hmm. never heard of that. I didn't play when it first hit F2P, but have been playing recently and didn't see it.
I've actually never heard of a single game that has done that, and I'm including the invasive korean mmo's in that.
All turbine runs is a thing in your system tray that you can turn off, it's their "launcher", not unlike steam. So if that's what you meant, then I think you went way overboard, especially since it's something you can turn off.
people don't realize that subscription based gaming is essentially a DRM'd purchase too. When you stop paying you no longer have access, and since you don't own the game they can change things up as they please.
the whole reason touch only is pushed by manufacturers (the real reason), is that they feel it will make devices harder to hack.
What not having a keyboard really means is a significant loss of functionality for the user. No matter how "wonderful" a touchscreen is, or how reliable, or accurate it still doesn't take away from that if you don't have a keyboard it's absolutely horrendous for normal tasks.
we'd like people to believe it is, but really it's just that Americans are on average far less knowledgeable about political issues. I mean we have a whole party dedicated to misinformation. Yes, we have smart people. But we also have a huge amount of blindingly ignorant folks as well. Example: Plenty of people think our healthcare bill takes effect today (and all of it, including the things planned for 2014), which it doesn't.
Every time I've been overseas, I've found that everyone is very well versed and understands quite well the political implications of decisions that affect them. They are not in the dark about things such as ACTA, even in China.
I do admit that the usps is significantly cheaper though, and they do a good job. Maybe it's time they find ways to compete, but I don't see the usps as an industry smart enough/flexible enough to do something new.
it's sad, but this is basically what can cause a violent revolution.
when it becomes corporations versus the citizens, corporations will lose every time. meanwhile I can't believe corporations are stupid enough to still push for this.
FDA and FCC already made regulations for that. Have you tried to keep up with the red bull or 5 hour energy ads on tv?
it's like "no crash means no sugar crash" (aka you still caffeine crash) and stuff like "not FDA approved" and "this may be dangerous for your health".
even in the most abstract of concepts I've never heard that not getting paid for your work = slavery. I mean sure, the jokes of the phrases "corporate slavery", but that involves $$ so it's not even tied.
The logic here of the slavery comparison is about the same level as complaining that when you're salaried you're not getting paid for the work you're doing - aka the more you do, you still get paid the same.
maybe it will take a high profile case where HTC doesn't buckle and says screw it we're taking you to the supremes, that it will get this turned around.
Until then, all innovation continues to take a loss for being successful
the questions are the wrong questions asked, and the whole thing is misleading. I don't see an actual topic they asked a question on that is actually constructive.
It's like "how can we better enforce ACTA and border patrols?" "how can we better protect intellectual property?" "how can we protect IP in other countries". None of that is productive questions to ask about IP enforcement. I think there are productive answers that can be given, but I find it highly unlikely.
So I think they set this up to deliberately ignore the public and make a false sense of transparency here.
If someone says "get rid of IP" or anything that results in showing that IP is the wrong focus, I think the response will be tossed aside/ignored.
It's not that I'd rather watch them on hulu, it's that I don't care to make a 42 minute show into an hour because of commercials, especially on TV. Even on Hulu they are atrocious.
Really, it's 42 minutes. Make it 60 minutes of content and then people would watch it, like me. Meanwhile, 42 minutes and 18 of commercials? pass.
On the post: Results From Dungeons & Dragons Online Going Free: Revenue Up 500%
Re: Free with a catch
I've actually never heard of a single game that has done that, and I'm including the invasive korean mmo's in that.
All turbine runs is a thing in your system tray that you can turn off, it's their "launcher", not unlike steam. So if that's what you meant, then I think you went way overboard, especially since it's something you can turn off.
On the post: Software Patents Violate The Patent Bargain, Since There Is No Disclosure To Trade-Off
I've been saying this for years
On the post: Sony Deletes Feature On PS3's; You Don't Own What You Thought You Bought
welcome to every mmorpg
On the post: Are Publishers Putting Too Much Stock In The iPad, Or Are They Just Doing It Wrong?
lack of keyboard
What not having a keyboard really means is a significant loss of functionality for the user. No matter how "wonderful" a touchscreen is, or how reliable, or accurate it still doesn't take away from that if you don't have a keyboard it's absolutely horrendous for normal tasks.
