drop their claim should they find the defense is likely to win, and set an unfavorable precedent. This also prevents them from dropping the case should it look like the judge is leaning toward awarding legal fees to the defense due to claims made by Malibu Media in bad faith.
Had the judge decided to dismiss the counterclaim, then Malibu would be free to just drop their claim, and with nothing else on the docket to be decided, the case would be over.
It's not a games publisher. Instead, there are certain incentives built into the system to up your viewer/follower count. Reach the first milestone, you can start earning money from the adverts. Reach others, and the amount you can make goes up. So people build bots to cheat the system to try to make more money. Others will pay the guys making the bots to have those bots follow and watch their streams. If you get caught using bots for this purpose, you can get banned, but these bots also, to appear more legitimate, often follow other random channels, which can put legitimate channels at risk, despite having done nothing wrong.
I had a few interesting discussions with a twitch streamer who now lives in South Korea. He told me about the worries he was having as a result of these bots following his own channel, his conversations with Twitch staff, his fears regarding his own channel getting banned, etc. I learned about these issues from discussions with him.
Well, doing this w/o informing your customer of the fact that you're accessing data on their computer to do this, and getting consent, would be.
"Under Article 5.3 of the ePrivacy Directive storing information or gaining of access to information already stored in the terminal equipment of a subscriber or user is allowed on condition that the subscriber or user concerned has given his or her consent..."
To be fair, breaking encryption hurts them directly. It is to their benefit to protect encryption. I fully expect they'll be communicating things they want to be kept secret using encryption.
Speaking of Person of Interest, there was a quote in there that I thought was interesting.
"Any exploit is a total exploit. The tiniest crack becomes a flood." said by Finch, when his partner wanted to build a backdoor into the machine before it went online.
Found the blog post I originally read. It covers a Czech post that did a traffic analysis of Windows 10. In fact, search for sites using the phrase "traffic analysis of windows 10" will pull up a few sites that cover the whole thing. The blog I read is linked below.
"According to Aeronet, on any normal day, Windows 10 performs a collection of texts entered on the keyboard, these texts are stored in temporary files and every 30 minutes, this data is sent to following websites:
Came from to/ which then cites Ars Technica. There was another blog I found that talked about other things it does. Example: if you disable Cortana, it collects all your voice data, and uploads it to a few locations, immediately, where as if Cortana is enabled, it converts your speech to text, then uploads just the text.
Just wanted to thank you for that info and the link. I found one of those installed on my system. When I have a day off I'm going to looking at my Mom's computer to see which, if any, of those are installed on hers. She also has updates set to automatically install, so I'll be changing that as well.
On the post: Digital Homicide Drops Its Lawsuit Against Steam Users, Says It's Shutting Down Completely
Re: Solid?
On the post: Phoenix Police Issues Totally Bogus Cease & Desist To Trump Campaign Claiming Copyright Infringement
Spelling error
On the post: Digital Homicide Sues Steam Reviewers, Steam Drops It Like It's Hot
On the post: Town Loses Gigabit Connections After FCC Municipal Broadband Court Loss
On the post: Netflix Urges FCC To Crack Down On Broadband Usage Caps
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Federal Regulation...
A better solution would be to set up a government controlled fiber network, then allow any company to connect to the network to act as an ISP. Lower the barrier for entry and let new ISP's form. It would be a costly endeavor, but nothing stops the US Govt from being one of these ISP's, or even charging a small rent to ISP's using their network, allowing them to recoup their costs, and even providing a new revenue stream in lieu of taxes. It'll never happen, because every ISP would have a temper tantrum, but it would do the job nicely.
On the post: Nintendo DMCAs Fan-Game 'No Mario's Sky', Devs Rename It 'DMCA Sky'
Re: Re: Re:
On the post: [Updated] Wikileaks Leak Of Turkish Emails Reveals Private Details; Raises Ethical Questions; Or Not...
Re: Re:
On the post: Anti-Vax Film Distributors Threaten Critic And Autistic Rights Advocate With Defamation
Re: PR firm propaganda, paid for by Big Pharma $$$
On the post: Judge Calls Out Malibu Media For Its Attempt To Cut And Run When Faced With Challenge To Its Infringement Claims
Had the judge decided to dismiss the counterclaim, then Malibu would be free to just drop their claim, and with nothing else on the docket to be decided, the case would be over.
On the post: Disappointing: Twitch Brings CFAA & Trademark Claim Against Bot Operators
I had a few interesting discussions with a twitch streamer who now lives in South Korea. He told me about the worries he was having as a result of these bots following his own channel, his conversations with Twitch staff, his fears regarding his own channel getting banned, etc. I learned about these issues from discussions with him.
On the post: Oculus Is Hurting VR's Development By Supporting Walled Gardens, Closed Ecosystems
Re: Re: TL;DR
On the post: Reddit's Technology Subreddit Ponders Banning Wired & Forbes For Blocking Adblock Users
Re: Re:
On the post: Guy Argues That Anti-Ad Blocker Systems Violate EU Privacy Laws
Re: Browser detection?
"Under Article 5.3 of the ePrivacy Directive storing information or gaining of access to information already stored in the terminal equipment of a subscriber or user is allowed on condition that the subscriber or user concerned has given his or her consent..."
On the post: Techdirt Crowdsourcing: How Will The TSA Idiotically Respond To The Laptop Terror Bomb?
Relevant xkcd
On the post: NY Times Gets It Right: Officials Calling For More Surveillance Are Proven Liars; Don't Listen To Them
On the post: As Predicted: Encryption Haters Are Already Blaming Snowden (?!?) For The Paris Attacks
Re: Re: Haystacks are to blame, not encryption
"Any exploit is a total exploit. The tiniest crack becomes a flood." said by Finch, when his partner wanted to build a backdoor into the machine before it went online.
On the post: Microsoft 'Addresses' Windows 10 Privacy Concerns By Simply Not Mentioning Most Of Them
Re: Re: Well, if you're slightly crazy...
On the post: Microsoft 'Addresses' Windows 10 Privacy Concerns By Simply Not Mentioning Most Of Them
Re: Well, if you're slightly crazy...
Came from to/ which then cites Ars Technica. There was another blog I found that talked about other things it does. Example: if you disable Cortana, it collects all your voice data, and uploads it to a few locations, immediately, where as if Cortana is enabled, it converts your speech to text, then uploads just the text.
Seems to me that it does come with a keylogger.
On the post: Nintendo Hates You: Massive Takedowns Of YouTube Videos Featuring Mario Bros. Fan-Created Levels
Re: Re: Who gives a...
On the post: Microsoft Retrofitting Windows 7, 8.1 With Windows 10's Privacy-Invading 'Features'
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