I personally do think symbols help, kind of like a magnifying glass, concentrate your faith, so on. I also do know more people think the cross is the Christian God. So, i guess it all depends on the person. Symbols can be good to tell others where you stand, but worshiping them does get into the idol worship and so forth.
But, as a Christian myself, I do believe that the cross is used incorrectly in the modern church. We should be using as a constant reminder of what Jesus did and went through for love. Not some trinket to catch more fish.
Also, I dislike fighting over religion. It is really pointless and has caused more harm over the long run than anything shy of WW2 that I can think of. If you believe in Allah, good for you! God(Judaism)? Great! Jesus! hey, me too! Nobody/nothing? That fantastic, have a great day! (etc) see. no wars.
So. It comes down to this. What is the only recourse for the oppressed?
Sadly, I think these laws will all come back as bloody, terrible wars. It will be sad if we fall into a huge worldwide conflict over movies. Over music. Over content.
actually, i was thinking the French revolution then the subsequent (and short lived) First French Republic, followed closely by the First French Empire led by Emperor Napoleon the First.
WWII is too easy. and besides, we didn't do much liberating then. We were all about the getting back at Hitler for that god awful mustache.
when did it happen the first time? All i remember from (granted, american tinted)history was that the french just replaced one stupid monarch with one stupid emperor. wasn't too "liberating." more of a lateral, then backwards, move.
I am unhappy in my current job. I love IT work, though. Always have and will always. I just hate doing desktop support. I hate waking up and dreading work. I would love a job working on servers (specifically *nix servers since I am much better at working with them and put way more personal time into learning them). All my problems comes back to having to work with idiots who apply their limit knowledge to these machines. "Shady websites? Bah, who cares? I want my insert stupid program here. It will fix it." After the sixteenth virus infection, I get jaded with the whole "help desk" thing. The problem with me moving on is twofold, 1) I don't have a BA, just an AAS, which is fine for entry level techs (help desk and some networking), but nearly impossible for any of the better jobs in IT(at least here); 2) Having working knowledge of *nix is great, but won't land me a job in this area easily. Too many companies/govt IT depts are run by easily swayed idiots who only know Windows and couldn't spell linux. While that is great for them, it sucks for me. I made the personal decision (and frankly, it was my decision to make) to follow and learn *nix. I don't keep up with Windows at all, so while I am still relatively current (vista being a flop helped), I know within 5 years I will be behind. And I am willing to ride it out. I will find a better job (need that BA first) and will use only *nix. It might take some time, and I willing to put my career where my mouth is. Too many people are blinded by greed or are afraid to do what they want. I know what I want and I will work hard to make it work.
thanks for playing, jackass.
I am a PC tech and not for any stupid "social misfit" or "lack of knowledge" reason. Around here, the only way to advanced is to put in at least two years in desktop support and at least a BA degree. I have the experience, and know alot more about the larger IT world than you seem to give us credit for. I am well qualified for low end infrastructure, and the only reason I am not qualified for anything higher is that, unlike you, I understand that there is a lot I don't know and will have to learn once I get my BA and a better job doing something I actually like (I hate desktop support).
i work in medical, and if i could tell idiots who can't fax documents to just stop, I would do it in a heart beat.(our faxes go into a fax server and turn into PDF's automatically, so they come to your mailbox upside down, and the only way to easily rotate them is to have the shitty Adobe suite.)
favorite kind of person? Have a non-duplex fax scanner (OOOOLD) and they constantly scan the documents wrong side up. So we get a nice blank page, and then angry calls five hours later wondering why we didn't do whatever the hell was on the document.
On the post: Brazil's Catholic Church Sues Columbia Pictures For Destroying Jesus Statue In 2012... In Violation Of Its Copyright
Re: Re:
But, as a Christian myself, I do believe that the cross is used incorrectly in the modern church. We should be using as a constant reminder of what Jesus did and went through for love. Not some trinket to catch more fish.
Also, I dislike fighting over religion. It is really pointless and has caused more harm over the long run than anything shy of WW2 that I can think of. If you believe in Allah, good for you! God(Judaism)? Great! Jesus! hey, me too! Nobody/nothing? That fantastic, have a great day! (etc) see. no wars.
On the post: US Postage Stamp Found To Be Infringing On Copyright Over Statues In US Korean War Memorial
and isn't everything that is copyrighted by the gov automatically in the public domain?
On the post: Home Cooking Is Killing The Restaurant Industry!
I love the dead kennedys.
On the post: IIPA's Section 301 Filing Shows It's Really Not At All Interested In Reducing Copyright Infringement
On the post: Amazon Has To Pay Microsoft To Use Linux?
Re: Re:
On the post: ACTA's Internet Chapter Leaks; And, Now We See How Sneaky The Negotiators Have Been
Re: Re:
Like that?
On the post: ACTA's Internet Chapter Leaks; And, Now We See How Sneaky The Negotiators Have Been
Sadly, I think these laws will all come back as bloody, terrible wars. It will be sad if we fall into a huge worldwide conflict over movies. Over music. Over content.
It is a sad time to be a human right now.
In the revolution, lawyers go first.
On the post: Calling 911? That'll Be $300
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"shoot the shit"?
i have never heard that particular euphemism.
On the post: French Government Looking To Set Up The Great Firewall Of France?
Re: Re: Re: Re; What can be done?
On the post: French Government Looking To Set Up The Great Firewall Of France?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re; What can be done?
WWII is too easy. and besides, we didn't do much liberating then. We were all about the getting back at Hitler for that god awful mustache.
On the post: French Government Looking To Set Up The Great Firewall Of France?
Re: Re; What can be done?
On the post: French Government Looking To Set Up The Great Firewall Of France?
Re: Re: Re: What can be done?
in this case Linux (or BSD) would be a reasonable way to keep and ensure your privacy. especially when their govt seems to be criminally retarded.
On the post: French Government Looking To Set Up The Great Firewall Of France?
Re: Re: What can be done?
On the post: Do IT People Hate Their Jobs?
I am unhappy, but...
On the post: Do IT People Hate Their Jobs?
Re: Everyone has their own opinions
I am a PC tech and not for any stupid "social misfit" or "lack of knowledge" reason. Around here, the only way to advanced is to put in at least two years in desktop support and at least a BA degree. I have the experience, and know alot more about the larger IT world than you seem to give us credit for. I am well qualified for low end infrastructure, and the only reason I am not qualified for anything higher is that, unlike you, I understand that there is a lot I don't know and will have to learn once I get my BA and a better job doing something I actually like (I hate desktop support).
On the post: Microsoft Exec Calls For 'Driver's License For The Internet'
I do think there should be more education, normal users are, frankly, damned idiots.
On the post: ADM Says Video Mocking Them Is Copyright Infringement; Abuses Copyright Law To Stifle Free Speech
Re: Did a court order this to be taken down?
yay, the "LAW"!
On the post: Wal-Mart, Target Trying To Block Redbox From Purchasing DVDs?
there is a Redbox in Wal-Mart and Target! WTF?
On the post: USPTO Rejects Submission Because It Was Faxed 'Upside Down'
Re: Re:
On the post: USPTO Rejects Submission Because It Was Faxed 'Upside Down'
favorite kind of person? Have a non-duplex fax scanner (OOOOLD) and they constantly scan the documents wrong side up. So we get a nice blank page, and then angry calls five hours later wondering why we didn't do whatever the hell was on the document.
hate. people.
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