Bizarre 'Attribution' Troll Bullies Twitter Users Into Compliance With Baseless Legal Threats

from the tongue-not-made-of-glass dept

My apologies ahead of time for the length of this piece, but anything shorter wouldn't do the subject justice. I will, however, provide plenty of pictures and blockquotes. This post deals with a strange copyright troll, which bullies people into properly attributing a quoted poem. The troll runs across multiple social media platforms but does a bulk of its "work" at Twitter, where it can receive instantaneous feedback. Along the way, we'll deal with the poet himself, a company called On Press Inc. and some other connections which seem to indicate the poet himself is behind the trolling, along with a threatened lawsuit against me for copyright infringement, defamation and false claims.

It starts out simply enough. As a contributor to this site, I was doing the sort of thing we do in our downtime -- running a Twitter search for the term "infringement." The search results were dominated by tweets from an account that looked exactly like this one.

Only it wasn't this one. The account I saw had this name: @xsaonpress.

When I returned the next day, I was greeted with the message that the above account had been suspended. Odd. So, I searched again, only this time using the keywords "tongues" and "glass," -- two words in the title of the poem in question -- and found that On Press was still in business.

On Press Inc., supposedly a division of Knopf Publishing (according to its Twitter profiles), was running a search of its own and issuing tweet after threatening tweet to anyone who dared publish a short (really short -- under 140 characters) poem by reclusive poet, Shaun Shane, without attribution. The entire poem reads as follows:

"If only our tongues were made of glass, how much more careful we would be when we speak."
This poem's claim to fame is its use in the Invisible Children/Kony 2012 campaign. The link presented by On Press during these Twitter blowups is an Invisible Children-branded photo that quotes the poem and gives proper attribution, albeit a possibly belated one. On Press' blood was first stirred up by a Huffington Post story about Invisible Children back in April of 2012, which led to this angry comment from On Press:
The Organization Invisible Children has plagiarized and thus committed copyright infringement ( which is illegal) on their website and on their Twitter account, a work by Shaun Shane. Exemplifying the criticism against them that they do not research their facts and have sloppy journalist methods. (Here is a link: and to the Twitter post (!/Invisible/status/196433854851055618/photo/1)
After sending out an ignored invitation (via direct message) to discuss these "tactics," I decided to throw out some bait.

Soon, I was receiving the same set of tweets I'd seen filling up my search results the night before. On Press, utilizing one of its many, many Twitter accounts, gave me its usual combination of Shaun Shane info and legal threats. On Press has a very shaky grasp on IP law, but it doesn't let its ignorance stop it from trotting out nearly every term (plagiarism, theft) imaginable in hopes of quick compliance.

The first false claim it makes is that Twitter will shut down an account for a single infringement violation. Not true. Twitter may shut down an account for multiple cases of infringement, but a single report won't result in the removal of an account, as is clearly stated in the Twitter terms of service. (On Press has also made claim that this process will shut down an account in 4 hours. You may laugh at this one.)
Twitter will also terminate a user's account if the user is determined to be a repeat infringer.
If the proper steps are followed (via the DMCA form), the offending Tweet will simply be "withheld," with a notice replacing the original Tweet. Finally, On Press delivers this bizarre phrase:

For an entity so concerned with copyright infringement, it certainly doesn't seem to understand the terminology it's throwing around. "Libel" and "liable" are nowhere close to each other in definition, and you'd think an entity this concerned with infringement would know the difference (or at least be able to spell the one it actually means).

Then there's On Press Inc itself, which has its own issues. As you can see from its profile photo, On Press claims to be a division of Knopf Publishing. However, we contacted Knopf Publishing for comment and they said that there is no division of Knopf called On Press Inc. On Press has apparently decided an appearance of Shane's poem in a Poem-A-Day-Celebration hosted by Tumblr and Knopf allows it to add Knopf's name to its profile... and the large publisher's weight to its fight against unattributed use, despite no official connection to the company.

On Press also utilizes multiple simultaneous Twitter accounts, in violation of the Twitter Rules.

Serial Accounts: You may not create serial accounts for disruptive or abusive purposes, or with overlapping use cases. Mass account creation may result in suspension of all related accounts. Please note that any violation of the Twitter Rules is cause for permanent suspension of all accounts.
In one night, my interactions with On Press Inc. included input from the following accounts: @copyrightdept, @vesoaonpress, @vseawonpress, @wasweonpress, @xaswonpress and @xseionpress. All accounts sported the same On Press logo and spouted the same tweets. One could try to make a claim that these accounts are not "disruptive" or "abusive" (and I'd love to watch them make that claim), but there's little doubt On Press Inc's multiple accounts are "overlapping." (@vseawonpress is the only account not suspended at the time of this writing.)

Now, although I was receiving the same stream of misspellings and misinformation from On Press as the other users posting Shaun Shane's (unattributed) poem, I wasn't seeing any signs of life. I was pretty much convinced it was a bot running multiple accounts. To test that theory, I called out On Press on the false claims directed my way, specifically the assertion that Twitter would delete my account for a single violation. To my surprise, it provoked a very human reaction.

So, there was a human behind the account, one who handily provided a link to the terms of service that directly contradicted what he had just said. (I've shifted pronouns, but an explanation is on the way.)

Once I had his/its attention, I pointed out On Press' suspicious behavior -- namely, the multiple suspended accounts linked to its name.

On Press responded with this blast of angry tweets, stating that Twitter itself generated these accounts for it.

It shouldn't need to be said, but this claim is completely false. Mike contacted Twitter to ask about whether or not, as On Press claims, it creates thousands of automatically generated accounts for companies with which to harass infringers, and (no surprise) Twitter said there is no truth to this claim.

I attempted to gather more information, but my overtures were rejected. At one point, an On Press account mentioned it performed this "service" for "other authors" but refused to name any. It also failed to cough up a usable URL that might indicate On Press Inc exists outside of multiple Twitter accounts.

Shortly thereafter, the accounts went ballistic, showering me with a long list of legal threats.

This was prompted by its discovery of a tongue-in-cheek review of the only book On Press has for sale, one I had posted earlier that night. (You may notice a second review has suddenly appeared -- from the same person who showed up to criticize my review.)

Again, On Press made several dubious claims, including the ridiculous suggestion that Twitter would surrender my IP address to the police on the strength of a fake review posted on an entirely different site. It also seemed to feel that the Feds would be interested simply because I was using a computer.

However, he/it wasn't kidding about one thing: "legal prosecution." The morning following this bizarre conversation with On Press (Feb. 8th), Techdirt received a phone call seeking to confirm that I "worked for Techdirt," with the "lawyer" on the phone saying that he wished to serve me with a lawsuit (at Techdirt's headquarters) for "copyright infringement, defamation of character and making false claims."

To date, nothing has been filed, despite the voicemail implying the lawsuit was already filed. But here's the great thing about legal threats: nothing being served to this point doesn't mean nothing ever will. The possibility still exists and the potential plaintiff is free to file anytime before the statute of limitations expires. This is likely a bluff, but it carries enough weight to make any future direct interaction with On Press ill advised, to say the least. This leaves him/it free to aggressively pursue those posting the poem without attribution, without worrying that I might ruin the fun by pointing out its false claims.

With the threat of a lawsuit still hanging overhead, I'm simply going to present my findings, all backed up with screenshots and/or links, with a minimum of speculative commentary.

The On Press Inc. "Network"

First off, let's address the "him/it" issue. On Press Inc. seems to exist solely as multiple accounts spanning several social media platforms. Running a search will serve up a few hits on existing businesses with the same name, but I have confirmed that these are unrelated to this bizarre attribution trolling.

A Poem Is Nothing

Shane's book is print-on-demand. Amazon doesn't list it this way, but other booksellers do. So, there's no pile of unsold paperbacks sitting in an On Press warehouse. This may explain why there's so little effort made to provide infringers with a "buy" link during the barrage of tweets and comments.

The On Press Twitter horde usually presents two links. One of them leads to this video displaying "proof" that someone (d/b/a On Press, Inc., with no address displayed) holds the copyright to "Tongues Made of Glass." (The other links to the Invisible Children photo.)

Now, a video like this could be made by literally anyone (with hands) and hardly presents a solid case for On Press' claim to Shaun Shane's poem. None of his work has been registered at the US Copyright office, either by himself or by On Press (or by anyone, actually). This limits any legal liability for infringement to actual proven damages, making the threat of a lawsuit slightly more tolerable. Also, the claims made at the end of the video, which appear to be a bastardization of the typical "copyright policies" found on sporting events, saying no copies can be made "without written consent of the publisher," overstates the powers given under copyright law in ignoring the possibility of fair use or other exceptions to copyright law.

Interestingly, the voice on the "copyright" video sounds nearly identical to Shaun Shane himself. Shane has a very distinctive cadence and tone to his voice, as evidenced by this live performance.

