Infographic Shows Why You Should Be Worried About The TPP... And What You Can Do

from the speak-up dept

We've been writing about the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement for a while now, so hopefully you're already aware and concerned about it. However, the good folks over at the EFF have now put together an infographic highlighting the problems of the TPP and what you can do about it. Check it out:
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Filed Under: infographic, secrecy, tpp

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 22 Aug 2012 @ 3:11pm

    It would be better without the typo: search engines need Fair Use for exCerPts. And SOPA/PIPA probably need either a brief explanation or to be abbreviated properly instead of just name dropped in a chunk of all-uppercase text. Other than that there's a ton of great information there.

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    • identicon
      Anonymous Coward, 22 Aug 2012 @ 3:57pm


      Apparently "serche" engines need it for "exerts"

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    • identicon
      Anonymous Coward, 24 Aug 2012 @ 9:27pm


      "Design by Lumin Consulting"

      They are the guys to blame for the typos, layout mistakes and the poor hard-to-read design. Now you know who to stay away from.

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  • icon
    The eejit (profile), 22 Aug 2012 @ 3:11pm

    Inb4 "Google is teh evuls!"

    On a more serious note, on what planet is ignorijng the public's concerns in any way legal?

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    • identicon
      Anonymous Coward, 22 Aug 2012 @ 3:55pm


      Plant Earth, unfortunately.

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    • identicon
      Anonymous Coward, 22 Aug 2012 @ 7:40pm


      It's funny how the shills think that google is the mastermind behind the anti-sopa movement even with anti-google Glenn Beck railing against it too.

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  • icon
    sgt_doom (profile), 22 Aug 2012 @ 3:14pm

    Thanks for a fantastic infographic, plus article.

    This is a bad, bad, bad agreement, and along with everything else, is yet another reason in America why we must vote radically for a change and vote for Dr. Jill Stein of the Green Party; a vote for Romney or Obama is a sure vote for Wall Street domination.

    This is what the entire WikiLeaks/Assange/persecution of Bradley Manning is all about. Not simply freedom of the press and free speech, but those WikiLeaked cables clearly demonstrate the domination of the US gov't by multinationals to a complete degree.

    (To those interested, please read the report at the Nordic News site below, a brief synopsis of important paragraphs is provided, but the report is wonderfully exhaustive in its treatment.)

    21 August. On the same day that Anna Ardin is interviewed, the dossier assembled by the police is reviewed by prosecutor Eva Finn�, to whom the case has been transferred at the direction of Prosecutor-General Anders Perklev. Ms. Finn� is the first prosecutor to read the documentation, and she quickly decides to rescind the order for Assange�s arrest. The announcement is made at 16:48 on Saturday, just short of one full day after the arrest order
    was issued by her colleague.

    �I do not believe there is any reason to suspect that [Assange] has committed rape,� is the terse message of Eva Finn� who will continue the investigation and announce her final decision within
    the next few days. In the meantime, the only remaining suspicion is that Assange may have physically � but not sexually � molested Anna Ardin.

    23 August. Police officer Irmeli Krans returns to work on Monday morning, intending to proofread the protocol of her interview with Sofia Wil�n and correct any errors it might contain. But she discovers that she is denied access to the text file in the police computer
    system. �After an exchange of e-mails, I was ordered by lead investigator Mats Gehlin to instead write and sign a new protocol in the computer system, which was done on Thursday, August 26th, with necessary changes.�

    25 August. Having reviewed the evidence in the Assange case, prosecutor Eva Finn� makes a final decision to dismiss all sexrelated charges. �I have discontinued the preliminary investigation of the charge originally designated as rape,� she announces. �There is no suspicion of any crime whatsoever. I have gone through the interview with the complainant [Sofia Wil�n].

    27 September. After lingering in Sweden for five weeks, Julian Assange departs for Germany and then England, with Ms. Ny�s consent. On the same day, she issues a secret warrant for his arrest (see �Abuse of Office by Prosecutor Ny� on page 31).

    Supported by public funds, Claes Borgstr�m is conducting a largely uncontested �trial by media� against Assange with the eager complicity of influential print and broadcast media.

    October 2010. Now based in England, Assange makes repeated attempts to be interviewed. Among them is an offer to return to Sweden for that purpose at his own expense any time during the week of October 11th. That suggestion is rejected by prosecutor Ny on the grounds that it is �too distant�. Assange also offers to be interviewed in London, either in person or via telecommunications.

    Every proposal is rejected by Ms. Ny (see �Abuse of Office by Swedish Prosecutor on page 31).

    20 November. Prosecutor Ny issues a European Arrest Warrant (EAW) for Julian Assange. In addition to ignoring Assange�s numerous attempts to arrange an interview, prosecutor Ny has
    ignored the less intrusive Mutual Legal Assistance mechanism that is normally employed in such cases (see �Overkill with European Arrest Warrant� on page 35).

    On the same day, Ms. Ny authorizes Interpol to post a Red Notice on Assange, the highest priority alert which is usually reserved for the most serious criminal suspects. This appears to make Assange a more dangerous fellow than Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi,
    who is charged with crimes against humanity but is listed with the lower-ranking Orange Notice

    In explaining why she has resorted to such heavy-handed methods to arrange an interview, prosecutor Ny states that it is essential for it be conducted on Swedish soil since Swedish law prohibits any of the alternatives proposed by Assange and his lawyers.

