I was aiming more at the fact that CL and TPB are just tools that can be used *both* within and outside the law on a per user basis. So, blaming CL because some people use their service to break the law is a logic fail.
the point is that this stuff just isn't based on logic at all. the reality is that these websites are simply convenient targets that are easy to identify rather than having tactical significance to an effort to stem bad behavior.
human trafficking and other forms of exploitation are these shadowy things that we don't understand, but everyone knows what craig's list is, so lets all rail against that instead of doing something constructive.
this is supposed to be directed at the warez scene, i.e. the release groups and top sites. this is the middle tier of the infamous "pyramid of piracy".
it will be interesting to see who, if anyone, is affected. security among these types is supposed to be fairly tight and the distribution supposedly happens via darknets.
if Texas AG Greg Abbott "succeeds" in forcing Google to change its ranking process: "Let's assume Texas can actually establish a case against Google's algorithms. Then what? Will Greg Abbott start telling Google how it should run its search engine?
i can't wait for this to go through, no matter what you type into google for your search criteria you'll get your local baptist church website as the first result, and an IP law attorney specializing in patents as the second.
my response to the "OMG it's STEEEELING" crowd has often been that it doesn't matter if it's right or wrong, file sharing happens and it can't be stopped.
that is why facebook is what it is, and why other social networks fail or have value in strange places, like google's orkrut, which is largely unoccupied, except for brazil, where it is wildly popular.
the technology is great, i am all for it, but assange and his crew rely on some very 20th century concepts like national borders and local laws to keep themselves safe, but don't take my word for it:
Wikileaks doesn't need a shield law. It is designed to route around legal measures using technology.
technology is great and all, but wikileaks real strength is that it isn't an american operation. it's based out of sweden and iceland, the latter is working on shield laws and other legislation to become a safe haven for controversial speech on the web:
On the post: If There Were No IP Restrictions, What Kind Of Mobile Devices Could You Build?
Re: No IP restrictions for personal use.
yes, and without ip laws, you get to steal it back. it works like this:
you develop something clever and bring it to market: http://www.sparkfun.com/commerce/product_info.php?products_id=666
retail price: $30
the market loves it, and your product becomes famous.
then people "steal" it and make cheap/specialty knockoffs:
(retail price: $17.50)
(retail price: $13)
and you "steal" those ideas for your next version, where you embrace the idea of affordability and do it better, or you abandon affordabiltiy in favoir of more features:
(retail price $64)
or you simply take the product line in a new direction that your copiers didn't think of:
then they unleash their knockoffs, and the cycle repeats.
and in this process, because there is fierce competition, there is Real Work(TM).
On the post: Groups Still Slamming Craigslist
Re: Re: Re: Re: The reason...
the point is that this stuff just isn't based on logic at all. the reality is that these websites are simply convenient targets that are easy to identify rather than having tactical significance to an effort to stem bad behavior.
human trafficking and other forms of exploitation are these shadowy things that we don't understand, but everyone knows what craig's list is, so lets all rail against that instead of doing something constructive.
On the post: Raids Across Europe Targeting File Sharing Sites
this is supposed to target "the scene"
it will be interesting to see who, if anyone, is affected. security among these types is supposed to be fairly tight and the distribution supposedly happens via darknets.
On the post: Texas Attorney General 'Investigating' Google, With Little Basis In Reality
i can't wait!!
i can't wait for this to go through, no matter what you type into google for your search criteria you'll get your local baptist church website as the first result, and an IP law attorney specializing in patents as the second.
On the post: Murdoch's Reporters Allegedly Listened To The Voicemails Of Hundreds
Re: Re: Re:
On the post: Mark Waid Explains: Culture Is More Important Than Copyright & It's Time To Look For Opportunities In Sharing
Re: Re:
On the post: Eight HIV/AIDS Treatment Patents Challenged
Re: Re: Re: Re: Hrmm...
you are never allowed to criticize corporatism because that's communist.
On the post: Mark Waid Explains: Culture Is More Important Than Copyright & It's Time To Look For Opportunities In Sharing
good to see that someone out there gets it
On the post: Is There A Better Way To Text While Driving?
Re: Re: Re:
britain's a lost cause. besides, no one cares about them :-)
On the post: Shameful News Industry Willing To Sacrifice Wikileaks To Get Shield Law
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The reality
um, how can they be irrelevant if someone relies on them and they successfully provide protection?
On the post: Connecting With Fans Is About More Than Getting People To Pay Attention To You
it depends on who uses it. the value of a networks is based on the of the number of users:
that is why facebook is what it is, and why other social networks fail or have value in strange places, like google's orkrut, which is largely unoccupied, except for brazil, where it is wildly popular.
On the post: Connecting With Fans Is About More Than Getting People To Pay Attention To You
Re: Re:
On the post: Reminder: You Don't Own Your Ebooks; Amazon Locks Customer Out And Doesn't Respond To Help Requests
Re: Re: Re:
On the post: Shameful News Industry Willing To Sacrifice Wikileaks To Get Shield Law
Re: Re: Re: The reality
On the post: Thinking About Possibilities: Arcade Fire Tries To Build The House You Grew Up In Into Latest Music Video
On the post: Shameful News Industry Willing To Sacrifice Wikileaks To Get Shield Law
Re: The reality
technology is great and all, but wikileaks real strength is that it isn't an american operation. it's based out of sweden and iceland, the latter is working on shield laws and other legislation to become a safe haven for controversial speech on the web:
the american press industry can circle its wagons all it wants, but it won't have any effect on wikileaks.
On the post: Czech Proposal On Copyright Law Would Require Artists To Get Collection Society Approval To Use Creative Commons?
Re: Blatant pro-corporatist discrimination
um, if copyright is automatic, and you have to register for CC, then people won't bother with CC and just leave everything under copyright.
this will stem the exponential growth of CC'd works:
http://www.swivel.com/charts/2370-Growth-of-Creative-Commons-Photos-on-Flickr-millions-of-ph otos-
if you put this "equality under the law" in place, then copyright and creative commons will be given equal weight, which is not good for copyright.
On the post: Is There A Better Way To Text While Driving?
On the post: Is There A Better Way To Text While Driving?
Re: Why not, just let em do it !!!.
On the post: Is There A Better Way To Text While Driving?
it's called the designated texter:
my daughter gets hit with that a lot: "here, text your mother and find out what she wants to do for dinner."
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