[Shane's voice also bears heavy, heavy resemblance to that of James Roth ("representing On Press Incorporated"), the caller who contacted Techdirt about serving me with the lawsuit.]

So, is On Press simply Shaun Shane, reclusive poet and attribution seeker? He'd certainly be the person most interested in enforcing this. His impossibly glowing bio at PoemHunter puts Shane in Schrodinger's Box, theorizing that he's dead ("...had become terminally ill and his re-emergence was to reinforce the ethic of Pure Poetry or Truly Modernist Poetry before his death..."), before theorizing in the opposite direction a few sentences later ("though it is believed, if he is still alive, he lives on the West Coast...") One of the On Press Twitter accounts I dealt with claimed Shane was dead and had willed that his work be used to raise money for various children's charities. (Too bad no one's trying to sell that book...) This claim is echoed at Pinterest, where the same sort of attribution-badgering occurs.

Mike Miche

Whether Mr. Miche is real or simply Shaun using another name remains to be proven. (It does share a Shaun Shane-like bit of alliteration.) Miche patrols Pinterest, sending users who re-pin this photo the same sort of messages as the Twitter accounts do, only without the character limit.

Miche also sports the same shaky legal grasp and penchant for baseless threats.

Here Miche chases down a user (who deleted her tweet) and continues harassing her at her Pinterest account, claiming that people like her using an unattributed quote can "cause untold billions of dollars of lost [sic] for companies who support and publisher [sic] Authors [sic... again] works." Miche also seems to make the claim that she's legally responsible for any retweets (a claim echoed in return by the On Press Twitter accounts).

Also of note: the single DMCA notice attributed to On Press was issued by Mike Miche. The notice has the sender's name redacted, but a duckduckgo search reveals Miche's name in the search results. If this is really Shaun Shane, he's either using false information to file DMCA notices, or Mike Miche is his real name (Shaun Shane is a pseudonym, according to his bio).

Alexandria Hopewell

Hopewell has sent out similar messages to Facebook users, again seeking attribution and using identical wording.

There are a few differences that might indicate she was just "pitching in" with the attribution push ("This Poem is our copyrighted property your use of it uncredited to him constitutes thief."), but by and large, it resembles missives issued at other platforms.

A followup on one post switches from "informative" to "pissed off" instantly when challenged, much like my earlier interactions with Shaun/On Press did when I refused to play ball:

We send and deal with 1000's of take down notices every day. Hardly do we need your amateurish insight into what constitutes legal and effective enforcement of our Copyright .
Hopewell is a real human being, however, and is very definitely not Shaun Shane. She has an account at Google+, and her writing there doesn't bear much resemblance to what's posted on Facebook. There is a very interesting interaction on her timeline that indicates "Shaun Shane" is probably alive.

A user named "Sean Seans" refers to himself as "Shaun" and tells her he loves and misses her. And that Sean Seans/Shaun is also busy chasing down wrongdoers posting unattributed poems.

Anne Murphy

Anne Murphy has also made posts on Facebook concerning Shane's poem and seems to be located in Texas (at least judging from the locations of most of her Friends). The wording is almost identical to the Facebook posts by Alexandria Hopewell, suggesting the same author wrote them. She has also uploaded a few videos of Shaun Shane performances to YouTube. (Interestingly, the phone number on the caller ID from the call by "James Roth" to contact Techdirt is registered to Anne Murphy and also to a vegetable farm, the O.P. Murphy Produce Company -- both in Texas. Also worth noting: there does not appear to be a "James Roth" listed on the Texas state bar. If whoever called is not, in fact, a lawyer, they might want to familiarize themselves with Texas law 38.122 which makes it a felony to impersonate a lawyer.)

But that's not all. Shane/On Press also stalks Tumblr with multiple accounts (some of which are filled with work-from-home scam posts), issuing the now-familiar statements demanding attribution. A search for the terms "Shaun Shane" and "On Press" also brings up hits on several other platforms. On Press/Shane is very busy, though (as far as I can see) never seems to direct anyone towards buying the actual book.

He has also ramped up the aggression, perhaps as a result of his "successful" legal threat. The On Press Twitter interactions were never pleasant, but the latest ones have a decidedly malevolent tone that's undercut slightly by the sheer number of false claims they contain. It doesn't help that the poem is most frequently tweeted by teens -- a demographic On Press/Shane seems to enjoy hurling threats towards.

On Press now threatens to contact the police, sue parents and hold teens responsible for any retweets their followers send out. Here's a few choice quotes:

"know that you can be track by your ip address and that your parents will be the one's who are sued since you are a minor..."

"know that the average cost is $4000.00 per instance but that is times the number of follwers you have, or the number people who are exposed to your illegal post..."

"...but if you were bright you wouldn't have been stupid enought to tweet the poem in the first place..."

"WE don't care if you care. Your account will be terminated that is all that matters to us. We are indifferent to your feelings about it. your just some dumb kid."
There are some interesting legal theories mixed up in there that we have not seen before. I particularly like the idea that infringement is multiplied by the number of followers you have. This would appear to be an entirely novel interpretation (by which I mean "wrong") of 17 USC 504, which has always been clear that the amount of statutory damages paid is per work infringed, not by the number of people who saw the work.

So, what's the point? Why should we care? On Press/Shane is just seeking attribution. It's not like he's sending out settlement letters. Well, for starters, this is not how the system is supposed to work. Those concerned about infringement are directed to Twitter's DMCA form, which to date, On Press has used only once. Apparently, this method is much less satisfying than the instant feedback one gets while hounding Twitter users (even going so far as to follow them to other platforms, as Mike Miche [above] did).

I'm not pissed off that On Press circumvents a system many rights holders find inefficient. I'm pissed off that On Press deceives people about its relationship with a major publisher, using that as leverage to harass users with a variety of baseless threats. It doesn't help that the users receiving the most abuse are teenagers who did nothing more than post a quote they liked, who are then threatened with arrest and lawsuits against their parents in return.

I'm pissed off that On Press is fighting a battle it can't win utilizing bullying tactics. It seems to want respect, but keeps forgetting respect is something you earn -- not something you beat into people. People may start to respect the stick, but they'll never respect the entity wielding it.

Furthermore, if I was a rights holder hoping to protect my creations, I'd be pissed off that someone out there is doing serious damage to copyright itself with a scorched earth policy of baseless threats and vindictive bullying. It makes it that much harder to fight infringement when any existing level of respect has been torn down by another's overly aggressive tactics.

Finally, if I'm Shaun Shane, and I'm not behind this? I'm fucking furious. Any potential legacy or possibility of expanding my audience has been absolutely destroyed by someone who has used my name to harangue internet users across multiple platforms, utilizing angry missives filled with misspellings, deception, baseless legal threats and a very dangerous misunderstanding of IP law in general.

And Shaun, if this is actually you? You're only hurting yourself and your reputation by hammering unwitting Twitter users (among others) for this act of omission. There's nothing wrong with seeking proper attribution. But there are so many methods that work better than this. You can't stop unattributed quotes from flying around the internet. You can't even slow it down.

Do you seriously think anyone's going to Google a tweet to make sure it doesn't belong to someone else before retweeting it? Do you really think people are going to Google "Shaun Shane" unless you bring it up first? Pinterest users, right or wrong, aren't going to do a reverse image search before repinning. Sure, it sucks that stuff strays so far from the original creators, but that's the price you pay for unprecedented access to millions of creative works.

But the benefits outweigh the negatives. Unprecedented access works both ways. You can connect with potential fans and customers in ways that simply weren't possible 10 years ago. If you're only going to see the worst aspects, you'll never be anything more than a set of empty words and threats, spat endlessly into a void, covered in vitriol and self-righteousness. You've crafted a poem with viral possibilities but you're only interested in slamming every door shut as soon as it opens. This final perspective doesn't make me angry. It just makes me sad. There's so much potential but you're too angry to see it. You, and only you, can turn this around.

Additional/supportive links and info.

My Storify account, where I will continue to collect interactions between On Press Inc. and Twitter users.

Album of On Press-related screenshots. (Just in case stuff starts disappearing...)

Google Doc containing more links and various notes. (Collected evidence, likely a work-in-progress.)

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Filed Under: attribution, bullying, copyright, legal threats, poem, shaun shane, tongues made of glass
Companies: knopf publishing, on press inc., twitter

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  • icon
    Ninja (profile), 14 Feb 2013 @ 8:34am

    Are you sure this isn't Teri Buhl?


    Gentleman, start your microwaves. We'll need more popcorn.

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  • icon
    GMacGuffin (profile), 14 Feb 2013 @ 8:50am

    Oh, were it so
    that Shaun Shane's
    tongue be
    made of glass.

    - a poem by GMacGuffin
    (You may not quote the above sans attribution without subjecting yourself to a maelstrom of obtuse bullshit.)