    That is an outright lie: There is no such law. In fact, there is a well established mechanism for international co-operation: �Mutual legal assistance (MLA) is the formal way in which countries request and provide assistance in obtaining evidence located in one country to assist in criminal investigations or proceedings in another country,� explains the website of the U.K. government.

    The law establishing the European Arrest Warrant was hurriedly adopted by the European Union�s parliament in response to the terror attacks in the United States on
    11 September 2001. The intended purpose was to facilitate the extradition between EU member-states of persons suspected of terrorism and other serious crimes.

    A fundamental requirement of an EAW is that it must be issued for someone who has been formally charged with a crime. But Julian Assange has not yet been charged with any crime, a circumstance (dubiously) employed by Ms. Ny to justify withholding exculpatory and other evidence.

    . . .

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    • icon
      Benjo (profile), 22 Aug 2012 @ 4:52pm


      Unfortunately in the two-party system, a vote for the Green party will statistically be a vote for Romney. (or maybe .6-1 vote)

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    Anonymous Coward, 22 Aug 2012 @ 3:24pm

    More Google-funded horse shit.

    I hope Congress slaps this fucking evil bunch of greedy dorks with enough fines to crash their stock price.

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    • icon
      silverscarcat (profile), 22 Aug 2012 @ 3:50pm


      Yes, it must be all Google.

      It can't possibly be people who are worried about the direction the government is going. People who worry about their rights and liberties. Or people who dislike stuff like the Patriot Act and other treaties and such that are done in secret that erode on the 4th and 1st Amendments, taking away your freedoms bit by bit and eventually everything that you do is closely monitored by secret police.

      Nope, it must be Google's evil plot!

      Lemme tell ya this...

      I would rather have Google writing up TPP than who's writing it up right now.


      Because at least Google would TRY to help the common people AND they would be transparent about it.

      But, no, to the IP Maximalist crowd, Google is teh evilz.*

      *Ignoring the fact that they've used Copyright to censor free speech, shut down websites illegally, sue grandmothers, children, copiers, even dead people for infringement. Plus they demand to be able to go into anyone's home to make sure that their demands are met (getting unlimited access to IP data).

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        Anonymous Coward, 22 Aug 2012 @ 4:19pm

        Re: Re:

        You're not worried about anything except your freeloading, you worthless parasite.

        So please spare me your disgusting attempts at pimping the constitution.

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        • identicon
          Anonymous Coward, 22 Aug 2012 @ 4:23pm

          Re: Re: Re:

          You only can about you precious monopolies to the detriment of freedom of speech and individual librerty. And you what to make the ISP do expensive policing work for free.

          You worthless parasite

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        • icon
          silverscarcat (profile), 22 Aug 2012 @ 6:16pm

          Re: Re: Re:

          "You're not worried about anything except your freeloading, you worthless parasite."


          VERY wrong.

          I worry about the fact that I'm living in a society where just looking the wrong color makes you a terrorist.

          I'm worried about a society where idiots like Romney have a better chance of being President than someone like Ron Paul, who, if he had been running in previous years, would have a better chance of being President than he does today.

          I'm worried about what our descendants will have inherited from us. Will it be a great society or a horrible dystopia?

          So, the only worthless parasite I see is you.

          "So please spare me your disgusting attempts at pimping the constitution."

          I see now...

          You believe that the constitution shouldn't exist and we should just bow down to our corporate masters and not worry about the fact that they're trying to take away our rights.

          You, AC, are the most horrible, disgusting being to exist. And anyone who thinks like you should be ashamed to be on the Internet, and if you live in America, I have to say, I'm ashamed that you and I are in the same country.

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          • identicon
            Anonymous Coward, 22 Aug 2012 @ 6:23pm

            Re: Re: Re: Re:

            On board with all except the "RON PAUL" part

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            • icon
              silverscarcat (profile), 22 Aug 2012 @ 6:36pm

              Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:

              Hey, I don't agree with everything, but he's a HELL of a lot better of an option than Romney or Obama is.

              Sad, isn't it?

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              • identicon
                Anonymous Coward, 22 Aug 2012 @ 6:55pm

                Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:

                True enough.

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              • icon
                The eejit (profile), 23 Aug 2012 @ 1:28am

                Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:

                Yes, it';s sad when one considered the nutbar fringe is a better option than the two mainstream candidates.

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                • icon
                  silverscarcat (profile), 23 Aug 2012 @ 5:27am

                  Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:

                  "Yes, it';s sad when one considered the nutbar fringe is a better option than the two mainstream candidates."

                  It's sad that the only part of him that could be considered nutbar fringe is how he views his economic policies and getting the US back on the Gold Standard and emphasis on free market.

                  If you look at his foreign policy and views on freedom and liberty, he should be one of the front runners since he has railed against so much that's been done by the government since the 1970s.

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        • identicon
          Anonymous Coward, 23 Aug 2012 @ 3:03pm

          Re: Re: Re:

          The biggest push back in New Zealand is coming from the software creation industry you malicious little oligarchist.

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      • identicon
        Anonymous Coward, 22 Aug 2012 @ 7:20pm

        Re: Re:

        I would rather have Google writing up TPP than who's writing it up right now.


        Because at least Google would TRY to help the common people AND they would be transparent about it.