On the post: Chinese Gov't Gives Press Orders On How To Report On Google's China Decision
Re: Re: Re:
Every time I've been overseas, I've found that everyone is very well versed and understands quite well the political implications of decisions that affect them. They are not in the dark about things such as ACTA, even in China.
On the post: Despite Plenty Of Warning EA Still Decides To Follow Ubisoft Down The Wrong Path With DRM
do you know how many people buy products to play them on the road, EA shill?
People do have reasons to RTS without being online. Ever heard of a lan? Most lans are not build to necessarily have an online connection.
On the post: The US Postal Service's Business Model Is Outdated. Is It Time To Wind It Down Or Privatize It?
already privatized
I do admit that the usps is significantly cheaper though, and they do a good job. Maybe it's time they find ways to compete, but I don't see the usps as an industry smart enough/flexible enough to do something new.
On the post: Irony Alert: Hollywood Howard Berman To Introduce 'Internet Freedom' Bill
Re: Re: More Hollydud BS
nepotism is literally the american way, it's disturbing
On the post: Netflix Cancels Plans For New Netflix Prize As Part Of Privacy Lawsuit Settlement
now they're just circling the drain, really. I give it 2 years.
Oh well, mission creep affects every success that isn't ready for it, and is what is happening to netflix right now.
On the post: Obama: We Must Move Forward On ACTA
when it becomes corporations versus the citizens, corporations will lose every time. meanwhile I can't believe corporations are stupid enough to still push for this.
On the post: US Government Working With Pharma Companies To Raise Drug Prices In Other Countries
Re: Sigh...
meanwhile, how to get them out/who to replace them with?
corrupt industries are so entrenched I don't see a lot of good come out of them.
On the post: Apple May Anger The Antitrust Gods: Pressuring Labels To Stop Participating In Amazon Daily MP3 Deals
On the post: FTC Finally Forces To Be Honest In Its Advertising
Re: Re:
it's like "no crash means no sugar crash" (aka you still caffeine crash) and stuff like "not FDA approved" and "this may be dangerous for your health".
On the post: Rep. Conyers Compares Lack Of A Performance Right Tax To Slavery
The logic here of the slavery comparison is about the same level as complaining that when you're salaried you're not getting paid for the work you're doing - aka the more you do, you still get paid the same.
On the post: Apple Goes Offensive On Patents: Sues HTC
Re: hey nexus one whats up
PS: this bears mentioning. HTC controls a huge part of all electronics made worldwide. As much as panasonic, really.
HTC could shut out apple from being able to make anything apple if they felt like it, so this is a bad bad apple move.
On the post: Apple Goes Offensive On Patents: Sues HTC
battle of the titans
Until then, all innovation continues to take a loss for being successful
On the post: Home Cooking Is Killing The Restaurant Industry!
On the post: Confused Musician Threatens Google, Blog Because Her Works Are Found Elsewhere On The Internet
On the post: Administration Asks For Public Input On Intellectual Property Enforcement
from what I read
It's like "how can we better enforce ACTA and border patrols?" "how can we better protect intellectual property?" "how can we protect IP in other countries". None of that is productive questions to ask about IP enforcement. I think there are productive answers that can be given, but I find it highly unlikely.
So I think they set this up to deliberately ignore the public and make a false sense of transparency here.
If someone says "get rid of IP" or anything that results in showing that IP is the wrong focus, I think the response will be tossed aside/ignored.
On the post: Reminder: You Don't Compete With Piracy By Being Lame, The DVD Edition
It's not that I'd rather watch them on hulu, it's that I don't care to make a 42 minute show into an hour because of commercials, especially on TV. Even on Hulu they are atrocious.
Really, it's 42 minutes. Make it 60 minutes of content and then people would watch it, like me. Meanwhile, 42 minutes and 18 of commercials? pass.
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