    (And Shaun/OnPress/Roth: Minors can be sued, and parents are generally not liable for their children's acts. Go off the Lithium for a few days and you should be able to talk to your lawyer directly about that.)

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    • icon
      JWW (profile), 14 Feb 2013 @ 1:00pm


      If only our tongues were made of steel then we could rail against copyright maximalists as harshly as they deserve....

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 14 Feb 2013 @ 10:10am

    "If only our tongues were made of glass,
    it would be way, wayyy too hard to call Shaun Shane a raging, syphilitic dickweasel. And wouldn't that just be a damned shame?"

    -Anonymous Coward (c)2013 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED DO NOT STEAL!!!!111111

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    • icon
      DannyB (profile), 14 Feb 2013 @ 10:40am


      > Anonymous Coward (c)2013 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED DO NOT STEAL!!!!111111

      The correct order is:
      1. Either the word "copyright" and/or the Circle-C symbol �
      2. The year of first publication.
      3. The name of the copyright owner

      The use of "All rights reserved" may afford some additional protection in some countries.

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      • icon
        DannyB (profile), 14 Feb 2013 @ 10:43am

        Re: Re:

        Oh, I didn't say anything about the DO NOT STEAL!!!!111111 part.

        I don't remember them saying anything about the DO NOT STEAL notice when, as a software developer, I (we, my group) got a mini crash course on copyright in about 1989. Maybe it was 1990? From the company lawyers. Long before the web and mp3s.

        But as for "all rights reserved", I prefer it be spelled "all rights reversed".

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    • icon
      Josef Anvil (profile), 14 Feb 2013 @ 12:20pm


      If tongues were brittle as glass, would we think carefully before speaking?

      Sue me, bitches.

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      • identicon
        Anonymous Coward, 14 Feb 2013 @ 1:14pm

        Re: Re:

        "upon entering the room, please ensure that your brain is switched on and allowed to warm up before opening your mouth or using a pen."

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    • icon
      Marcel de Jong (profile), 15 Feb 2013 @ 7:23am


      If only our tongues were made of glass, it would prevent us from swallowing the bullshit that Shaun Shane has brought forth.

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  • identicon
    Canadian, 14 Feb 2013 @ 10:15am

    Tim Cushing: "You're full of shit"

    This is the best part.

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 14 Feb 2013 @ 10:15am

    I enjoy the irony of someone being a complete jerk regarding a quote about being polite and civil.

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  • identicon
    ShellMG, 14 Feb 2013 @ 10:16am

    If this insanity is happening at the hands of this "poet," he's got far too much time on his hands and his complex needs serious medication.

    From the looks of the first Twitter screencap, I'd say the account was blocked and reported enough times for their software to suspend it. I *hate* using the process but have seen many Twitters banned because of report abuse. To be silenced in less than 70 is quite a fete.

    Let's just hope bill collectors and telemarketers don't discover this method.

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  • icon
    That Anonymous Coward (profile), 14 Feb 2013 @ 10:16am

    Wow... just wow.
    The internet gives crazy a stage, and people seem to have no understanding that their little tantrums have a world wide audience.

    All I can say is a phrase I learned over at Boingboing...

    Christ what an asshole.

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    • icon
      Zos (profile), 14 Feb 2013 @ 11:17am


      ^ yeah pretty much that.

      Thanks for bringing this fresh asshat to sunlight, so that we can track him down and make of him an internet superstar :).

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  • identicon
    John Nevill, 14 Feb 2013 @ 10:18am

    Declaratory Relief

    You have a threat of a libel suit from a frivolous troll!!! That's great! You can file for Declaratory Relief and drag this punk into court. Given that this is obviously a First Amendment issue, perhaps you could get Ken @ popehat or Marc Randazza to send up the bat signal and find you some free counsel.

    Take em down!

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    • icon
      DannyB (profile), 14 Feb 2013 @ 10:47am

      Re: Declaratory Relief

      Could Shaun/Mike get Bret Gibbs as his defense counsel?

      Could Gibbs practice law, even while incarcerated?

      Could Gibbs use incarceration of counsel as the basis of a motion to delay the case? (I would love to see how that would fly with a judge.)

      Even if disbarred, should not being a member of the bar stop Gibbs from practicing law? It didn't appear to stop Steel.

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      • identicon
        Anonymous Coward, 14 Feb 2013 @ 2:27pm

        Re: Re: Declaratory Relief

        LOL! I'd buy that for a dollar!

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      • icon
        That Anonymous Coward (profile), 14 Feb 2013 @ 8:26pm

        Re: Re: Declaratory Relief

        No for an idiot this big you need a Dream Team...

        John Steele - not "working" on the case but in the gallery whispering to the plaintiff's table.
        Charles Carreon - because this will be a suit that will add the entire interwebs as defendants.
        Teri Buhl - to cover the proceedings for Court TV.
        Brett Gibbs as wonder boy, barely able to string together full sentences in a single filing.
        Evan Stone - To sit at plaintiff's table wearing those stupid horns and trying to look mean.
        And leading the attack...
        J_____ R_______
        (because we still don't say his name lest he begin again right?)
        I miss anyone else for the dream team?

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        • icon
          G Thompson (profile), 14 Feb 2013 @ 8:59pm

          Re: Re: Re: Declaratory Relief

          You missed: Crystal Cox to blog about it

          and J____R___ ??? hmmm my subconscious knows whom thou doth not speak of, but my brain interprets it to say "Just Rude"

          Well same thing really! ;)

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          • icon
            That Anonymous Coward (profile), 15 Feb 2013 @ 1:55pm

            Re: Re: Re: Re: Declaratory Relief

            Actually I think my brain deleted the concept of Crystal to protect me from her rambling... It seems her newest cause celeb is J___R____... shudder...

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 14 Feb 2013 @ 10:38am

    If only our tongues were made of glass, how much more careful we would be when we speak.

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    • icon
      DannyB (profile), 14 Feb 2013 @ 10:49am


      If only our DMCAs were made of perjury, how much more careful we would be when we tweet.

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    • identicon
      artguerrilla, 14 Feb 2013 @ 5:23pm

      Response to: Anonymous Coward on Feb 14th, 2013 @ 10:38am

      If our asses were made of tongues, we would shit a lot more carefully.
      art guerrilla
      aka ann archy

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  • identicon
    Glen, 14 Feb 2013 @ 10:40am

    Wow... This has the makings of "Article of the Year".

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    • icon
      dennis deems (profile), 14 Feb 2013 @ 12:17pm


      Agreed, I really enjoyed this piece. When you hear yourself saying "this CAN'T be happening" as you read, you know you're experiencing something extra-special. Thank you Tim!

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 14 Feb 2013 @ 10:40am

    Shame Shame Shaun Shane.

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  • identicon
    Cybersteel, 14 Feb 2013 @ 10:40am

    This kinda looks entertaining, for a single person alone on Valentine's Day.

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 14 Feb 2013 @ 10:51am

    Time to go patent being a dumbass....

    ...wait for it....

    ...on the internet!

    You know it will work then. After that we'll have legal recourse to threaten all of these people with a bogus patent. Popcorn farmers/vendors beware!

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  • This comment has been flagged by the community. Click here to show it
    bob, 14 Feb 2013 @ 10:54am

    Ah, okay, so now you're for plagiarism too

    The anti-artist tilt of this blog is amazing. So many paragraphs about something so simple. In the past, this blog said we should all learn to love piracy because it would bring the artist more publicity. The artist would then be able to trade this for more book sales or concert ticket sales or something else.

    But now, when faced with the potential to say something on behalf of the artist to defend this pro-publicity gambit, you don't hesitate to go negative on the artists. Whammo. Even asking for attribution is being greedy and selfish.

    And yet there you were grousing and complaining when Slashdot was grabbing your stories without attribution. Sheesh.

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    • identicon
      Glen, 14 Feb 2013 @ 10:58am

      Re: Ah, okay, so now you're for plagiarism too

      You know bob, your post is a damn letdown after such a masterpiece such as this article. You need to step your game up.

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    • icon
      crade (profile), 14 Feb 2013 @ 11:03am

      Re: perspective

      Dangerous psychopath preying on children takes priority over artist getting exposure.

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    • identicon
      Anonymous Coward, 14 Feb 2013 @ 11:04am

      Re: Ah, okay, so now you're for plagiarism too

      "If only Bob's tongue were made of glass....crap, I guess they'd still be able to post inane comments that completely miss the point. I guess we should hope for Bob to get hands of glass instead."

      -Anonymous Coward, Copyright [Circle-C symbol] 2013 ALL RIGHTS REVERSED if you STEAL THIS POEM you are a BAD PERSON and I'll call the INTERNET POLICE on you!!!!!