        You sure about that? Android developers and Google were just the beneficiaries of the FBI seizure of websites trafficking in infringing Android software.

        Methinks you are another dupe of Google, drunk on their Kool-Aid. Google does what is good for Google, you won't benefit unless they determine that they benefit first.

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        • icon
          The eejit (profile), 23 Aug 2012 @ 1:36am

          Re: Re: Re:

          Of course they do what's bets for Google, most of the time. But unlike certain other companies I can name, at least Google make an effort to not antagonise their customers and users.

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        • icon
          Niall (profile), 23 Aug 2012 @ 2:25am

          Re: Re: Re:

          So if every other business does what is good for it, it's just legitimate business practices and the free market, but when Google does what's good for it, or, shock horror, what's good for the public, it's "teh ebil"? Way to show off the actual bad elements of capitalism! The 'free' market is only 'free' to help the 1%?

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        • icon
          silverscarcat (profile), 23 Aug 2012 @ 5:12am

          Re: Re: Re:

          "Methinks you are another dupe of Google, drunk on their Kool-Aid. Google does what is good for Google, you won't benefit unless they determine that they benefit first."

          Obviously you don't know the meme...

          "Google is obviously trying to take over the world, but we don't care, they'll do it right." - 4Chan

          Methinks that YOU are another dupe of the MPAA/RIAA and think that Google is teh evilz simply because Google gives customers what they want.

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        • identicon
          Anonymous Coward, 23 Aug 2012 @ 7:49am

          Re: Re: Re:

          actually it was the DOJ that led this... has nothing to do with Google.

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    • identicon
      Anonymous Coward, 22 Aug 2012 @ 8:01pm


      It's funnier when you realize that Hollywood were the first really big IP pirates in the US.

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    • identicon
      Anonymous Coward, 22 Aug 2012 @ 8:56pm


      "More Google-funded horse shit.

      I hope Congress slaps this fucking evil bunch of greedy dorks with enough fines to crash their stock price."

      ^^^ More Hollywood funded horse shit.
      I hope Congress stops taking bribes of blowjobs and money and does the right thing.

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    • icon
      Coyote (profile), 22 Aug 2012 @ 10:51pm


      It's almost sickeningly ironic you utilize the phrase 'fucking evil bunch of greedy dorks.' in defense of people who:

      use made up figures to support their arguments.
      hate democracy [which they have actually said.]
      hate the public and their interest, while thinking you should be grateful for their products, even if they are half-assed nonsense.
      treat everyone as if they are a thief, even their paying customers
      treat the fans like shit
      treat the musicians like shit
      refuse to pay musicians what they are owed [see: universal, EMI, etc.]
      throttle consumers at every possible standpoint
      are incapable of seeing reality, even when it slaps them in their face
      are incapable of empathy on any level
      are about as stupid as your average backwater Redneck [not all rednecks, as I do know some who are intelligent.]
      gleefully abuse their powers to shut down negative reviews of products
      abuse the current laws as much as possible to make more profit for themselves
      refuse to innovate
      refuse to believe piracy is not a lost sale
      refuse to compete in a marketplace in which competing with superior products should be the go-to thing, but instead blame it on piracy.
      make false claims; for instance, claiming the music industry is collapsing or the film industry is collapsing, when everything says 'no, you're wrong, stop being retarded.'
      make up inflated numbers to give their 'research' merit, despite being debunked by top economists many times the world over.
      make legislation that hurts consumers, the public, and everyone else but legacy gatekeepers.
      and untold more.

      And yet you call Google the evil one? Sure, Google has done some weird things these past few weeks. But nothing akin to what the thieves and liars of the RIAA and MPAA do on a daily goddamn basis.

      I could write a poem about you, but that would be giving you more credit and attention than you'll ever deserve. I hate people like you, who apologize for Hollywood's actions, who apologize for the thievery, the deception, the hatred and vitriol and uselessness of the RIAA and MPAA. I legitimately hate people like you, who support corporate crones and their dolled up bitches and whores.

      I like bitches and whores, men and women both. They know who they are; they don't pretend, and they're not bashful about it.

      People like you enjoy pretending. The real world doesn't work on pretend. It works on function, rationality, logicality, suffering and pain and death and most of all, PROGRESS.

      You support stopping progress.

      And that is why I hate you. By stopping progress, you are forcing us to come to a stand-still, forcing us to stay in one age, an age of anti-innovation, anti-progress, anti-consumer, and anti-quality. You'd like it if Hollywood could continue making half-assed movies that are remakes of a rehashed film series based on a true story without the consequences of making a half-assed film.

      Progress, by its' nature, cannot be truly stopped; it's an idea, and ideas cannot be killed. Innovation cannot be killed. Progress continues, even if we have to kill for it.

      I don't care if you don't read this. I don't care if you shut the fuck up or continue with your nonsensical bullshit. I just wanted you to know how much I hate you, and people like you.

      So kindly fuck off. I hear there's a nice place for you and your kind. It's called the cemetery, where all your lies, thievery, and corporate shilling belong. In a shallow grave.

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      • icon
        Cory of PC (profile), 23 Aug 2012 @ 5:51am

        Re: Re:

        *clapping* Beautiful... simply beautiful, man.

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      • identicon
        Anonymous Coward, 24 Aug 2012 @ 1:25am

        Re: Re:

        Coyote, take your list, and turn it around.

