one thing we need to do is not fall back on the "sheeple" idea. It provides a scapegoat for those who are on the fence.
i agree
i've been turned quite sour from years of trying to gain support to things ("oh my that's so horrible! well, gotta go, the superbowl's on!") & hitting dead ends at every turn
We need to pull them over.
and that's something i have no idea how to do, most of the time they seem pretty happy to kick back and eat some popcorn as the struggle goes on, for every sheeple out there's one person who genuinely don't want to get involved with it
copyright is more than a disease, it is a religion, of which there are many MANY zealot fanatics & fandumb sheeple who've been bullied and/or pressured into going along with it
from the MAFIAA to the control-freak artist, it is maintained by some of the most unbelievably rude, disrespectful, egotistical & self-entilted spoiled brats i ever had the misfortune of knowing
it isn't just a disease it is a self-repairing, world-eating cancer, of which i know no cure, perhaps the secret lies with the people behind it, and of that i know no solution for either
i believe a good step towards a solution would be to create content sites that go by creative commons (specifically CC-BY-SA) where people who are into free content have a special place to go, right now there is none and that is a huge problem
cannot take on this disease head-on, nor it's masters, but we can dissolve it slowly by making our own copyright free corner of the net
i would very much like to make such a site, but i don't think anyone would join it, so until i see support or interest i won't say no more on it
the sheeple's gotta have their ... whatever big MAFIAA star is making movies/songs right now
you try and talk them into boycotting they probably won't even know what the word means, nor find the cause "important" enough to support, heck, they probably WANT to give them money because they've been long since brainwashed by the piracy propaganda
Or Anonymous could do more than simply take down websites. Why do they stop with that, when they could do so much more? Deprive these companies of their money by penetrating their accounts, and they would be crippled indefinitely. Without money, they have no power. Expose their hidden files and communications for everyone to see, hack into the broadcast transmissions so that the signal by Anonymous in which they explain the truth of what's going on overrides that of all regular channels and thus, the large majority of people would be unavoidably exposed to it.
i'd join in on that, i don't even know how to hack but i am very willing to learn how for such a cause
but the problem is i would be one of the handful willing to do so, it is nearly impossible to get people to rise, unite for a cause or do just about anything
maybe if you posted it on 4chan maybe some of the bored trolls might try to do it, but that's not a guarantee either
there is no greater deterrent of effort and breeder of content indifference than knowing the cause you seek requires more than you to accomplish, yet nobody will help or care, all stuck in their own little mires of effort-devoid, content indifference
even if you where to round up every willing, intelligent person with more depth than a sheet of paper (of which i would be one) and have them all united, we would still be outnumbered a million to one by sheeple and idiots
the only way to win is become a better shepard than the current ones in power, maybe i should just try and become the next hitler, it seems to be the only way to get people to do anything
Perhaps he just thinks the White House wants to "pirate" more things.
it has come to my attention that those who are doing something the most (piracy, not "filesharing", PIRACY, as in, i nick you out of every cent and penny) always have this assumption that everyone else is either doing it to them or just doing it in general
On the post: Is Using A Piece Of Existing Music In A Film To Underline An Emotion 'Rape' - Or Just The Way Cinema Works?
Re: I'm confused..
On the post: Is Using A Piece Of Existing Music In A Film To Underline An Emotion 'Rape' - Or Just The Way Cinema Works?
On the post: DailyDirt: Cooking Up Some Mystery Meat
On the post: OK, So SOPA And PIPA Are Both On Hold: Where Do We Go From Here?
Re: Re: Re: But how
i agree
i've been turned quite sour from years of trying to gain support to things ("oh my that's so horrible! well, gotta go, the superbowl's on!") & hitting dead ends at every turn
and that's something i have no idea how to do, most of the time they seem pretty happy to kick back and eat some popcorn as the struggle goes on, for every sheeple out there's one person who genuinely don't want to get involved with it
On the post: OK, So SOPA And PIPA Are Both On Hold: Where Do We Go From Here?
copyright is more than a disease, it is a religion, of which there are many MANY zealot fanatics & fandumb sheeple who've been bullied and/or pressured into going along with it
from the MAFIAA to the control-freak artist, it is maintained by some of the most unbelievably rude, disrespectful, egotistical & self-entilted spoiled brats i ever had the misfortune of knowing
it isn't just a disease it is a self-repairing, world-eating cancer, of which i know no cure, perhaps the secret lies with the people behind it, and of that i know no solution for either
i believe a good step towards a solution would be to create content sites that go by creative commons (specifically CC-BY-SA) where people who are into free content have a special place to go, right now there is none and that is a huge problem
cannot take on this disease head-on, nor it's masters, but we can dissolve it slowly by making our own copyright free corner of the net
i would very much like to make such a site, but i don't think anyone would join it, so until i see support or interest i won't say no more on it
On the post: OK, So SOPA And PIPA Are Both On Hold: Where Do We Go From Here?