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    • identicon
      Mark, 14 Feb 2013 @ 11:12am

      Re: Ah, okay, so now you're for plagiarism too

      Ann again, you can read the words on the screen but cannot process the meaning.

      From the article - "There's nothing wrong with seeking proper attribution. But there are so many methods that work better than this"

      the issue the article raises is the tact and method used to get the attribution. Stating blatant lies about copyright law, Twitters TOS, who they are associated and many other methods harm the reputation of the author, and possibly kill any future associations other authors or publishers would be willing to have with him.

      Had he gone around sending a message to the twitter users who posted the quote, thanking them for spreading there work but asking to be attributed, they probably would have gotten a much more favorable result. For example, the story from yesterday where the developer reached out those who posted their game on TPB. ive-support-deletion-torrents.shtml,

      link to this | view in chronology ]

    • identicon
      Colin, 14 Feb 2013 @ 11:12am

      Re: Ah, okay, so now you're for plagiarism too

      You're right, because this story isn't about the approach that On Press is taking at all. Oh wait...

      There's nothing wrong with seeking proper attribution. But there are so many methods that work better than this.

      It's a lot of reading to get to that part, so I understand that you needed a little rest before you got that far.

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    • icon
      Matthew Cline (profile), 14 Feb 2013 @ 11:16am

      Re: Ah, okay, so now you're for plagiarism too

      But now, when faced with the potential to say something on behalf of the artist to defend this pro-publicity gambit, you don't hesitate to go negative on the artists. Whammo. Even asking for attribution is being greedy and selfish.
      But the artist didn't merely ask. If he'd just asked for attribution, I doubt that Tim would have cared. Instead, he:

      1) Started out with a threat of lawsuit.

      2) Threatened to get their Twitter account yanked (which meant he was either lying, or hadn't bothered to read Twitter's ToS).

      3) Lied about being a part of Knopf Publishing.

      4) Lied about Twitter setting up multiple accounts for him.
      And yet there you were grousing and complaining when Slashdot was grabbing your stories without attribution. Sheesh.
      Did he threaten to sue Slashdot, or threaten to get their ISP to yank their connection? If not, I don't see how they're comparable.

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    • identicon
      Anonymous Coward, 14 Feb 2013 @ 11:27am

      Re: Ah, okay, so now you're for plagiarism too

      "The anti-artist tilt of this blog is amazing."

      This isn't an anti-artists article, not even remotely. This is about someone going apeshit on Twitter (and various other websites) and resorting to making legal threats that have no basis in any current laws, all while committing what is essentially fraud. (Lest you overlook the Knopf Publishing factor, which they're claiming to be a part of.)

      "So many paragraphs about something so simple."

      Well when you boil it down completely... sure. But it is anything but simple, which the article (had you bothered to read it, but which you likely didn't) goes into depth pointing out and discussing further. Ranging from how it began, to where it went and likely will go.

      "In the past, this blog said we should all learn to love piracy because it would bring the artist more publicity."

      Never has that been said on this blog. What has been said is that wasting time fighting piracy is a never ending endeavor in futility, which is time that could be better spent doing something more fruitful. Like connecting with fans, creating and/or offering products that can't be pirated, etc.

      "The artist would then be able to trade this for more book sales or concert ticket sales or something else."

      Uh, no. The artists COULD potentially ignore the futility of fighting piracy and do something like I posted above, which would THEN POTENTIALLY transform into further sales of their product. But it's not at all the way you stated it to be. My way more accurately reflects what is advocated for on this site.

      "But now, when faced with the potential to say something on behalf of the artist to defend this pro-publicity gambit, you don't hesitate to go negative on the artists."

      No one is getting negative on the artist. You really need to practice reading comprehension.

      A situation has come to light, one in which an artist himself may be engaging in not only legal bully but potentially fraud (because I am a Texan and it is relatively common knowledge that presenting yourself as an attorney when you are not is a serious offense here).

      What is relevant to this website, which you obviously have no clue about, is that if it is the artist who is creating these abusive and fraudulent (lest we ignore the Knopf bit again, which you obviously did), is that should Shane be the one doing this legal as well as general bullying (in the form of insulting people online) he is going about things in a most harmful manner to himself as an artist.

      If it is him doing all this, which we aren't sure it is, he could have merely created a Twitter account of his own (as himself) and politely asked people to attribute the specific quoted poem to him, as he's the one who wrote it. Most gladly would. Many people love poetry and stories, but sometimes it's hard to find out who wrote them. So they don't attribute them to anyone or put "Unknown". Shane could easily have corrected this innocent oversight and potentially made a few fans, firstly by letting people know who he was to begin with and secondly by being cool about it. As in, "Hey, see you quoted that bit up there. Just so you know, I wrote that. I've got some other stuff you might be interested in if you liked that, feel free to check it out. Thanks! Have an awesome day!" Simple as that. (Maybe not so simple, since Twitter has a 160 character limit, but you get my point.


      Ah yes, the infamous I don't have a point so I'll make a one word declarative (and irrelevant) statement giving the false impression of any point up to this point having not been actually made.

      "Even asking for attribution is being greedy and selfish."

      I guess you missed the entire article where the artist himself has not actually asked for attribution, but instead resorted to legal bullying to have people take down the content. Keep in mind, he could have simply asked for attribution, assuming he is the one doing this, but instead he's making demands that people remove the content and spreading lies and misinformation about Twitter, copyright law, etc.

      So no, he didn't ask for attribution. As such he can't be considered greedy and selfish for doing so. And in point of fact, he wouldn't be even if he did ask for that, as no one would think it greedy or selfish to be acknowledged.

      "And yet there you were grousing and complaining when Slashdot was grabbing your stories without attribution."

      Techdirt has routinely stated people can do what they want with the articles here. Copy/paste them entirely elsewhere. At the end of the day, it'll drive traffic up here when people find them (through Big Search/Google... GASP!!!) and end up back here.

      Mike himself has stated this on more than one occasion, but of course you'd have to actually pay attention to what is being said to get that. As opposed to skimming things and then misinterpreting the few key words you look for and responding to that.


      That's exactly the word that pops into my head every time you post and every time I personally shred your comments to pieces line by line.

      It's like you don't learn that you're beyond retarded and some of us are more intelligent and going to debunk everything you say from the moment we see it.

      Sheesh. Go to a library. Make use of Google. But seriously, get a fucking clue. You've been around long enough and I've said it enough times to you that you'd think by now you'd use that thing between your ears (your brain) and try and learn something before posting pendejadas. ("Pendejadas" for those who don't speak Spanish is basically, "stupid, retarded nonsense/bullshit". It's a way of saying that someone is saying or writing such stupidity that it's hard to believe and doesn't need more than one word, in Spanish, to describe what's being said/written.)

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      • identicon
        Anonymous Coward, 14 Feb 2013 @ 12:24pm

        Re: Re: Ah, okay, so now you're for plagiarism too

        As a contributor to this site, I was doing the sort of thing we do in our downtime -- running a Twitter search for the term "infringement."


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    • identicon
      Anonymous Coward, 14 Feb 2013 @ 11:38am

      Re: Ah, okay, so now you're for plagiarism too

      Bob, please learn how to read. It is a useful skill to have in modern society.

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    • icon
      Capitalist Lion Tamer (profile), 14 Feb 2013 @ 12:21pm

      Re: Ah, okay, so now you're for plagiarism too

      Bob -

      Pretend this post is an anatomically-correct doll. Show me on the post where you stopped reading.

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      • icon
        GMacGuffin (profile), 14 Feb 2013 @ 12:42pm

        Re: Re: Ah, okay, so now you're for plagiarism too

        Pretend this post is an anatomically-correct doll. Show me on the post where you stopped reading.

        That Kills. Made me plotz.

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      • icon
        dennis deems (profile), 14 Feb 2013 @ 1:47pm

        Re: Re: Ah, okay, so now you're for plagiarism too

        It was time for a new keyboard anyway.

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  • icon
    crade (profile), 14 Feb 2013 @ 10:55am

    Sheesh, what a psycho.

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  • identicon
    Magical Mimi, 14 Feb 2013 @ 11:01am

    Is it wrong that I now think that everyone who reads this blog should basically C&P that poem onto our Facebook, Google+, Twitter, etc accounts and see if we can over load these idiots.

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    • icon
      BeaverJuicer (profile), 14 Feb 2013 @ 1:03pm


      I did just this... But both the onpress accounts that responded to me were suspended within 45 minutes... No play time for me :(

      link to this | view in chronology ]

    • identicon
      Anonymous Coward, 14 Feb 2013 @ 1:25pm


      Oh no, I was thinking the exact same thing!

      Actually, I was thinking of posting it, then replying "Suck it!" when the take down messages come.

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 14 Feb 2013 @ 11:02am

    What a sad little man.