        If companies refuse to innovate, refuse to use "new" business models that work, refuse all sorts of things, then WORK AROUND THEM AND MAKE YOUR OWN.

        If the new business models are that good, why am I not seeing new full length feature films with name actors, HD camera work, spectacular effects, and the like being streamed to my TV for free?

        Why am I not seeing musicians stopping selling their albums, just giving them away, and living at Mom's house instead of making a living selling their music?


        Because the progress you are suggesting just isn't there. It's not progress, it's regression. Asking business to regress to supply your desire for endless free entertainment is never going to fly.

        If the new way is better, work it and prove it. Stop trying to kill the other side and force them to work your way. Work your way, and beat them in business.

        If you can't do it, perhaps the new model isn't all that good.

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    Anonymous Coward, 22 Aug 2012 @ 3:24pm

    "Why You Should Be Worried"

    LMAO, Mike! All IP enforcement worries you. But yeah, you're not pro-piracy.


    Do you *ever* not defend the pirates and actually support the right holders, you know, the victims?


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    • identicon
      Anonymous Coward, 22 Aug 2012 @ 3:28pm


      What you fail to understand is that laws can have effects beyond what the stated purpose is.

      Just because this law talks of piracy doesn't mean they will be the only ones impacted

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        Anonymous Coward, 22 Aug 2012 @ 3:48pm

        Re: Re:

        That's like saying laws against some drugs will affect minorities disproportionally compared to non-minorities.

        Reality much?

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        • icon
          Zakida Paul (profile), 22 Aug 2012 @ 3:53pm

          Re: Re: Re:

          Another anonymous idiot/troll. My head hurts.

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        • icon
          Josh in CharlotteNC (profile), 22 Aug 2012 @ 7:46pm

          Re: Re: Re:

          That's like saying laws against some drugs will affect minorities disproportionally compared to non-minorities.

          "In establishing the mandatory minimum penalties for cocaine, Congress differentiated between the two principal forms of cocaine � cocaine hydrochloride [hereinafter referred to as powder cocaine] and cocaine base [hereinafter referred to as crack cocaine] � and provided significantly higher punishment for crack cocaine offenses. As a result of the 1986 Act, federal law requires a five-year mandatory minimum penalty for a first-time trafficking offense involving five grams or more of crack cocaine, or 500 grams or more of powder cocaine, and a ten-year mandatory minimum penalty for a first-time trafficking offense involving 50 grams or more of crack cocaine, or 5,000 grams or more of powder cocaine. Because it takes 100 times more powder cocaine than crack cocaine to trigger the same mandatory minimum penalty, this penalty structure is commonly referred to as the '100-to-1 drug quantity ratio.'"

          Source: US Sentencing Commission, "Report to Congress: Cocaine and Federal Sentencing Policy" 2007

          "Historically the majority of crack cocaine offenders are black, but the proportion steadily has declined since 1992: 91.4 percent in 1992, 84.7 percent in 2000, and 81.8 percent in 2006."

          Same source.

          In this reality, some laws do (or did) affect minorities disproportionally. What reality are you living in?

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    • icon
      Zakida Paul (profile), 22 Aug 2012 @ 3:45pm


      I honestly can't tell if you are stupid or just a troll. I suspect both.

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    • icon
      KelvinZevallos (profile), 22 Aug 2012 @ 4:16pm


      Actually, there is a lot of support for the "Right's Holders", but it's not in a way you want to hear it. Here we say: "Change your busisness model, you have the tools, technology, money and power to do it. It's easy and really cost/effective for everyone. Do it before it's too late for you."

      Or you might be expecting something like: "Hooray for this busisness model!!! DVDs/VCRs/Blu-Ray with DRM and lots of FBI warnings and never-ending trailers are the lastest innovation of this world. You are our heroes!!!"

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  • identicon
    The Ferg, 22 Aug 2012 @ 3:42pm

    You do know it's already dead?

    It may not seem like it, but the Supreme Court has, tons of times, affirmed that the Constitution supercedes any treaty, FTA or whatever that the US signs up to.

    Don't take it from me: Take it from this...

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    • icon
      silverscarcat (profile), 22 Aug 2012 @ 3:57pm

      Re: You do know it's already dead?

      MPAA/RIAA: Constitution? What's that?

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      • identicon
        The Ferg, 22 Aug 2012 @ 4:00pm

        Re: Re: You do know it's already dead?

        They'll learn. Eventually. And by then their *cough* CRIMINAL *cough* organisations will no longer exist.

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        Anonymous Coward, 22 Aug 2012 @ 4:16pm

        Re: Re: You do know it's already dead?

        Oh look, it's the freetard's favorite excuse for their thievery...


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        • identicon
          Anonymous Coward, 22 Aug 2012 @ 4:44pm

          Re: Re: Re: You do know it's already dead?

          And again you are unable todefend the indefenseable so you fall back to calling people freetards.

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        • icon
          silverscarcat (profile), 22 Aug 2012 @ 6:18pm

          Re: Re: Re: You do know it's already dead?

          Oh look, it's a troll's favorite excuse for their douchebaggery.


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    • identicon
      Anonymous Coward, 22 Aug 2012 @ 5:56pm

      Re: You do know it's already dead?

      Wait, the Constitution's still around? I thought God Emperor Bubamney vetoed that.