Re: But how
the sheeple's gotta have their ... whatever big MAFIAA star is making movies/songs right now
you try and talk them into boycotting they probably won't even know what the word means, nor find the cause "important" enough to support, heck, they probably WANT to give them money because they've been long since brainwashed by the piracy propaganda
On the post: Did DOJ Provoke Anonymous On Purpose?
Re: Re: Re:
On the post: Did DOJ Provoke Anonymous On Purpose?
Re: Re:
i'd join in on that, i don't even know how to hack but i am very willing to learn how for such a cause
but the problem is i would be one of the handful willing to do so, it is nearly impossible to get people to rise, unite for a cause or do just about anything
maybe if you posted it on 4chan maybe some of the bored trolls might try to do it, but that's not a guarantee either
there is no greater deterrent of effort and breeder of content indifference than knowing the cause you seek requires more than you to accomplish, yet nobody will help or care, all stuck in their own little mires of effort-devoid, content indifference
On the post: Did DOJ Provoke Anonymous On Purpose?
Re: Re: Re:
even if you where to round up every willing, intelligent person with more depth than a sheet of paper (of which i would be one) and have them all united, we would still be outnumbered a million to one by sheeple and idiots
the only way to win is become a better shepard than the current ones in power, maybe i should just try and become the next hitler, it seems to be the only way to get people to do anything
On the post: The Internet Wins: PIPA & SOPA Delayed
now that it's delayed everyone will just go to their holes and forget about the whole thing
On the post: The Internet Strikes Back: Anonymous Takes Down, RIAA, MPAA Sites To Protest Megaupload Seizure
On the post: The Internet Strikes Back: Anonymous Takes Down, RIAA, MPAA Sites To Protest Megaupload Seizure
if you mean "lawlessness" as in "dosen't give a fuck about oppressive, broken bullshit laws like copyright" you're right
if you mean "lawlessness" as in saying a nice big "FUCK YOU" to the true leeches and trash of society, you're abso-fucking-lutely right
if this is the kind of "lawlessness" the internet promotes, then i hope it never stops
i hope it goes on, 'till the next things that's censored is the MAFIAA, and all their supporters... "permanently"
On the post: The Internet Strikes Back: Anonymous Takes Down, RIAA, MPAA Sites To Protest Megaupload Seizure
Re: Re: Poor judgement on Anonymous
though i think it was already true to begin with, the government was never on nobodies side but their own
you know what they say about governments are like diapers, well i think it's time for a serious diaper change
On the post: Hollywood Studio Execs Upset That President Obama Didn't Stay Bought; Insist They Won't Donate More
On the post: Hollywood Studio Execs Upset That President Obama Didn't Stay Bought; Insist They Won't Donate More
On the post: Andy Samberg, Neil Gaiman, Trent Reznor, Aziz Ansari, Adam Savage & More Tell Congress: Don't Pass PIPA Or SOPA In Our Names
Re: How I know Wikipedia isn't working...
just try and go any art community site, say that and see how far you'll get
On the post: It's Official: Wikipedia To Go Dark On Wednesday
Re: Re:
On the post: It's Official: Wikipedia To Go Dark On Wednesday
it does protect them.... American entertainment industry's jobs
On the post: Rupert Murdoch Lashes Out Bizarrely Against The White House For Asking Congress Not To Break The Internet
Re: Re: Re:
People don't want the horse and buggy anymore. They don't want the MAFIAA's outdated method of control either.
So, now you're also in denial of, on top of a total failure when it comes to understanding, the accuracy of the analogy. Nice job.
On the post: SOPA/PIPA Supporters Pretend White House Statement Means We Can Rush Through SOPA/PIPA
it has come to my attention that those who are doing something the most (piracy, not "filesharing", PIRACY, as in, i nick you out of every cent and penny) always have this assumption that everyone else is either doing it to them or just doing it in general
SOPA/PIPA are a monopoly on piracy
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