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  • identicon
    Eykal, 14 Feb 2013 @ 11:04am

    So...basically, someone's being an idiot and shooting off their mouth and making a variety of threats because people posted a poem about not shooting off your mouth?

    I think that deserves some sort of award for services to irony.

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  • icon
    BeaverJuicer (profile), 14 Feb 2013 @ 11:05am

    This is a script... Got the same response within 30 seconds of tweeting this. Another boilerplate "we do this all the time" response to my good luck.

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    • icon
      btr1701 (profile), 14 Feb 2013 @ 11:28am


      > This is a script... Got the same response
      > within 30 seconds of tweeting this.

      I didn't get one when I tweeted it! Not even the trolls want to play with me. I'm so lonely...

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      • icon
        Mike Masnick (profile), 14 Feb 2013 @ 11:33am

        Re: Re:

        I didn't get one when I tweeted it! Not even the trolls want to play with me. I'm so lonely...

        Actually... I think you did, but it seems that Twitter has suspended a bunch of his accounts. I did a quick Twitter search a little while ago and was pretty sure I saw responses from one of the On Press accounts to your account

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        • icon
          btr1701 (profile), 14 Feb 2013 @ 11:42am

          Re: Re: Re:

          Huh, well it's not showing up in my feed in any event. Must have been from one of the suspended accounts.

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        • identicon
          Anonymous Coward, 14 Feb 2013 @ 11:54am

          Re: Re: Re:

          All the accounts mentioned in this article are now suspended. I took the liberty of posting the poem and got a reply too, but without threats. Maybe he's learning? :)

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          • icon
            BeaverJuicer (profile), 14 Feb 2013 @ 1:06pm

            Re: Re: Re: Re:

            All the 3 accounts that responded to me are suspended now.

            Dammit, what does a guy have to do for a little Troll Love on Valentines Day?

            I am tempted to download some Prenda Porn.

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    • icon
      Capitalist Lion Tamer (profile), 14 Feb 2013 @ 12:23pm


      Push it hard enough and you'll get some really interesting responses. Parts of it may be a script, but someone's behind the wheel when you really piss it off.

      Check out the Storify link for some more deviations.

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      • icon
        BeaverJuicer (profile), 14 Feb 2013 @ 1:21pm

        Re: Re:

        I think enough of us have been reposting it, that they gave up. I posted it again an hour ago, even misattributing it to someone else, and got no response at all

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        • identicon
          jackn, 14 Feb 2013 @ 1:49pm

          Re: Re: Re:

          I saw that misattribution. I looked up who you attributed it two. Thought it was real.

          There certainly have been a lot of tweets in the last two hours re glass tounges.

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  • identicon
    William T. Collector, 14 Feb 2013 @ 11:07am

    Bill Collectors & Telemarketers

    "...Let's just hope bill collectors and telemarketers don't discover this method."

    ShellMG: Much Thanks for this invaluable suggestion! Happy Valentine's Day!

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  • icon
    aethercowboy (profile), 14 Feb 2013 @ 11:07am

    "If only our tongues were made of glass, how much more careful we would be when we placed our feet in our mouths."

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  • identicon
    apauld, 14 Feb 2013 @ 11:08am

    Dear Sean,

    Instead of being polite and nicely introducing yourself to those that quoted you, and thus potentially gaining fans, you chose to attack an threaten. You have pretty much guaranteed that those people, and now many others will never think to purchase anything you are involved with. You should look into the quote "if only our tongues were made of glass, how much more careful we would be when we speak," and try to figure out what the author meant by it.
    The World

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  • icon
    mikez (profile), 14 Feb 2013 @ 11:11am

    sincerest form of flattery

    methinks this will beget a parody twitter account or two...

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  • identicon
    Gee, 14 Feb 2013 @ 11:12am

    This, Shaun Shane / Sean Insane, guy need his tongue made of glass, cause he doesn't know when to shut the hell up.

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 14 Feb 2013 @ 11:13am

    It seems that Shaun Shane has dropped the written poem art and has taken up "performance art"... Artists with no decency or moral, their longing for having a tongue made of glass. What a tragedy, what a comedy, what a selfparody...

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    • identicon
      Anonymous Coward, 14 Feb 2013 @ 2:48pm


      I have to be thinking that this is what this is - some sort of cyber performance art. And quite possibly the message is to make a point of making a mockery of the legal threats of copyright trolls by taking those tactics to an extreme over silly little tweets and other social media posts. Don't you find it odd that there don't appear to be any requests for money in any sort of way? He doesn't even appear to request that it be reposted with the attribution. He just wants to threaten. And the sillier and more outrageous the threats the bigger it becomes. At least that's my theory.

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  • identicon
    joelmbenge, 14 Feb 2013 @ 11:18am

    Sounds an AWFUL lot like my poem.

    "How much more careful would we speak with our tongues, if only they were made of glass?"

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    • identicon
      jackn, 14 Feb 2013 @ 12:53pm

      Re: Sounds an AWFUL lot like my poem.

      and a lot like mine....

      People with glass tounges shouldn't speak.

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  • identicon
    Dan Tobias, 14 Feb 2013 @ 11:18am

    Knopf Publishing

    Knopf Publishing should have an easy case against this jerk for passing him/her/themselves off as an imprint of that publisher when they aren't. I hope they sue and get millions of dollars in punitive damages awarded against them.

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  • icon
    dennis deems (profile), 14 Feb 2013 @ 11:26am

    If only your tweets were made of lead, I'd let them fall one by one upon your head.

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  • identicon
    Simon, 14 Feb 2013 @ 11:27am

    Ugh, that On Press tweeter sounds like a 14 year old brat.

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  • identicon
    Androgynous Cowherd, 14 Feb 2013 @ 11:32am

    So, what you're saying is...

    If you're only going to see the worst aspects, you'll never be anything more than a set of empty words and threats, spat endlessly into a void, covered in vitriol and self-righteousness.

    So, what you're saying is that On Press's tweets are a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing? ;)

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 14 Feb 2013 @ 11:43am

    If our tongues were made of Glass Life would suck as nothing would taste good.

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  • identicon
    coward (anon), 14 Feb 2013 @ 11:43am

    Preemptive counter suit

    I think a preemptive counter suit for misrepresentation, fraud, libel, harassment and stalking is in order.

    Just for fun, I'm going to start offering actual tongues of glass on my etsy page tonight. Maybe I can get ThinkGeek to pick them up. I'll help make Shaun famous whether he wants it or not!

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 14 Feb 2013 @ 11:57am

    Wouldn't it be more interesting if this was plagiarized from an 18th century poem say from a German Author and say the text of which would look maybe something like "Wenn nur unsere Zungen aus Glas wurden, wie viel vorsichtiger w�ren wir, wenn wir sprechen"

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  • icon
    Almost Anonymous (profile), 14 Feb 2013 @ 12:00pm

    shaun shane, wtf

    If you'd like a chuckle, check out his full (auto)biography on; I'm not going to link to it for fear of being held libel.

    And not to put to fine a point on it, but in my humble opinion his poetry is complete garbage, the kind of drivel that emo fourteen year olds write in high school.

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 14 Feb 2013 @ 12:00pm

    Makes me wonder if the On Press, Inc. located in California is getting all sorts of calls from this... Poor Scott - whoever he is...

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    • icon
      Capitalist Lion Tamer (profile), 14 Feb 2013 @ 12:25pm


      Definitely not this guy. I contacted him myself.

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      • icon
        That Anonymous Coward (profile), 16 Feb 2013 @ 5:01am

        Re: Re:

        His company name and location appears on a DMCA notice filed over this stupidity.

        He is the primary of the company and the notice claims to be sent by the owner of the company.

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        • identicon
          Joe Pullen, 20 Feb 2013 @ 7:22am

          Re: Re: Re:

          That would be Scott Schutzer - that is if and only if the troll twitter account hasn't lifted Scott's email and company website URL and falsely posted it on their twitter account.

          It does look like it might be him though as he does run a tiny little publishing company.

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 14 Feb 2013 @ 12:11pm

    Haha. actually does not have a plagiarism issue with either quote. The German is a grammatically incorrect direct translation, probably from Google Translate.

    What I find interesting is whoever is making these threats has as much of a grasp of grammar as they do the law.

    Not that mine is great either....

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  • identicon
    AB, 14 Feb 2013 @ 12:20pm

    Quote of the day (in my opinion):

    "If only our tongues were made of glass, how much more careful we would be when we placed our feet in our mouths."
    - aethercowboy, Feb 14th, 2013 @ 11:07am

    The true beauty of any artistic endeavor is that it can always be improved by someone else.

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 14 Feb 2013 @ 12:34pm

    On a roll, Tim

    Wow, Tim

    Your recent full on press coverage of teribuhl internet characters and their misdeeds makes me think you should try a safer career. Have you thought about a return to lion taming?