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  • icon
    Mega1987 (profile), 22 Aug 2012 @ 6:10pm

    USA government are beginning to destroy it's so called core value of freedom, that's for sure.

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 22 Aug 2012 @ 6:17pm

    What I think is amusing is that negotiations are "secret" and yet the EFF claims to know pretty much exactly what is in it.

    Mostly, it's FUD. They don't know, they are just putting the biggest scare concepts out there to make people nervous.

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    • icon
      silverscarcat (profile), 22 Aug 2012 @ 6:20pm


      "What I think is amusing is that negotiations are "secret" and yet the EFF claims to know pretty much exactly what is in it.

      Mostly, it's FUD. They don't know, they are just putting the biggest scare concepts out there to make people nervous."

      And THAT is WHY people should be nervous.

      What's in it? We don't know.

      I think that should worry us more than anything else right now.

      What if the treaty said "the punishment for infringing is your city getting carpet bombed"?

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      • identicon
        Anonymous Coward, 22 Aug 2012 @ 6:59pm

        Re: Re:

        Yes, people perhaps should be nervous for not knowing. However, it doesn't justify these types of scare tactics.

        Let's be fair here:

        1 - Treaties that do not conform with the laws of the countries involved will not change their laws, unless passed by their governents.

        2 - Fair Use is a US only legal concept, and will not be changed by treaty, except perhaps being expanded.

        3 - A US treaty on something does not automatically change the laws of the US.

        Most of what is in that infographic suggests that laws would be changed negatively to hurt free speech - yet there is no indication of this at all. If anything, it appears that TPP may actually be a document that defines a form of fair use for all countries involved, even for those who do no currently have such laws on the books or in judgements.

        So yeah, it's FUD - and it's bigger FUD from Mike for running it, because even he knows it's full of shit.

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        • icon
          silverscarcat (profile), 22 Aug 2012 @ 7:18pm

          Re: Re: Re:

          Even if it *IS* FUD (and I HIGHLY doubt it is), the fact is, if it goes through and we try to fix US copyright law in the future...

          "Sorry, that would put us out of synch with the rest of the world's copyright law, which is part of a treaty we signed years ago."

          So, yeah, it's not exactly FUD, since it's VERY likely that will happen.

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          • identicon
            Anonymous Coward, 22 Aug 2012 @ 7:25pm

            Re: Re: Re: Re:

            I think that is a valid point. The fear monger is bullshit. The treaty will have little affect on Americans. However, EFF and other apologists know that this treaty going through which will include key points of US style IP provisions will make it harder to roll back existing IP law. That is the real agenda here, rolling back current IP law. It won't happen anyway, but TPP will make it impossible. Truthfully though, it is likely impossible as we already are party to other IP treaties that will largely prevent domestic IP law rollback.

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            • identicon
              Anonymous Coward, 22 Aug 2012 @ 11:42pm

              Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:

              Yes, it will happen. Sooner or later, the straw is going to break the public's back and they are going to take back their government..... by force, if necessary.

              I've talked with many ex-military people who are getting incensed by this bullshit and are saying on a regular basis "This is not what I signed up for when I said that I would protect America!"

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            • icon
              The eejit (profile), 23 Aug 2012 @ 1:40am

              Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:

              Noi, it will have a lot of effect on America. The nation is failing - with decades-old infrastructure that's not being fully repaired, with debts greater than pretty much any nation and a political system that needs to be shot in the face until it's a bloody mess.

              Locking in bad law for the life of a treaty for a business that will adapt in the next two years is insane troll politics of the highest order.

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              • identicon
                Anonymous Coward, 23 Aug 2012 @ 6:17am

                Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:

                I don't agree. The US is already party to trade agreements with strong IP provisions. The kinds of rollbacks in domestic law sought by freeloaders and piracy apologists masquerading as free speech advocates would abrogate those international agreements. The die is already cast. TPP would simply eliminate any wiggle room, but there's not much of that anyway.

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              • identicon
                Anonymous Coward, 23 Aug 2012 @ 9:11am

                Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:

                "Noi, it will have a lot of effect on America. The nation is failing - with decades-old infrastructure that's not being fully repaired, with debts greater than pretty much any nation and a political system that needs to be shot in the face until it's a bloody mess."

                Yes, and don't you think perhaps part of the reason that this is happening is the old Roman "bread and circuses". Everyone wants to enjoy the stuff, nobody wants to pay for it. They all want to get enough money from welfare and enough free entertainment from the internet not to have to bother to work or pay taxes.

                The upper class does the same, hiding their earnings or flopping them around from offshore trust to dummy company to unrelated spinoff investment accounts, just to avoid paying the bills.

                The political system is a reflection of you. Your anger and your pessimism is what drives the politicians to fight, bicker, and get nothing done. They are literally mouthing your own words back to you.

                You don't realize it (and most people don't), but your comments here are the sort of thing that is causing the problem, not resolving it.

                Don't blame the law - it's your own actions causing it.

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                • icon
                  Dirkmaster (profile), 23 Aug 2012 @ 11:44am

                  Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:

                  What an absolute flagrant lie! In the last three elections, I have voted for people who promised to do one thing, and then have been absolute traitors by turning around and doing the exact opposite. Obama is a perfect example, but it happened with Bush before him, and with local politians as well.

