surface and kinect are innovative? the 80s, not the 90's, but the 80's would like to speak with you. They aren't even creative, let alone innovative. They're just a natural progression for technology, and none of them originated with MS.
I suppose next you're going to tell me that bing is innovative?
it always has been the same thing, whether it's DRM, piracy issues, patent infringement, etc: it's extremely shortsighted, which is horrible for any company that plans to exist for more than the next 5-10 years.
and is the problem with a million lawsuits. seriously. the commerce law is the basis for all of the TSA, it's the basis for trying to tax the internet and ban gambling, p2p legality, etc.
that law is so out of place that it's all the judges have.
lets be direct and simple: just because you got some people to settle doesn't mean anything was successful at all.
What case was successful exactly? In what way?
Lots of people hate the music industry so much now that they have sworn to never deal with it again. We're not even just talking consumers, we're talking businesses and artists.
is this like asking Mike to expect a productive conversation out of Bill O'Reily in person?
That's what I thought, Mr. Matt in comment 1.
ps: Hi Jim Murdoch and/or associated paid individual with RIAA/MPAA interests. You sure spent no time writing your original reply. Using the name Matt doesn't hide who really wrote it.
I think so. It's a perfect timing too, because in this way it's now going to be before the election (remember how the appeal for piratebay was timed as after the election)?
The cost of the cable modem is like $9 a month if you don't buy your own. Meanwhile, you can't even get docsis 3 on a consumer cable modem for quite a while. About all you have now is the motorola.
Meanwhile, same deal here. It was cheaper to have basic cable than go without, sadly. It's screwed up. Comcast doesn't want cutters. I'd have done it by now if they didn't manage to charge more when you don't bundle.
there are no paper industry troubles. That's a crock of crap.
Cardboard is made by the same companies, is carbon neutral, and is in an infinite state of demand, for example. So is the paper we use for boxing, or packaging such as for phones/food/devices/etc.
It's a load of BS for companies to act like being green in this case is a bad idea, when it doesn't even affect their real business.
they can absolutely "kick you out". That also has absolutely nothing to do with the lawsuit, either.
The lawsuit is for copyright infringement. This means that they are saying that you're breaking copyright on something nebulous, by creating a bot that will play wow for you.
What copyright are they exactly breaking? What are they copying without permission?
Blizzard tried to argue that you're "Copying the client software", but obviously wowglider doesn't even have to do that.
If I made a website, and you made a way to do something to the website that I didn't intend for, how or why would I be able to sue you for copyright? Sure, there are other things you can be sued for depending on what you do, but I fail to see anything showing that you understand the case or what happened at all.
Blizzard controls what runs on their servers, not what runs on your pc. Also, what copyright is exactly "infringed" by running the wowglider while playing wow? none.
They absolutely cannot dictate what you do, or how you connect. They have tools to change whatever they want, but it doesn't mean they can stop you from doing it. Where do you come up with that? They just provide you a client to authenticate with their servers, and the ability to disconnect/ban you if you chose poorly enough to use their services in the first place.
Online game w/online subscription = DRM in in a nutshell. Think you can take it with you without paying ongoing? Think you can take it with you for anything outside what they choose? Think you can sell your chars to someone else, etc?
I think what this is called, is standard us politics. And they wonder why we call our politicians a bunch of retards, this statement is exactly why.
First we have Barack's "I don't understand technology, but it's bad anyway" and then we have politicians equivalent to the "Why do you hate america?" question.
On the post: There Is No Such Thing As Search Neutrality, Because The Whole Point Of Search Is To Recommend What's Best
Re: Search
I suppose next you're going to tell me that bing is innovative?
On the post: Marvel Pricing Digital Comics Three Times Higher Than Paper Copies [Updated]
On the post: Would You Confuse This Couch With Humphrey Bogart?
On the post: As Hurt Locker Producers Sue Thousands For File Sharing... They Claim Free Speech Rights To Copy Story Of Soldier
I don't get it though
On the post: Film Director: File Sharing Only Hurts Bad Or Mediocre Films
Exactly, Mike
On the post: Judge Says Commerce Outweighs Free Speech Issues When It Comes To Reporting On High School Football
commerce has been stretched a million ways
that law is so out of place that it's all the judges have.