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  • icon
    Chris Knight (profile), 14 Feb 2013 @ 12:41pm


    "How little more cautious we would be when we talk, if just our tongues were made of something breakable."

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  • icon
    KnownHuman (profile), 14 Feb 2013 @ 12:50pm

    Heh, just for fun I'm going to run this by some friends at Random House, which currently owns KnopfDoubleday.

    Might as well stir things up at the other end.

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  • identicon
    Fin, 14 Feb 2013 @ 12:51pm

    Weird responces on twitter

    Every time i get a reply from quoting the poem the account sending the tweet suddenly gets blocked. Silly people :)

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  • icon
    Vidiot (profile), 14 Feb 2013 @ 1:19pm

    Don't apologize

    Long posts that tell riveting tales of idiocy are nothing to apologize for.

    And am I the only one who thinks that most of those threatening tweets smack of ESL?

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 14 Feb 2013 @ 1:29pm

    The troll bait idea was absolutely genius, a great way to turn the IP trollbots into an animal circus that you are pulling the strings to.

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  • identicon
    crichard, 14 Feb 2013 @ 1:35pm


    The names seem to have a pattern:
    Shaun Shane
    Sean Seans
    Mike Miche

    This does not carry over to the lawyer (James Roth), the book reviewer (Micheal Bradshaw) or the two ladies, but that looks like the way some one creates aliases.

    Interestingly enough, the ladies spell better than the men (who seem to be illiterate).

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 14 Feb 2013 @ 2:01pm

    My very own poem, Inspired by douchery

    If only my tongue was made of razor sharp glass,
    You could bend over as I cut up your ass.
    When you feel the pain and scream in fear,
    You will run away as the blood clots your rear.
    Perhaps if that happens you'll finally stop trolling,
    As no one gives a shit for your bawling.

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  • identicon
    On Press Inc, 14 Feb 2013 @ 2:04pm

    Shaun Shane

    Shaun Shane is dead. He died in 2010 and is buried in Connecticut. And Tim Roth is not in Texas. Your research efforts are sloppy. But, thank you for confirming that you can be reached at the Techdirt.

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    • icon
      Some Other AC (profile), 14 Feb 2013 @ 2:28pm

      Re: Shaun Shane

      Welcome welcome welcome!

      So nice to see it took the better part of a day for you to respond. Did you finally tire of the twitterverse? Or have you run out of aliases and the bots are getting overloaded trying to respond?
      Please enlighten us.

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      • identicon
        Joe Pullen, 20 Feb 2013 @ 8:38am

        Who's really behind it

        Company: On Press, Inc.
        Hoovers has an old or bad address as follows:
        806 Sylvandale Ave San Jose, CA 95111-1415 (address goes to a house) old phone # (408) 365-1040
        Industry: Miscellaneous publishing, nsk
        Key people: Scott Schutzer 49 years old
        Duns number 094082695
        Location Type: Single Location
        Facility Size (sq. ft.) (modeled): 2,095
        Owns/Rents: Rents
        Employees (All Sites): 2
        Key Financials: Annual Sales (Estimated) $110.00K
        DUNS Prescreen Score: Medium Risk
        From the current website:
        Above phone on his website goes to a small building office address of 1420 Stafford St Redwood City, CA 94063
        although the address on his website of 460 Lakeview Way Redwood City CA 94062 appears to go to a house not an office building

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        • identicon
          Joe Pullen, 20 Feb 2013 @ 11:42am

          Re: Who's really behind it - UPDATE

          Just an FYI - the company OnPressInc and it's owner may not be involved at all. It's just as likely a twitter troll is using the company name falsely to hid behind.

          I do not recommend nor condone harrassing the owner of OnPressInc. Please do not bother them.

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    • icon
      That Crazy Freetard (profile), 14 Feb 2013 @ 2:30pm

      Re: Shaun Shane

      Wow. Butthurt bully makes weak jab at article author.

      You sure showed 'em.

      I really do hope this winds up in court. The smackdown which will be lain upon you will be indescribable.

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    • icon
      Dark Helmet (profile), 14 Feb 2013 @ 2:38pm

      Re: Shaun Shane

      "But, thank you for confirming that you can be reached at the Techdirt."

      Given that you're getting your Twitter accounts banned left and right, given that you cannot spell let alone understand the legal issues in question, given that you're a complete bully throwing around a law you know nothing about....I can assure you that none of us here are remotely afraid of your baseless legal claims.

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      • identicon
        joePhoto, 15 Feb 2013 @ 8:28am

        Re: Re: Shaun Shane

        I am glad I found you too. I was wondering if you would please attribute the skyscaper photo that you got from shutterfly. Alot of work went into that photo and your using it without attribution hurts my feelings.


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    • identicon
      Anonymous Coward, 14 Feb 2013 @ 2:41pm

      Re: Shaun Shane

      Hahahahaha. Wow. This sounds almost as dumb/bad/not scary as when the trolls say, "Thank you for writing this. I'm going to forward it to my congressman and show them what you all think."

      Poor On Press Inc. I wonder if Knopf Publishing's legal counsel would be interested in knowing that you are misrepresenting yourself as a part of their company. Especially since while misrepresenting yourself as a branch of their company your douchebaggery (and lack glaring lack of knowledge of the law) you are doing harm to their company name.

      I love the internet and technology. Not the least reason for which is because when idiots get a hold of it/make use of it their stupidity is readily there for the world to see (and some who try and abuse the law get slapped down by it and those who actually know about it).

      On Press Inc sued by Knopf Publishing, which is owned by Random House, for misrepresentation/fraud. News at 11.

      Also, your grammar usage is poor and borders on illiterate. )

      Happy Valentine's Day!

      link to this | view in chronology ]

    • icon
      apauld (profile), 14 Feb 2013 @ 2:51pm

      Re: Shaun Shane

      Oh please. You know damn well that Shaun Shane is alive and well, cleaning the toilets at the Walmart he works at.

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    • identicon
      Gee, 14 Feb 2013 @ 4:14pm

      Re: Shaun Shane

      Troll baiting... Success

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    • identicon
      Anonymous Coward, 14 Feb 2013 @ 6:44pm

      Re: Shaun Shane

      If only our tongues were made of glass, how much more careful we would be when we speak.

      If only our tongues were made of glass, how much more careful we would be when we speak.

      If only our tongues were made of glass, how much more careful we would be when we speak.

      If only our tongues were made of glass, how much more careful we would be when we speak.

      If only our tongues were made of glass, how much more careful we would be when we speak.

      If only our tongues were made of glass, how much more careful we would be when we speak.

      If only our tongues were made of glass, how much more careful we would be when we speak.

      If only our tongues were made of glass, how much more careful we would be when we speak.

      If only our tongues were made of glass, how much more careful we would be when we speak.

      If only our tongues were made of glass, how much more careful we would be when we speak.

      link to this | view in chronology ]

    • identicon
      Anonymous Coward, 14 Feb 2013 @ 6:47pm

      Re: Shaun Shane

      And in other news, I've got a letter from a Nigerian prince with several chests full of money to send you, if you just send me some fees for administration...

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  • icon
    Karl (profile), 14 Feb 2013 @ 2:26pm

    "If only our tongues were made of glass, how much more careful we would be when we...":

    (a) Speak
    (b) Eat
    (c) Kiss
    (d) Perform oral sex
    (e) Get them pierced, like all the damn kids do nowadays
    (h) Bully the damn kids on social media sites
    (f) All of the above
    (g) All of the above at the same time

    Unfortunately, Shaun chose (a).

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 14 Feb 2013 @ 2:41pm

    I posted the poem and link to this article on both twitter and facebook

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  • identicon
    Khstapp, 14 Feb 2013 @ 3:13pm

    Search Twitter for this poem, The Striesand effect is hilariously enormous.

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  • identicon
    Toby, 14 Feb 2013 @ 4:17pm


    Seems to also use pseudonyms: Tammy Marshall?

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  • identicon
    Eric L., 14 Feb 2013 @ 5:04pm

    Hash Tag - #shaneseideffect

    Spread the love of free speech and freedom!

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 14 Feb 2013 @ 6:59pm

    If only our schlongs were made of glass, how much more careful we would be when we beat our meat.

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  • icon
    Internet Zen Master (profile), 14 Feb 2013 @ 7:10pm

    Dispatch from Internet Defense HQ

    Streisand Protocol has been invoked.

    Alert the channers to this scum's existence. Then go make some popcorn and watch the Internet tear this guy a new one.

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    • identicon
      Anonymous Coward, 15 Feb 2013 @ 2:00pm

      Re: Dispatch from Internet Defense HQ

      Yeah this definitely sounds like a job for 4chan.

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 14 Feb 2013 @ 7:13pm

    If our tongues were made of glass, we should be careful about throwing the first rock.