                  *I* have never taken a bribed, or changed my opinion or position for money or favors. I have never felt that everyone is below me, or is a thief by default. I don't believe that the government is best suited to fix all ills, and neither are businesses. I served my country by defending from foreign aggression onboard a submarine.

                  I do not want or deserve the travesty of a federal government we have now, and I am personally affronted and offended that you would suggest otherwise.

                  Begone, troll, thy stink repels us.

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                  • identicon
                    Anonymous Coward, 23 Aug 2012 @ 7:47pm

                    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:

                    "*I* have never taken a bribed, or changed my opinion or position for money or favors."

                    Yup, and you never have, and never will sit in the big chair, to discover that the wonderful highly idealized view of the world that you hold doesn't match up with the reality of the day to day of running the country and keeping everyone (not just yourself and your freeloading friends) happy.

                    You blame it on bribery or "money for favors", I tend to look at it more as "saw the big picture". Sometimes what a politician promises to do is just not feasible, and they come to realize it when they get handed the reigns of power and discover that no amount of pulling will make the animal that is America change direction to go "that way".

                    A significant number of Americans think Obama is a muslim. A significant number of Americans think Obama was born in Africa. A significant number of Americans think Obama is related to Saddam Hussein (because of the middle name that the Republicans keep pushing). Are you part of a significant number of Americans who think every politician is being bribed all the time?

                    "I do not want or deserve the travesty of a federal government we have now, and I am personally affronted and offended that you would suggest otherwise."

                    The real travesty is that narrow minded people like you think they know better, and are willing to jam it down everyone else's throat. It's why you have the current travesty - you created it yourself.

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    • icon
      Rapnel (profile), 22 Aug 2012 @ 7:36pm


      You know what makes me nervous there dickhead? That fact that you think the only fucking problem going on right now is whether or not you can continue to milk a dead cow without pissing of just so many people as to cause a complete fucking meltdown in a society that, typically, does not completely fucking melt down. You fucking whore maximalists are so completely fucking bent on manipulation that you're now engaging in and preparing for war. A war over who gets to distribute what and where and to whom.

      You know what? Fuck you. You're a cunt and that's not FUD packed.

      Transparency is not a fucking joke and your use of "FUD" is pathetically ironic. This is our world. If you're so concerned about your precious IP then perhaps you should stop betting the fucking farm on it because we really don't give a shit whether you're making it or not. And we definitely don't give a shit who you're supposedly "representin" so eat a dick.

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      • identicon
        Anonymous Coward, 23 Aug 2012 @ 6:33am

        Re: Re:

        Nice potty mouth. What you and your fellow freeloaders are doing is attacking process as a surrogate for attacking substance. If TPP didn't touch on IP law, there'd be no insane rants about transparency. Few other stakeholders are rioting over transparency, just the IP zealots. Do you honestly expect anyone to believe if there was complete transparency on the IP chapter that would evoke anything more reasoned than the current hysteria? The contents of the IP chapter are now largely known, yet the transparency rant is the most prominent.

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        • icon
          Rapnel (profile), 23 Aug 2012 @ 8:02am

          Re: Re: Re:

          "Do you honestly expect anyone to believe if there was complete transparency..hysteria?"

          That's a pretty fucking hypothetical question now isn't it?

          Copyright protections/extensions/bullshit are completely out of control. That's all I know.

          The flow of information is also out of control - that much I love.

          Figuring out how to "capitalize" in this environment, for those wishing to continue to make a living in it, is not my problem, however, I'm quite certain that one can without this "but piracy" nonsense. To say nothing of the corruption of the governing process.

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          • identicon
            Anonymous Coward, 23 Aug 2012 @ 8:20am

            Re: Re: Re: Re:

            "Copyright protections/extensions/bullshit are completely out of control. That's all I know."

            Yes. Let's see, the only extension like to have happened in your life went from "almost your lifetime" to "effectively your lifetime" You understand that, even without extensions in the last 20 years, you would still be enjoying the fresh new public domain material from about 1927. That's right, you are all uppity about that stuff. Does it really matter in any meaningful terms to you personally if new works put out today are covered until you are dead, or until you are dead and turned into crude oil? Does that matter so much to you?

            Further, let's be fair here. Between expansion of fair use by the courts in the US and moves in many countries (including the UK to clear "fair dealing", it seems that copyright is in a lesser position than 20 years ago. We won't even address what DMCA did to rights holder's positions.

            I think the problem is more simple - the internet is a tool that can make it easier to access information, therefore the consumption of it is up - but the only way it happens on a budget that most people can afford is to pirate it. People don't know how to say no, to say "I can't afford it today" and instead want to consume all of the hot new content now, today, instantly, and without charge - because there is no other way for them to do it.

            There really isn't much of a way to capitalize in that sort of market, except perhaps for begging consumers to spend the money they will spend on 5% of their entertainment with you, rather than the next guy. It's a crap shoot, nothing more and nothing less.

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            • icon
              Rapnel (profile), 23 Aug 2012 @ 8:49am

              Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:

              Well you've done a fine job of painting a picture however I think the finishing touches should really be completed by someone else as you're, clearly, too short-sighted about this overall issue that you've already bagged and tagged what's possible and what's not. Or, in other words, you're a worker, not a queen. I will grant "easier to access information" to you though. Nothing like a whack with the blunt, heavy obvious.