On the post: California Judge In Charge Of Enforcing Laws Against Robocalls, Using Robocalls Herself
Re: Re:
On the post: Defining Success: Were The RIAA's Lawsuits A Success Or Not?
What case was successful exactly? In what way?
Lots of people hate the music industry so much now that they have sworn to never deal with it again. We're not even just talking consumers, we're talking businesses and artists.
On the post: Canadian Official Admits Last Copyright Bill Was Solely About Keeping US Diplomats Happy
Well, why don't we just execute all the infidels to make the taliban happy?
Honestly, completely revamping laws to appease another nation is ridiculous on so many levels and basically morally bankrupt.
On the post: Speed Camera Company Admission May Mean Tickets Issued From 1997-2008 Weren't Valid
good riddance
The whole company is defined as a negligence that knows what they were doing from day one, and they clearly don't do a good job in any form.
On the post: James Murdoch Lectures On Copyright, But Still Seems Confused
Re: Debate...
That's what I thought, Mr. Matt in comment 1.
ps: Hi Jim Murdoch and/or associated paid individual with RIAA/MPAA interests. You sure spent no time writing your original reply. Using the name Matt doesn't hide who really wrote it.
On the post: MPEG-LA Gearing Up To Go Patent Nuclear On Google's Decision To Release Open Video Standard
Anti-Fud and the truth
On the post: Turns Out People Really Like It When The Press Fact Checks, Rather Than Just Reporting What Everyone Said
Re: Great - BUT
On the post: Pirate Party Starts Hosting The Pirate Bay
Re: Re: Uh oh...
On the post: Remember How Hollywood Promised Lots Of New Content If It Could Break Your TV/DVR? Yeah, That's Not Happening...
On the post: Tipping Point? Quarter Of All Homes Have Totally Abandoned Landlines
Re: Re:
The cost of the cable modem is like $9 a month if you don't buy your own. Meanwhile, you can't even get docsis 3 on a consumer cable modem for quite a while. About all you have now is the motorola.
Meanwhile, same deal here. It was cheaper to have basic cable than go without, sadly. It's screwed up. Comcast doesn't want cutters. I'd have done it by now if they didn't manage to charge more when you don't bundle.
On the post: Paper Industry Wishes You'd Ignore Environmentalists, Print More
paper industry troubles?
Cardboard is made by the same companies, is carbon neutral, and is in an infinite state of demand, for example. So is the paper we use for boxing, or packaging such as for phones/food/devices/etc.
It's a load of BS for companies to act like being green in this case is a bad idea, when it doesn't even affect their real business.
On the post: Trio Of Important First Sale Cases All Hit Appeals Court In Early June
The lawsuit is for copyright infringement. This means that they are saying that you're breaking copyright on something nebulous, by creating a bot that will play wow for you.
What copyright are they exactly breaking? What are they copying without permission?
Blizzard tried to argue that you're "Copying the client software", but obviously wowglider doesn't even have to do that.
If I made a website, and you made a way to do something to the website that I didn't intend for, how or why would I be able to sue you for copyright? Sure, there are other things you can be sued for depending on what you do, but I fail to see anything showing that you understand the case or what happened at all.
On the post: Trio Of Important First Sale Cases All Hit Appeals Court In Early June
Re: 3rd not the same
Blizzard controls what runs on their servers, not what runs on your pc. Also, what copyright is exactly "infringed" by running the wowglider while playing wow? none.
They absolutely cannot dictate what you do, or how you connect. They have tools to change whatever they want, but it doesn't mean they can stop you from doing it. Where do you come up with that? They just provide you a client to authenticate with their servers, and the ability to disconnect/ban you if you chose poorly enough to use their services in the first place.
Online game w/online subscription = DRM in in a nutshell. Think you can take it with you without paying ongoing? Think you can take it with you for anything outside what they choose? Think you can sell your chars to someone else, etc?
On the post: Dumb Question Of The Day: Should Google Try To Prevent Terrorism?
bogus statements
First we have Barack's "I don't understand technology, but it's bad anyway" and then we have politicians equivalent to the "Why do you hate america?" question.
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