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  • identicon
    BeeGee, 14 Feb 2013 @ 7:47pm

    If only our tongues were made of glass,
    how much more careful we would be when we speak.

    Obvious troll, that's how I roll,
    I've been kicked around since I was born.

    But now it's all right, it's okay
    I will troll you every day.
    I will try, I will cry.
    Cause I'm a douche in every way.

    Whether you're a EDiot or whether you're a lurker
    Shane's still alive, still alive
    Feel the facade breakin' and everybody baitin'
    Shane's still alive, still alive.
    Ah, ah, ah, ah, Shane's alive, Shane's alive
    Ah, ah, ah, ah, Shane's ali-i-i-i-ive

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  • identicon
    Eric L., 14 Feb 2013 @ 8:42pm

    New development, we now get "thank you" messages.

    "@Morality124 Thank you for posting Tongues Made of Glass by Shaun Shane �"

    His plan all along?

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  • icon
    G Thompson (profile), 14 Feb 2013 @ 9:07pm

    If glass our tongues were made of
    Careful to make our speech would we

    ooohhhhh Transformation!

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  • identicon
    cy9, 14 Feb 2013 @ 9:12pm

    i own this poem

    "If only our fingers were made of glass, how much more careful we would be when we type."

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  • identicon
    Anthony Jeffries, 14 Feb 2013 @ 10:07pm

    response I got

    So I tweeted the poem. I got this:

    "InmHeu: @ajeffri we appreciate your posting Tongues Made of Glass by Shaun Shane"

    That's a link to the already mentioned Youtube video, in which he/she/it sounds like an utter douchebag.

    And then this:

    "InmHeu: @ajeffri your tweet gives it even more exposure. thanks"

    My response:

    "ajeffri: @InmHeu I think the Internet shitstorm from @techdirt is doing so much more"

    I guess he/she/it is learning a little? Streisand Protocol indeed.

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  • identicon
    farkyouShaneShaun, 14 Feb 2013 @ 10:33pm

    Shane Shaun SUXDIX every Saturdaynite

    Shane Shaun. What a MONUMENTAL effwit who CANNOT SPELL or use GRAMMAR properly. Go fuggggg yourself, Mr "Shaneful"

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  • icon
    TAKUMI (profile), 14 Feb 2013 @ 11:09pm

    If You use another's work uncredited in a reproduction ( Your Blog) you are, under copyright law required to credit the Author

    Hang on. When you use another's work uncredited, you have to credit the author?

    That is literally not possible. If you're using a quote uncredited, by definition, you can't credit the author at the same time. If you do credit the author while using the quote, it's no longer uncredited. Does On Press think that copyright law is supposed to be some kind of confusing Catch-22-type situation where it's impossible to follow the law because the law is inherently contradictory, therefore you are a violator? That... okay, that just makes my head hurt.

    Also, even if you overlook that part by reasonably interpreting it as "you have to credit the author afterward", they almost make it sound like if you falsely attributed the quote, it would be way more okay than using it without any credit at all, since you only really have to credit the author if you previously used the work uncredited.

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  • icon
    Ehud Gavron (profile), 14 Feb 2013 @ 11:23pm

    Another illiterate AKA found for him... Michael Bradshaw

    I bought a copy on AMZ. I wrote a review. Here is the response:

    Feb 14, 2013 6:50:07 PM PST
    Micheal Bradshaw says:

    This guy has never read Shane's book notice he doesn't have the certified Purchase from Amazon underneath his review. He just saw some immature idiots on the internet making a fuss about some other idiot who when he was told to credit Shane's work decided to throw a infantile temper tantrum. this guy just an idiot. Who writes a review about a book he hasn't read. Someone is emotionally disturbed like this guy

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  • icon
    Michael (profile), 14 Feb 2013 @ 11:43pm

    If only our thumbs were made of glass, how much more careful would we be when we tweat.

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 14 Feb 2013 @ 11:44pm

    Glass-tongue (v): The oxymoronic act of ruining any chance that people could ever again think you were anything but a douche.
    Usage: He glass-tongued himself off of twitter in 24 hours when everyone was told he was libel to sue them.

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  • identicon
    kenichi tanaka, 14 Feb 2013 @ 11:45pm

    This is hilarious. Shane's poem book on Amazon is starting to generate some interesting 1-star reviews as well as some equally hilarious comments by someone trying to defend Shane.

    Your guys have got to check these out: p_recent?ie=UTF8&showViewpoints=0&sortBy=bySubmissionDateDescending

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    • icon
      G Thompson (profile), 15 Feb 2013 @ 12:07am


      It seems all those who have bought this 'book' are lamenting the same thing:

      Here I sit broken hearted,
      paid ten bucks
      for what Shane sharted!

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      • identicon
        Anonymous Coward, 15 Feb 2013 @ 1:02am

        Re: Re:

        The right format for Haiku is 5-7-5.
        What do you mean is not Haiku?

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    • icon
      dennis deems (profile), 15 Feb 2013 @ 6:29am


      Somebody please get screen shots of this stuff before Amazon takes it down. Hilarious!

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 15 Feb 2013 @ 1:05am

    His tongue is obviously not made of glass, but appear to be lead.

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  • icon
    Richard (profile), 15 Feb 2013 @ 1:42am

    Test Tweet

    I just sent a test tweet from my account @TheGift73 and got a reply (via bot considering the speed of the reply) within 20 seconds /302347579058974721

    Nothing threatening so far, but it's only been 5 mins

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 15 Feb 2013 @ 1:46am

    The fact you guys are celebrating like this is quite the insight into how you apparently feel the other 364 days out of the year.

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  • icon
    Dark Helmet (profile), 15 Feb 2013 @ 4:42am

    Elcor Poetry

    The funny part of all this is the assertion that Shane is dead and the guys in the videos and calling around with their legal threats aren't all the same people.

    Newsflash, genius, it's a lot easier to claim you're not the same people when all of your voices, tones, and inflections don't sound like Elcor from Mass Effect....

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 15 Feb 2013 @ 5:06am

    Consider this...

    When I first read this article, my first reaction was "WTF? This guy is just batshit crazy!" But the more I thought about it, the more I got a clearer picture of what I think is going on. With IP issues, there are generally 3 types of people. There are the maximalists on one side that want to use it to squeeze every ounce of income they can out of the public. There are those outraged by these attempts and fight against them. And then there are the vast majority of people who don't know or seem to care about these issues at all because they don't think these issues affect them. It is this last group that is key. A substantial portion of the people who post and repost content in social media falls into this group and I think this is the group he may be trying to reach. By making baseless threats against these people he is making these issues affect them. I see this as leveraging the Streisand Effect to move them to care. By making the threats ridiculous he is showing how ridiculous the people who use these tactics are. It has been said that there is a fine line between genius and crazy and people who don't get it, will assume the latter.

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  • identicon
    Eric L., 15 Feb 2013 @ 6:08am

    Thanks and I'm better than you?

    So now, the basic pattern of Shaun's sock accounts is to thank people while claiming more bullshit about copyright infringement and fair use/fair dealing.

    I recommend everyone to say "your welcome" to passive-aggressive Shaun by flagging these accounts as spam.

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  • identicon
    Eric L., 15 Feb 2013 @ 6:28am

    Banhammer Mk. II

    Looks like his latest Twitter socks are getting the hammer. Since he has done the same thing over and over several times now, I think he is more than qualified for being insane by that classic definition.

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  • identicon
    Tommy C., 15 Feb 2013 @ 6:43am

    Sock accounts everywhere!

    Even on Michael Geist's blog (

    "Tammy said: To Tommy C.
    To Tommy C. the quote you posted is not really a quote but a poem by the Poet Shaun Shane entitled "Tongues Made of Glass" It's structured like this:
    if only
    our tongues
    were made
    of glass

    how much
    more careful
    we would be
    when we
    speak - Shaun Shane"

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  • icon
    Morality124 (profile), 15 Feb 2013 @ 8:47am

    More accounts baleeted

    It seems Twitter is catching on, more accounts including the apparently main one @ineaonpress have been suspended. My prediction is this just merely a harbinger of the legal shitstorm that Shane Shaun will have to deal with in the next few days.

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  • identicon
    Stephen S. Power, 15 Feb 2013 @ 9:57am

    Shane Has Changed His Tune--In a Good Way

    Check this out:

    I tweeted: Excellent TechDirt piece on troll threatening those who tweet short poem: "If only our tongues were made of glass..."

    And moments later I got this response: @Stephenspower Thanks again.Your tweeting of Shane's work brings it to a larger audience and so increases his book sales. Thanks!

    Goodbye Saul. Hello Paul.

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  • icon
    Morality124 (profile), 15 Feb 2013 @ 10:51am

    RE: Shane Has Changed His Tune--In a Good Way...not quite

    He's still claiming to be a part of Knopf, he still disseminating disinformation, and he still has not apologized for false threads, misleading people, and filing a false bad faith DMCA. Don't let his new socks fool ya.