              Getting these cretins to "try" to meet even half the way to half-way is an uphill battle.

              The entertainment budget should be per piece and not per package - that much is pretty clear. The package deals have been the butter to your breads. There is no more wheat. These deals are and always have been.. half-baked servings of ass. Full unfettered access is here. If you can't capitalize on it then pull out.

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            • identicon
              Shadow-Slider, 23 Aug 2012 @ 12:52pm

              Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:

              Actually without the laws passed(that altered the length of copyright) in the last twenty years it be would that pre-1937 be public domain in the U.S. and the copyright on works that were not renewed after their first term (28 years) and created pre-1976 also. Without the laws passed (that altered the length of copyright) in the last forty years it be would that pre-1956 be public domain in the U.S. and pre-1984 for the copyright on works that were not renewed after their first term.

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      • identicon
        Anonymous Coward, 23 Aug 2012 @ 6:52am

        Re: Re:

        "You know what makes me nervous there dickhead?"

        What I love is someone who has anger issues that are misdirected. You clearly didn't read my comment, otherwise you probably wouldn't be off like this.

        So, let's try again.

        The "facts" in this graphic aren't facts at all. They are OPINION, being played out as facts by people trying to scare you. It's obviously working, because you are doing the virtual version of shitting your pants. They have got you so worried about what MIGHT happen, that you are no longer separating fact from opinion.

        So, my little cunty friend, perhaps in the future you can read a little bit more, understand a little more, and be less of a dick.

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        • icon
          Rapnel (profile), 23 Aug 2012 @ 7:41am

          Re: Re: Re:

          You're right, you're very right. I get potty mouthy. I'm not quite apologetic, as it were, however, like quite a few other folks, I'm just shooting, not aiming, just shooting. FACT's little UK ordeal has sort of pushed me into caring much, much less about any distributors plight.

          And so, transparency.. I intended that to be all the way around and not just TPP. That'll be clear soon enough. It's the entire process of this fourth arm of government that's really ticking me off, thoroughly. Add to that what would appear to be a complete and utter disregard for the rights of the public and you'll get equal amounts in irritation from me.

          As for "piracy" as a target offensive. Infringement is disgustingly easy. Disgustingly. Which would indicate not a failure in law but a failure with those pushing new laws, agreements, restrictions &c. A failure to function in a reality that is so profound and distinct that the *only* way these folks can swim is further criminalization of folks where most of these folks just drifting with the current.

          As for being less of a dick - forget about it. I've no illusions of being taken seriously so why should I fret about it. Besides, you have no name and we are not associates of any sort.

          If I'm free to rant then rant I shall. You, likewise, are free to completely ignore rants.

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    • identicon
      Anonymous Coward, 23 Aug 2012 @ 7:45am


      If it is FUD provide the hard evidence... Oh I forgot it's secret so you can't backup you bullshit.

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 22 Aug 2012 @ 7:33pm

    TPP is the secret world government.

    It's just so obvious. TPP is the secret world government.

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    • identicon
      Anonymous Coward, 22 Aug 2012 @ 11:53pm

      Re: TPP is the secret world government.

      The 'secret world government' isn't so secret anymore. Personally, I just wish that they would come out into the open.

      One world government wouldn't be such a bad thing in some aspects, as long as it didn't lean super-fascist or super-communist.

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  • identicon
    Pixelation, 22 Aug 2012 @ 10:42pm

    I wonder

    how much bloodshed will ultimately be caused by bad legislation such as the TPP. As more and more agreements/ legislation are passed that favor big business over the average person, it seems, eventually the common man will have to stand up and demand fairness. The TPP (and similar bad legislation) should die instead of human beings.

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    • identicon
      Anonymous Coward, 23 Aug 2012 @ 6:35am

      Re: I wonder

      People are going to die without pirated content?

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      • icon
        Rick Smith (profile), 23 Aug 2012 @ 7:47am

        Re: Re: I wonder

        No, Copyright/Piracy issues are but a symptom of the real problem. A problem that increasing looks like it will eventually lead to deaths.

        The imbalance of wealth has grown too large. There are many factors at play that have caused this buy my opinion that the root cause is simple greed; be it for money, power, or both. The system (government) is in need of a reset. It�s grown too complicated and contradictory for even those supposedly running it.

        As an added problem for the US, is globalization. Being the poster child for Capitalization that we are, when globalization became feasible we did what we were taught to do, which is capitalize on the situation (exploit). The effect of this has not made our people happy though. Why? Because this moving jobs to the cheaper locations so we can make more money. Since the US (at the time) was one of the wealthiest nations, that means that just about anywhere else is cheaper (labor/material/laws). This action, while good for the �companies� bottom line was not so good for the people. Most have lost wealth (and still in the process of losing wealth) and won�t stop until we reach parity with the rest of the world. This just extends that gap.

        In order to deal with the situation, those with power are doing with they have always done in the past. Restrict information as much as possible and have distractions so what does get out is ignored. But much like RIAA/MPAA is finding out, the Internet has changed the game and the world governments have not adapted with it. The Internet makes it too easy and fast to distribute information, and once it�s out, it has a tendency to stick around. Those in power are becoming to realize this and that is why they are starting to make all of this legislation, much in secret. They are hoping to put the genie back in the bottle, so to speak. I do not think they can and I think this will lead to violence before all is said and done. I see this happening not just in the US but in most of the world. The questions for me are when will it occur (I used to believe it would take several decades, possibly a century, but know I am not so sure) and what will be left behind? Will the current powers succeed in retaining their way? Will a new more balanced system emerge? Will the new system actually be worse? Or my biggest concern of all, will we even have a cohesive government when all is said and done. Given the weapons available to people at this time, we could very easily cause our own extinction.

