What people don't realize is tmobile is capping the speeds at which users can access video. In order to make it "Free for everyone", they are doing things such as forcing video to 480p. Suddenly everyone doing what they did before will be confused why everything looks terrible.
This is, in modern terms, this is explicitly a data cap - which coincidentally and magically happens to be "Turned on by default" in 5 days. Can you turn it off? Yes, but that's not an excuse. Just like what TMO does after you reach their data cap, but now they'll do it for certain services from day one instead of when you reach a data cap. So now, it's not "Capped at usage", it's "Capped for everyone!" (unless you turn it off).
So network neutrality violation? You bet, and an explicit one at that.
That sounds nice if it actually were something that worked.
In reality, adding new laws won't fix their problems. Even if they ban streaming services entirely new services will immediately prop up to get around the laws.
It wouldn't even remotely surprise me if they're being used at every metropolitan train stop in chicago, just to "collect data". I hope someone FOIA's use around Ogilvie and Union Station in chicago.
So what they're admitting here, is that they're stating it's anonymized, but acknowledging it's personalized (and not anonymous?) and thus as far from anonymized as possible?
" Targeting supposed terrorists or even spying on another Governments is one thing and it is perfectly understandable"
Truly, is it? Have people ever reached the conclusion that hey, maybe no spying is ever ok? Government, terrorism, none of it is ever acceptable. Mostly because none of it is going to follow the actual defined versions. Government is going to target every government employee, civilian or otherwise. Every person on the planet is considered a terrorist because they have opinions and terrorists have opinions.
So no, not any spying is understandable - and we have ourselves solely to blame.
Something something sony case about restricting linux.
Are we looking at a hilariously large class action against DVDCCA/AACS about how you owned it when you bought it, but not now? Because if I can't even own the DVD of a movie I buy then it's sure as hell not worth even the $5 in the bargain bin.
On the post: T-Mobile Exempts Video Streams From Wireless Data Caps, Sets A Horrible Precedent
It's awful, but the devil's in the details
What people don't realize is tmobile is capping the speeds at which users can access video. In order to make it "Free for everyone", they are doing things such as forcing video to 480p. Suddenly everyone doing what they did before will be confused why everything looks terrible.
This is, in modern terms, this is explicitly a data cap - which coincidentally and magically happens to be "Turned on by default" in 5 days. Can you turn it off? Yes, but that's not an excuse. Just like what TMO does after you reach their data cap, but now they'll do it for certain services from day one instead of when you reach a data cap. So now, it's not "Capped at usage", it's "Capped for everyone!" (unless you turn it off).
So network neutrality violation? You bet, and an explicit one at that.
On the post: Comcast's Christmas Present To Broadband Users: More Usage Caps In More Places
On the post: Comcast's Christmas Present To Broadband Users: More Usage Caps In More Places
On the post: Now That Nielsen Can Actually Be Bothered To Track Internet Video, The Numbers For Traditional TV Are Getting Ugly
In reality, adding new laws won't fix their problems. Even if they ban streaming services entirely new services will immediately prop up to get around the laws.
So, too little too late.
On the post: Chicago, Los Angeles Police Departments Have Been Using 'Stingrays On Steroids' For Over A Decade
I wouldn't be surprised
On the post: Vizio Latest Manufacturer To Offer More Ways For TVs To Watch Purchasers
anonymized and personalized?
On the post: Comcast Really Wants Me To Stop Calling Their Top Lobbyist A 'Top Lobbyist'
undercover lobbyist?
On the post: Cord Cutting Is About To Punch ESPN Squarely In The Face
sling TV
On the post: Government Displeases Journalists Who Rely On FOIA Requests With Plan To Release Documents 'To All' Simultaneously
Re: Less about transparency, and more about stopping people from pasting together the entire document...
The government seems to enjoy being antagonistic towards those who own them.
On the post: Amnesty International Told That GCHQ Spied On Its Communications
Truly, is it? Have people ever reached the conclusion that hey, maybe no spying is ever ok? Government, terrorism, none of it is ever acceptable. Mostly because none of it is going to follow the actual defined versions. Government is going to target every government employee, civilian or otherwise. Every person on the planet is considered a terrorist because they have opinions and terrorists have opinions.
So no, not any spying is understandable - and we have ourselves solely to blame.
On the post: Daily Deal: Dragon NaturallySpeaking 13 PC Home
wait, what?
I'm all for supporting techdirt deals, but umm...this isn't one.
On the post: Verizon Wireless Tells 'Price Sensitive' Customers It Doesn't Want Them, Declares It Doesn't Need To Truly Compete
What they mean is the other way around.
Unlimited data is the only thing that reflects on their quality.
On the post: DVD Makers Say That You Don't Really Own The DVDs You Bought... Thanks To Copyright
Re: Re: Where do I return them to?
I also probably have as good or more extensive of a collection than you do, with none of the restrictions!
You are part of the problem.
On the post: DVD Makers Say That You Don't Really Own The DVDs You Bought... Thanks To Copyright
Are we looking at a hilariously large class action against DVDCCA/AACS about how you owned it when you bought it, but not now? Because if I can't even own the DVD of a movie I buy then it's sure as hell not worth even the $5 in the bargain bin.
On the post: Chris Dodd Implies US Gov't Should Go After Wikileaks For Publishing Leaked Sony Emails
On the post: Our Response To Sony Sending Us A Threat Letter For Reporting On The Company's Leaked Emails
Re: Pounding sand
Was it just a fluke that doing so was the one time they were remotely ethical/not garbage?
On the post: Major Record Labels Use Lawsuit Against MP3Skull To Try To Backdoor In SOPA
On the post: Facebook, Google's Supposed Love Of Net Neutrality Notably Absent In India
zero rated apps have an easier explanation
they turn the internet into AOL online.
So facebook = aol online
google = aol online
Why would people want that?
On the post: Google To EU: You Know, No One Really Uses Our Vertical Search Products
The irony is that lots of search engines do this same thing as google: bing promotes google partners, yahoo promotes bing and thus bing partners, etc.
On the post: Senate Intelligence Committee Finally Decides That Maybe It Should Figure Out What The Intelligence Community Is Up To
Is it really that hard?
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