I think they should take them down also. But they should expand it to include all the record labels, TV studios, and movie studios. The content owners would then have to insist on accuracy from the companies they hire.
What every nation that does surveillance on its own people is becoming. It is a vicious feedback loop. You spy a little, you hear that people hate you. That drives you to spy more, which allows you to really hear how much people hate you. Which leads to paranoia and more spying. Meanwhile people are just venting as much as they used to, but now the politicians are afraid ...
Cameron is probably the biggest moron ever. If I was a citizen of the UK, I would be worried that the chinese now have a back door into everything people in the UK are viewing online.
Don't worry about the federal government they are doomed in about 10-15 years. The combination of debt, robotics and smart systems will reduce the tax paying part of the population to from 86 million people to 25-35 million people. Which is unsustainable. Then toss in the cost of an aging population.
The tech from Google's self driving car will wipe out 8 million jobs directly and 4 million secondary. Elon Musk's automation of his car factory will wipe out another 12-14 million jobs in the auto industry when the big 3 realize they have to follow suit to compete. Cheap baxter like robots, burger making bots and fry cooks, shelf stocking bots, and warehouse bots will take out another 30 million jobs.
I could go on for another 1,000 words on this but you get the picture. Due to automation tax revenue will fall substantially over the next decade and a half, the cost of an aging population, and the debt all combine into a catastrophic financial failure for the US federal government all debt laden nations.
On the post: ASCAP Asks FCC To Block Pandora From Buying Radio Station, Because ASCAP Doesn't Like Pandora
Re: Pandora was doing this to ....
On the post: Former NSA Lawyers Attack Senator Wyden For Hinting At NSA Surveillance Excesses That Are Now Confirmed
Re: Stupid lawyer....
On the post: Microsoft Sends Google DMCA Takedowns For Microsoft's Own Website
On the post: How Far We've Fallen: Attorney General Eric Holder Promises Russians US Government Won't 'Torture' Or 'Kill' Ed Snowden
On the post: Keith Alexander's Lobbying Calls To Congress Kicked Off With A Joke About How He Already Had Their Number
On the post: A 'Watershed' For The Internet, An Invitation To Use A N. Korean ISP And Other Fallout From The UK's Porn Filtering Plan
On the post: Feds Say It's Classified Info To Say Who We're At War With
Re: Re:
On the post: Zero Tolerance Policies Put Students In The Hands Of Bad Cops
Re: Re:
On the post: Rep. Rush Holt Bill To Repeal PATRIOT And FISA Amendments Acts Now Live, Ambitious
One more section is needed ....
On the post: Rep. Rush Holt Bill To Repeal PATRIOT And FISA Amendments Acts Now Live, Ambitious
Re: Typo?
"Surveillance State Repeal Act,"
On the post: Why Won't NSA Defenders Publish Their Phone Records?
Re: Re: Why isn't there a political paparazzi?
On the post: UK's Anti-Porn Filtering Being Handled By A Chinese Company
Re: Tiananmen Square
On the post: Feds Trying To Get Master Encryption Keys From Tech Companies
Re: Re:
On the post: Alyssa Milano Claiming Trademark And Copyright On 'Hacktivist'
Re: Re: Re: Re:
and her not much of an actress.
On the post: NSA: Sure We Can Search Your Emails, But Not Ours
Re: Re:
On the post: NSA Defenders In The Senate Flip Out Over Amash Amendment To Stop Dragnet
Re: The highest bidder
On the post: Eli Lilly Raises Stakes: Says Canada Now Owes It $500 Million For Not Granting A Patent It Wanted
Re: Re: Tough call
On the post: NSA's Keith Alexander Calls Emergency Private Briefing To Lobby Against Amash Amendment
Re: You misunderstand
The tech from Google's self driving car will wipe out 8 million jobs directly and 4 million secondary. Elon Musk's automation of his car factory will wipe out another 12-14 million jobs in the auto industry when the big 3 realize they have to follow suit to compete. Cheap baxter like robots, burger making bots and fry cooks, shelf stocking bots, and warehouse bots will take out another 30 million jobs.
I could go on for another 1,000 words on this but you get the picture. Due to automation tax revenue will fall substantially over the next decade and a half, the cost of an aging population, and the debt all combine into a catastrophic financial failure for the US federal government all debt laden nations.
On the post: DOJ/FBI Admit They May Have Abused Hair Analysis To Convict Hundreds To Thousands Of Innocent People
On the post: Team Prenda Keeps Trying To Convince Judges That The Lawyers Who Exposed Them Are The Real Scammers
Re: You tipped into obsession about 20 pieces back.
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