        Yes, I know, heavy thoughts from such a common topic, but it�s something that�s been bouncing around in my thoughts for a while and the more news I see the solid my concerns become. So when Pixelation mentioned bloodshed and the AC made a reply that was an attempt to make them look like an idiot, I just had to let it out.

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        • identicon
          Pixelation, 23 Aug 2012 @ 7:57am

          Re: Re: Re: I wonder

          @Rick Smith, you made the point more eloquently than I did.

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        • identicon
          Anonymous Coward, 23 Aug 2012 @ 9:10am

          Re: Re: Re: I wonder

          I think your fixation on the entertainment industry is misplaced. What about the tech giants that have shipped every last manufacturing job abroad to low wage countries. You complain about access to entertainment but millions of jobs worth billions of dollars exported to digital sweatshops goes unnoticed. And beyond that, Congress incentivizes the practice with tax breaks instead of levies. The resulting competition for jobs against the backdrop of high unemployment means lower wages and stagnant benefits with higher profits for the companies engaged in outsourcing. WTF? That is something to start a revolution over, not thwarting the ability of a parasite to make millions on the backs of American copyright owners.

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          • icon
            Rick Smith (profile), 23 Aug 2012 @ 1:07pm

            Re: Re: Re: Re: I wonder

            I'm not even sure how to respond to this. As far as I know I do not have a fixation on the entertainment industry and I think my post only had a cursory connection to it. Other than to state that copyright issues are just a symptom and then an analogy that I thought readers here would connect with and understand in comparing the government (US, but I think it can apply to any of them) in not adapting to the changes that the Internet as made in the World.

            What I was saying was that we as a nation (US), and truthfully as a world, have some very, very big wealth imbalances. Now there have always been imbalances (regardless of the system of government that you look at); but in today�s world, we have the best educated and most well informed (as a collective global whole) population in history thanks to the Internet. They see what is going on in the world and most are not happy with it. I think that most people realize that life is inherently unfair and they are OK with that, as long as it�s not too unfair. The problem is that it has probably already past that point and the speed of today�s communication lets everyone see it.

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  • icon
    Ninja (profile), 23 Aug 2012 @ 4:02am

    The trolling is strong in this article.

    TPP can be shot down pretty much by many angles. The social pressure is already doing its part and many countries are stepping away. And if it's eventually passed there are ways it will be shot down, I'm fairly sure the Congress and the Senate are all over it due to the fact the Executive is waving it around as if it is immune of their (Congress and Senate) scrutiny. And it can always be challenged under Constitutional issues (I know the US Govt doesn't care about the Constitution anymore but it can still be used).

    TPP is dead already no matter how much the trolls whine. However, the battles must be fought and we must not falter.

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    • identicon
      Anonymous Coward, 23 Aug 2012 @ 6:41am


      What is truly amazing is that the myopic cretins on TD aren't opposing TPP for the right reasons. TPP will make it easier for companies to export manufacturing and high tech jobs to low wage countries. That will further undermine our employment base and weaken our economy. Leading the charge are many of the tech companies, who manufacture almost nothing in this country- preferring to set up high tech sweat shops far away for pesky thing like labor laws, workplace safety mandates, overtime requirements and the need for frivolities like healthcare. Instead you foolishly only think about your ability to access copyrighted content for free. There are much bigger problems with this agreement, that have the ability to negatively affect you, your children and grandchildren- yet you whine about being cutoff from free content.

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 23 Aug 2012 @ 10:05am

    In its never-ending quest to raise its status as a "civil group" to a high level, the EFF is quite adept at creating "moral panics" (to borrow Bill Patry's phrase).

    This graphic is easily its crown jewel of "moral panic" creation. Unfortunately, as with any graphic, it deals with issues at only a superficial level, all the while presenting them in a fashion that promotes its interests at the expense of accuracy and does little, if anything, to promote thoughtful discourse.

    Merely by way of a single example, it decries the "export" of US law (never mind that current US law results from the "import" of foreign law now embodied in the Copyright Act of 1976, as amended) without making nary a mention that US laws are constitutionally based, and that the principles underlying our constitution in many regards are not at all reflected in the principles underlying foreign nations.

    Whenever groups that support our laws create graphics and other presentations, they are skewered by groups like the EFF for lack of detail and thoroughness of discussion. It seems to me that turnabout is fair play.

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 23 Aug 2012 @ 1:47pm

    The infographic needs a proofread / fix. "serche engines", "exerts", perhaps others.

    Such mistakes undermine my ability to share it; friends noticing these mistakes then take the underlying claims less seriously. ("Just another nut typing stuff up in his basement.")

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 23 Aug 2012 @ 5:35pm

    SOPA, PIPA, ACTA, TPP and so on. What's next?

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  • identicon
    temoi, 23 Aug 2012 @ 6:39pm

    As much as I hate this and the others I'm afraid this will pass, same with assney becoming president. Prepare for the US of (G)ay fellow downloaders.

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