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 15 Feb 2013 @ 5:38pm

    If only tongues were made of glass, we'd have not speech to be cautious of.

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  • icon
    That Anonymous Coward (profile), 16 Feb 2013 @ 4:40am

    So I was bored... when I get bored comedy happens...

    On Press Inc. has nothing registered with the copyright office.
    A Poem Is Nothing - No hits in the database.
    Shaun Shane - No hits in the database.
    Tongues Made of Glass - No hits.

    I wonder if anyone has informed Amazon they are offering a print on demand book that has no clear copyright, they could be assisting someone in ripping off an artist or assisting in commercial copyright infringement.

    As the people maintaining the artists online information have claimed the artist is dead, there is no registered copyright, no tangible leads to the alleged company, oh and misrepresenting themselves as part of a major publisher who has never heard of them... I think Amazon should consider the poor artist and stop the sales until such time as they produce the proper documentation to shore up their ownership claims.

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    • icon
      That Anonymous Coward (profile), 16 Feb 2013 @ 4:55am


      The crappy little company hosted on yahoo with a single page and the name on the corporate registration... yeah no hits in the copyright db either.

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  • identicon
    On Press Inc., 16 Feb 2013 @ 4:50pm

    We'd like to thank you

    This is On Press. We actually have to thank you Mr.Cushing. While at first we dimissed your post as simpleminded reactionism, you have brought quite abit of attention to Shane's work. So much so, that we have sold 3219 (as to this hour)of Shane's book in the last two days( more than we do in a month) and have recieved thousands of emails stating how much people like his work. So, by all means keep going. Your the best advertisment we have. Most people seem to not accept your position that using someone's work without credit is acceptable. With much thanks, On Press Inc.

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    • icon
      Morality124 (profile), 16 Feb 2013 @ 5:54pm

      Re: We'd like to thank you

      I think Howard Knopf would also like to thank you. By making you misuse of his name so visible to him, it will be much easier for him to drop a train on you.

      Those with glass tongues, break easier when getting crushed.

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    • icon
      Morality124 (profile), 16 Feb 2013 @ 6:09pm

      Re: We'd like to thank you

      Oh yeah, and I highly recommend you continue bragging about the revenue you've gained as a pretend division of Knopf. I'm sure a judge will be quite interested to hear it.

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    • icon
      Morality124 (profile), 16 Feb 2013 @ 6:17pm

      Re: We'd like to thank you

      Oops, meant *Alfred" Knopf. Oh well, I bet Howard Knopf would get a laugh out of you too. :)

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    • icon
      That Anonymous Coward (profile), 17 Feb 2013 @ 10:02am

      Re: We'd like to thank you

      I'm glad your happy Steve.
      By the way you pretending the material is covered by copyright does raise some questions.
      Its never been filed, so how do you keep from being sued for copy-fraud?
      I mean how can you hold the rights to anothers work when the rights were never assigned to your tiny little crap factory. Or is that your secret, is you take the work of self important poets who died and claim the work as your own and profit. No one is left to raise a fuss as you profit from the work of a deadman...
      Your willing to lie about the position of your company so its not a stretch to see you stealing an artists work to enrich yourself.

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    • identicon
      Anonymous Coward, 17 Feb 2013 @ 7:33pm

      Re: We'd like to thank you

      I really think this shows just how much more money you would make if you... I don't know... MARKETED the book, as opposed to chasing around teenagers on twitter with a big red 'INFRINGED' stamp...

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    • identicon
      Rusty, 21 Feb 2013 @ 10:50am

      Re: We'd like to thank you

      Say, to what email address were those thousands of laudatory emails sent?

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  • icon
    Ehud Gavron (profile), 16 Feb 2013 @ 6:38pm

    The funny thing is...

    I read this quote and thought I'd share it with you, but I've attributed it so I should be safe from Shaun's multiple personality disorder.

    "If only tongues were made of glass how much more careful we would be when we speak" -- Twitter


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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 16 Feb 2013 @ 8:44pm

    It's hilarious how On Press just posted their comment above with no real proof that they sold copies of that book. hey, I sold $32 million dollars in DVDs (but I have no proof of that).

    This is the internet so you have to believe me.


    Good one, Mr. On Press Inc. Tell another lie.

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  • icon
    Ehud Gavron (profile), 17 Feb 2013 @ 10:21am

    Illiteracy of the Shaun-personalities

    Dear Multi-Personalities-Of-Shaun:

    Your means "owned by you."
    You're means "you are".

    Sentences need verbs to not be fragments>

    Now here we go:
    > I'm glad your happy Steve
    There's that your/you're thing I was mentioning.

    > By the way you pretending the material is covered by copyright does raise some questions.
    There's that lacking a verb thing I was mentioning.

    Kindly take your multi-personality-disorder self and go all the way back to the third grade. That way you can learn that words that sound the same (your, you're, it's, its, there, their, they're) don't mean the same thing. You'll also learn sentence diagramming, which will help your illiteracy as you'll see verbs really ARE required in a sentence.

    Need more meds. The Shaun multi-personality-beast appears stupid and illiterate. This will not sell more bs books of hokey poems.

    If only our tongues were made from glass would ass-kissers cause bleeding rectums?


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    • icon
      Morality124 (profile), 17 Feb 2013 @ 11:38am

      Re: Illiteracy of the Shaun-personalities

      Um, I don't know if you realize Ehud, but the comment you are quoting was against Shaun/Steve/James/Mike/Sean/Micheal.

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  • icon
    Ehud Gavron (profile), 17 Feb 2013 @ 11:56am

    Confusion of the Shauns

    Sorry, I get them all confused, the pseudo-shauns, the fake-shauns, the other personalities, and the ones who argue against them.

    How sharper than a child's tooth it is to have a thankless serpent.

    If only our tongues were made of glass we'd be silicon beings from Star Trek.

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 18 Feb 2013 @ 7:20pm

    Am I the only person that sees the irony in a poem about carefully choosing one's words being used as a club by someone who obviously doesn't understand the meanings of the words they're using?

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  • icon
    Sheogorath (profile), 18 Feb 2013 @ 9:28pm

    Be careful

    As the guy says himself, "Be careful where you stick your (legal) pecker or you might get burned.

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  • icon
    Alasdair Fox (profile), 20 Feb 2013 @ 4:42am

    If only your fingers were made of glass,
    how funny would it be to watch them shatter in impotent copyrage?

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  • icon
    Ehud Gavron (profile), 20 Feb 2013 @ 7:36am

    Something for Twitter...

    A hilarious descripton of how a multiple-personality syndrome schizophrenic feels during his daily therapy session. Please repost on twitter as appropriate. This is merely a snippet from a book, which I'm using to demonstrate schizophrenia. (fair use.)

    he bounced
    he bounced
    he pinned

    the mouse
    the cat
    bit in

    then chewed
    from limb
    to limb

    now the
    mouse now
    so sad

    but the

    what a

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  • icon
    Ehud Gavron (profile), 20 Feb 2013 @ 12:22pm

    Perhaps Tim or someone who is a reporter can contact On Press and see what their take is on this...

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  • identicon
    Virginia Llorca, 20 Feb 2013 @ 2:29pm

    these words

    Of importance to be gleaned from all of the above, some of the above:
    "actual proven damages".

    Lots more yelling about DRM today, also. Thought bit torrent laid that to rest a few years back.

    Now go wash the dishes or walk the dog.

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  • identicon
    MED, 2 Apr 2013 @ 10:50am

    If Only...

    If only our brains were made of glass,
    How easy it would be to see when nothing is there...

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  • identicon
    Marko, 3 Sep 2013 @ 10:49pm


    This guy just blocked my Facebook account over a souvenir photographed on a vacation that has a fraction of a song.

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  • icon
    Ehud Gavron (profile), 3 Sep 2013 @ 11:11pm

    What do you mean "blocked my Facbook account"? What does that mean?

    "over a souvenir"? Also what does this mean?

    "that has a fraction of a song"? Also what does this mean.

    Seriously looks like another delusional Shaun persona.


    More antipsychotic drugs please.


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  • identicon
    zar athustra, 14 Nov 2013 @ 4:51am

    Literary Hilarious!

    On PoetHunter: "Literary nothing is known of his personal life"

    Wait, what...

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  • identicon
    Kronomex, 3 Dec 2013 @ 1:43pm

    After reading this article and links all I can say is that Shaun Shane and his many a.k.a.'s is a small pathetic excuse of a man with massive delusions of grandeur.

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  • identicon
    Stromwandler, 6 Sep 2016 @ 12:58am


    wow good very nice pace thanks

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  • identicon
    tom, 26 Jul 2017 @ 4:20am

    checkout technologry related blog

    techniolgy blog new all best posts :

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