This is untrue. Gerrymandering ensures that your vote doesn't always count, because even if you vote 99% democrat and 1% republicans vote in your area the repub will get the house seat.
I've emailed her in the past; I didn't get an impression she was willing to come back after having Maureen O'Gara personally attack her and privacy etc. :/
unfortunately, this seems very accurate. Everything pretty much points to a downward trend of government steadily reducing accountability for 10+ years.
I really wonder how Hollywood doesn't get investigated by the IRS for the enormous tax dodge from declaring these losses as well. It's not just spinal tap, our own gov't is being shorted on their own pay.
1: Organizations like the MPAA, FACT, RIAA are going fucking *crazy* over techdirt posts. 2: People really are that stupid.
I'm tending towards it being the former, that this is another form of "Any permissions granted to anyone ever (such as freedom, fair use, etc) is a risk to our own permissions!"
Paypal is someone who nobody should be doing business with. I'm amazed how many people somehow go the other direction and bet their livings on paypal, who at their discretion can basically bankrupt someone.
Shades of PS3 linux. I would expect some lawsuits here once people wise up. Ninja is right on, but then again this is why I'll never buy a console or anything associated ever. The minute you buy a console everything is license/rental.
Cable industry simply wants heat off themselves. It's much easier to point at those who you are exploiting and get a focus on them to reduce the focus on your own activities.
I think they want to force cord cutting, because every savvy consumer is going to change their plan come January.
I held off on the HBO bundle with comcast for a few months because HBO's product wasn't out yet, but now that it is I'm cord cutting comcast in January myself.
Watch as all the savvy consumers understand that a price change = contract change, and cancel their contracts and/or sign a new contract without TV service (notably without HBO from comcast). From an economic standpoint it'd be cheaper to get HBO from HBO than from comcast.
There's no lack of understanding. I wasn't meaning to imply 480p as 480x320, I was implying that tablets have a higher resolution than 480p and no even vaguely recent tablet is 480x320 - as in below 480p, aka SD material/vhs quality.
DVD quality is fine on devices that are 480p, but look awful on devices that are 720p or 1080p, depending on size/resolution. Can it work? Yes. As noted, the original anon said they are storing 480p more than using them for hotel wifi - to act like a hotel can't manage to give you 1.5mb/s downstream would only be likely in a poorly mismanaged hotel and/or in the middle of nowhere - and probably nowhere else. Hotels may not be perfect but we're not talking about breaching 150KB/s. I can't imagine a lot of hotels can't manage that. In addition, tmobile's HSPA will easily pull far above 150KB/s (assuming you have signal).
On the post: Mashable Says You Shouldn't Own What You Buy Because You Might Hurt Yourself
Re: In summary
On the post: Mashable Says You Shouldn't Own What You Buy Because You Might Hurt Yourself
mashable has always been this way
Did someone actually expect that Mashable would be a site that has actual intelligent and useful discourse?
On the post: Windows DRM: Now An (Unwitting) Ally In Efforts To Expose Anonymous Tor Users
Re: Yet another reason...
On the post: Trump Muzzles Federal Employees; Reporters Start Asking For Leaks
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:
On the post: Snowden's Favorite Email Service Returns, With 'Trustful,' 'Cautious,' And 'Paranoid' Modes
Re: Groklaw coming back?
On the post: Whether Or Not You Believe Russia Interfered In The Election, We Should All Be Worried About Escalation Based On Secret Info
Re: Precedent ??
On the post: Hollywood Accounting Back In Court: How Has Spinal Tap Only Earned $81 In Merchandise Sales For Its Creators?
On the post: NSA Says Federal Cyber Strategy Needs More NSA More Often, And On The Information Sharing Ground Floor
NSA is not exactly beneficial
On the post: 'Nice Internet You've Got There... You Wouldn't Want Something To Happen To It...'
not dyn, dyin
On the post: Our 'Copying Is Not Theft' T-Shirt Seems To REALLY Upset Some People
1: Organizations like the MPAA, FACT, RIAA are going fucking *crazy* over techdirt posts.
2: People really are that stupid.
I'm tending towards it being the former, that this is another form of "Any permissions granted to anyone ever (such as freedom, fair use, etc) is a risk to our own permissions!"
On the post: PayPal Stops A Payment Just Because The Payee's Memo Included The Word 'Cuba'
Re: If you are still using PayPal...
On the post: Xbox Fitness Users Shelled Out Big Bucks For Workout Programs They'll Soon Be Totally Unable To Use
All I can think is
On the post: Disappointing: Twitch Brings CFAA & Trademark Claim Against Bot Operators
On the post: Shameful: House Panel Votes Down Plan To Make Public Domain Congressional Research Public
On the post: The Cable Industry Wants Netflix Investigated... For Throttling Itself
That isn't why this is happening
On the post: FBI Director: We're Only Forcing Apple To Undermine Security Because We Chase Down Every Lead
What about 9/11?
Oh right.
*drops mic*
On the post: The Cable Industry's Response To A Banner Year For Cord Cutting? Massive Across The Board Price Increases For 2016
I held off on the HBO bundle with comcast for a few months because HBO's product wasn't out yet, but now that it is I'm cord cutting comcast in January myself.
On the post: Happy New Year From Comcast: Price Hikes And Misleading Fees For Everybody
this is perfect!
Bad, bad decision on their part.
On the post: T-Mobile Exempts Video Streams From Wireless Data Caps, Sets A Horrible Precedent
Re: Re: Re: Re: People still use 480p???
DVD quality is fine on devices that are 480p, but look awful on devices that are 720p or 1080p, depending on size/resolution. Can it work? Yes. As noted, the original anon said they are storing 480p more than using them for hotel wifi - to act like a hotel can't manage to give you 1.5mb/s downstream would only be likely in a poorly mismanaged hotel and/or in the middle of nowhere - and probably nowhere else. Hotels may not be perfect but we're not talking about breaching 150KB/s. I can't imagine a lot of hotels can't manage that. In addition, tmobile's HSPA will easily pull far above 150KB/s (assuming you have signal).
On the post: T-Mobile Exempts Video Streams From Wireless Data Caps, Sets A Horrible Precedent
Re: Re: People still use 480p???
Whether you'll get downscaled because of awful wifi is entirely different, but there is zero truth to "I use 480p by choice".
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